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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 640
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Chapter 640 Alfred Is Coming

Kevin caused quite a stir in the meeting room. So, I could only greet him with a smile before I quickly made my way

into his office.

Kevin returned to his office with Emma and Ciara a few minutes later. Emma's gaze was fixed on Kevin's lunch box

when he opened it, and she asked enviously, "Why isn't there one for me? You're so unfair, Renee!"

I only laughed. "Aren't you going home soon?"

I recalled that Emma lived nearby at that instant.

"I am. Christopher is still waiting for me at home."

Kevin sarcastically said when he heard that, "See? You have someone at home who cooks for you. What else do you

want? The door is that way."

Emma smiled before she left the office with Ciara. The latter only nodded at me before leaving the office. Then, I

asked Kevin, "What was the meeting you were having with them about?"

Kevin answered while he was having his lunch, "The software development has entered the final stage. We just

discussed the progress in the meeting."

"Isn't Ciara a scientist?"

Does she know about software development as well?

"We don't understand geniuses like her, but she can certainly provide some help. Besides, Diego is currently on a

business trip, and he didn't know that Ciara is at headquarters."

"When is Diego coming back to headquarters?" I asked.

"Tomorrow. He'll find out about Ciara when he comes back to the company."

"I see." Kevin added, "News just came in this morning that Colin was caught. The ransom that the kidnappers'

demand is huge, and he doesn't have that much cash. So, he called me for help."

I was surprised and asked, "How did he run low on cash? I just transferred 90 million dollars to him not too long ago.

He shouldn't be that poor with that money."

Kevin replied, "He is a materialistic person. He will start buying antiques or mansions whenever he has money. It's

hard for him to keep saving."

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"Are you going to save him, Kev?"

Kevin was shocked when he heard me. "What? Am I crazy enough to use my own money just to save him? He

deserves what he had gotten himself into. I'm not that generous to save his *ss! Besides, I am not associated with

WT. Therefore, I have no reason to care about his life!"

The full name of W Group was WT.

We were used to calling it Group W.

"But he must've contacted you because he thought you would save him."

Kevin patted my head and laughed. "How could that be possible? He was just trying his luck everywhere to

maximize his chances to pull through! Our relationship is as bad as it gets, so he must have contacted many other

people besides me. He definitely contacted those rich people from WT who have money to spend."

"There aren't many rich people in Group W. Aimes is one of them."

Kevin replied confidently, "Aimes won't help him."

I curiously asked, "Why is that?"

"Aimes isn't a charity worker who helps people everywhere. Besides, he's been seeking investment to expand the

Murray Family's scale recently."

I continued to ask, "What about Colin? What's going to happen to him"

"In my opinion, I don't think the kidnappers want money. Maybe they just wanted to teach him a lesson for being so

cocky and high-profile without any sort of backup plans. We don't need to bother about him."

I realized Colin was indeed the kind of person Kevin said he was after giving it some thought.

I didn't even feel bad when I heard that he was kidnapped.

"Enjoy your lunch, Kev. I'm going to see Shawn," I said.

Just then, Kevin asked, "Are you the one who handled the documents yesterday?"

I was surprised, and I asked, "How did you know?"

"The way you handled some parts of the documents doesn't match Shawn's style. So, I guessed it must have been

you. I was quite surprised when I realized it this morning. To be honest, your method looks quite professional."

There was a huge number of documents that Shawn needed to tend to. He couldn't possibly guide me through

each and every one. He had a cup of coffee, strolled in the garden for twenty minutes, and even took a nap during

his break. I had to make my own decisions on how to deal with the documents when he wasn't there. But I never

expected that Kevin would find out.

Then, I proudly asked, "How did I do? Did Shawn spend time rectifying them? Are they usable?"

"There is nothing to rectify at all. It's really impressive work from you! You were once the president of Felix

Corporation, Ree. So, maybe I shouldn't be too surprised that you could handle them naturally."

I added proudly, "Although Mr. Reyes bought me other diplomas behind the scenes, I'm still just a middle school

graduate in reality. However, I've been learning from the senior members of the Felix Family since I was fourteen.

Then, I managed Felix Corporation for a full six years after learning from their experiences. These six years were

the most exhausting part of my life, and it lasted until I turned twenty and got married to Nicholas. After that, I

finally could relax for a bit. Even though I haven't been in charge of business matters in recent years, I still know my

capabilities inside out. Look at Xenos Solutions for an example. I learned how to take care of and manage Xenos

Solutions for 8 months during my pregnancy. Don't underestimate me. Even though I may seem to have nothing to

do, I still know how things work in my mind. Besides, Shawn has been teaching me everything he knows whenever

he has the time."

"You really took my words to heart, huh?" Kevin replied.

I only glared at him before leaving. I only knew a few people in Shawn's headquarters. Besides, Diego and Emma

weren't in the company right now, so I went back to Shawn's office on the top floor."

I pushed open the door when I got there, and I saw Shawn sitting in his office chair with his eyes closed. He opened

his eyes when he heard the sound of the door opening, and he took a look at me. I walked over to him and said,

"Don't mind me."

However, he softly called me over, "Come here."

I placed my hand on his shoulder following that. Then, Shawn hugged my waist and brought me into his arms. He

asked in a soft and gentle voice with his chin resting on my shoulder, "What did you do this morning?"

"I played with the kids and taught Eilam how to play the piano."

"Eilam is a smart kid, but he is getting shyer and gloomier. I wonder if it had something to do with me or it's just the

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way he develops."

I asked surprisingly, "Do you care about what Emma said in the group chat?"

"No. I'm only thinking about him."

I explained following that, "Eilam has always been quiet. Besides, he is bound to have his own opinions at his age.

So, you shouldn't worry too much about such things."

"You're right. I'm only trying to start a conversation with you."

Shawn was an introvert who preferred not to talk whenever possible. He was only trying to do his part as a husband

when he talked to me, and I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of that.

I touched his face with both hands and kissed his forehead after that. Shawn closed his eyes as he enjoyed the

moment before saying all of a sudden, "Alfred contacted me."

I immediately got interested, and I asked, "What does he want from you?"

"I was supposed to meet Alfred a few days ago, but our trip to Iceland was delayed due to an accident. Now, Alfred

decided to come to Finland to discuss this with me in person as he noticed that I'm not making any effort to go to

him again."

"Do you want to cooperate with Sir Larson?"

Shawn opened his eyes and asked, "What about it?"

"I always feel the relationship between you two is funny. I don't know if Sir Larson is trustworthy as well. Are you

sure he is worth your trust?"

Shawn answered indifferently, "Trust is a luxurious item in the world of business. We are only cooperating for

mutual benefit. Alfred wants to work with me because he needs my help. He will still treat me as an enemy in

secret after this cooperation is over. It's not about him, it's just how things work in business."

Then, Shawn kissed my lips and added, "It doesn't mean that Alfred and I can truly get along peacefully even

though you and May may be best friends, Ray. The same goes for Rudy Adams. He and I have been competing with

each other for so many years, and he will definitely leave you in the future when he wants to make a comeback

even though he is now serving you."

"Of course, I understand. That's precisely why I feel things are more complicated than they look, and that's why I

asked you if Sir Larson is worth trusting. It seems like we are worrying about the same thing after all. So, what is the

cooperation about?"