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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 638
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Chapter 638 Shawn’s Day Off

"Diego doesn't know about this yet. I heard that it was Ciara who kept it a secret, and she's here to help Emma."

"It's only a matter of time before Diego finds out about it," I replied convincingly.

Kevin continued in a low voice, "Ciara must have a mental illness or something. Besides, people say that scientists

such as her are either geniuses or mad. I don't think Diego really has feelings for her."

Kevin was always at the forefront when it came to gossip.

"What does that mean?" I asked in surprise.

"Don't be fooled by Diego's calm look. He's still an outstanding man with great pride. Why would he like a mentally

unstable woman like Ciara? Plus, she was also sexually assaulted by her stepbrother, and she lacks confidence and

is always insecure. She is a mess, and Diego certainly isn't a saint who has to save her by being together with her!"

Kevin knew about Ciara's situation like the back of his hand.

I felt like there was nothing he didn't know.

However, I had a feeling that Diego wanted to choose her.

I spoke up for Ciara following that, "It wasn't her fault. I mean, look at what had happened to her. I can't say for

sure that I would be doing better than her if I was in her shoes, Kev. That's why I think she's a brave woman."

"You're right, but Diego is not a man who's into charity. Trust me, he and Ciara won't last. Besides, I've heard Diego

complain about Ciara's negativity lately. He'll run out of patience to be together with someone like her soon


"I can see that you're still keeping everything simple. But I can see there's a chance for them to work it out, and

maybe they will live happily together," I replied optimistically.

"That's impossible." Kevin sneered.

"You're awfully sure about yourself, Kev. It's like you don't want to see Diego happy. Don't tell me that you're still

holding a grudge against him after that one time. I'll go see Ciara and help Diego out when I have the time."

"Don't you have anything else to worry about?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Kevin asked unimpressed before leaving. Then, I took the documents and went to the study upstairs. "Kev just

brought you some documents. But don't worry about them today. You should rest."

"Okay, I'm going to bed soon."

Shawn was reading books when I entered his room, and I noticed the books were handwritten. The handwriting was

so tidy that the books looked like they were printed materials.

"Why were they handwritten?" I asked.

"These are your father's memories. I'm reading them since I have nothing else to do now. They recorded

everything about the Xenos Family, down to the smallest detail."

The books were diaries of my biological father.

Joseph once said that Shawn had brought them to Finland.

I only leaned closer to him before saying, "Oh? Go on then."

Shawn asked softly, "Aren't you interested?"

"I don't want to know about his past. I'll only feel hurt if I see these. Just let me be. Who knows, maybe I'll want to

learn about it after a few years. What about you, Sunny? Have you always been this busy all these years? Look at

you, you barely stop for a moment with all this high-intensity work at hand!"

Shawn glanced at the diaries as he answered, "It's not that bad. But I do often find myself unable to keep up the

pace sometimes. Perhaps I've spoiled Kevin and the others too much by doing as many things as possible myself.

Now, I plan to let them take over my responsibilities gradually, especially in Europe. Ian and Diego are still needed

there while Kevin takes care of the business plans in the country. As for me... Well, I plan to take a break for a while

after this busy period before I take care of Eldham's affairs when the time comes."

"You totally deserve a rest."

"You're right. I'm really exhausted."

Shawn admitted that he was tired of work for the first time.

Even I got tired of watching him as he was always hard at work.

"Don't rush things in Finland if that's the case. Take your time. We can go back to Bryxton after you're done with it."

I added before Shawn could reply, "Skyler and River's first birthday is at the end of the month. I'm thinking of

inviting Emma, Kevin, and the others to have a party in Finland. What do you think, Sunny?"

Shawn looked at me and asked, "What did Kevin just say to you?"

Shawn was smart indeed.

I only nodded as I tried to change the subject. "What? Why did you ask that all of a sudden? Kev just talked about

Ciara and Diego."

Shawn withdrew his gaze as he replied, "It's nothing. Let's talk about that later. Maybe we can finish the business in

Finland before the kids' birthday. Then, we'll go back to Bryxton to celebrate. Bryxton is your home after all. All your

relatives are there along with Skyler and Leo's grandparents."

Shawn was always thoughtful of me.

"Alright, let's do that, but I need to handle the documents Kev just brought. Just advise me from the side so that you

don't have to waste too much time and energy on it."

Shawn only smiled. "But that will also take up my time and energy."

"Just pretend as if we're chatting."

Shawn reached out and touched my head before asking, "What makes you think that chatting to you is easy, Ray?"

I was left speechless.

I didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Shawn pinched my ear and asked softly after I turned my head and fiddled with my phone, "Are you angry? Who's

being petty now, Ray?"

I replied sullenly, "No, I'm not."

However, Shawn was even more convinced that I was unhappy after that. "See? You really are angry."

I only grinned. "I was just kidding."

Then, Shawn laughed. "You little..."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Shawn went to bed very early that night, and he woke up late in the morning. He came downstairs in his casual

attire after I had prepared breakfast and carried Skyler and River to the yard. I brought the breakfast outside and

shouted to Eilam, who was exercising in the distance, "Come and have breakfast. We'll have oatmeal for the


Eilam went to the living room to wash his hands before coming out with a mat. Meanwhile, Shawn put the children

on the mat and let them play by themselves. He strolled in the yard for a few after breakfast, and he went back to

the study. I looked for him upstairs after I finished cleaning the kitchen.

I opened the door of the study and asked, "Do you want some coffee?"

"Do you have tea?"

"Of course, I'll go make some for you."

I went downstairs to make some tea for Shawn following that. I saw him dealing with documents when I brought the

tea upstairs, and I hurriedly said, "Let me help you."

Shawn didn't refuse. He moved aside and let me sit next to him, and I listened to his instructions as I reviewed the


Mr. Briar came over with another batch of documents just as we finished dealing with what was on the table. Shawn

patiently explained, "Those were from yesterday, and these are today's work. Let's continue."

It was almost noon when we finally finished reviewing all the documents.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare for lunch after that. It was already two in the afternoon by the time

everyone had lunch. Shawn and I relaxed on the top floor by basking in the sun since there were no more

documents to be reviewed in the afternoon, and Shawn dozed off before long. He sighed and said when he woke

up, "I haven't had such a long break in the past two months."

"Don't tell me that you are planning to return to work tomorrow."

Shawn laughed after hearing me. "You understand me pretty well. I'll go back to the company to deal with the

remaining tasks tomorrow."

Shawn only rested for a day.

"Can't you rest for a few more days?"