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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 631
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Chapter 631 The Scapegoat, Kevin

Troy's career in the entertainment industry was flourishing, so it seemed impractical for him to abruptly leave and

enlist in the military. Moreover, he was still young and had the opportunity to establish his own company in the

coming years.

I asked Amy, "What does Troy think about this?"

"He said that every generation in his family has someone enlisting in the military. It's a tradition for them, and he

decided to comply with the arrangement and join the army."

"What about you then?" I asked.

Amy carefreely replied, "What can I do? Of course, I'll support him! Besides, it's not like we won't be able to see

each other anymore. I can go to his city and visit him during his holidays. It's just that my journey in the

entertainment industry will lose its meaning. However, he advised me to finish filming this movie. He also decided

to participate in it as his final farewell to the entertainment industry. I know he's doing it for me."

Amy was such a loser, dying over and over again in the game. I escaped and said, "He's using his fame to pave the

way for you."

Amy replied, "Yes, since you've paved the way for me, I can't just leave halfway. Besides, there's nothing bad with

him being in the army for the next few years. After all, we're still young and can endure the separation. I can also

take care of my family business during this period."

I smiled and said, "You've thought it through quite well."

It wasn't until much later that I learned about Troy's family background. The Robles Family was a traditional military

family with glorious ancestry. Enlisting in the military was their tradition, and they took pride in it.

After one game, I lost interest. Amy's incompetence had dampened my enthusiasm completely.

Well, I wasn't any better either.

Amy wanted to continue playing, so I had no choice but to play two more rounds with her. Finally, when I was freed,

Emma sent a message in the group chat. 'Renee, I'm in so much pain. Please save me!'

Amy replied, 'What happened?'

'I've already done 80 squats, 60 burpees, and even did a squat for 10 minutes. Now, I'm running around the

company. Shawn said I have to complete 30,000 steps. I'm dying!'

I was speechless.

Shawn went to the company and dealt with Emma in the meantime.

Seeing Emma in such agony, I quickly called Shawn. He answered the phone in a gentle voice and asked, "Do you

want to plead on Emma's behalf?"

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"Yes, there's no need to punish her for her actions in the group chat," I said.

"She was about to go off work early without my knowledge. Emma, Kevin, Diego, and Ian have very flexible working

hours. I have never imposed any restrictions on them before. However, we are currently in a special period, and I

have issued strict orders. No one is exempted from following the rules until the task is completed. She and Kevin

have violated the rules. I am just giving a minor punishment to serve as a warning."

Shawn had his way of doing things.

I asked out of curiosity, "Why didn't you punish Kevin?"

"I didn't catch him on the spot."

So, it seemed that Emma was the unfortunate one to be used as a cautionary example to deter others!

She was really unlucky!

"Fine, have it your way."


As soon as Shawn arrived at the company, he encountered Emma at the entrance, carrying a bag and removing

her work badge, ready to leave early.

He remembered that he had given strict orders before, stating that no one should leave their posts until the task

was completed during this special time.

Then he remembered the things she had said in the group chat.

Since that was the case, he decided to use her as a warning to the others.

He stopped and asked, "Where are you going?"

Emma lied nervously, "I'm going to have dinner. I'll come back to work overtime later. Kevin is waiting for me

outside. I'll go and find him first."

Shawn ordered, "Eighty squats, sixty burpees, ten minutes of squat hold, and then run thirty thousand steps. Once

you've completed these, you don't have to work overtime anymore. I'll give you a day off tomorrow."

Emma's face turned pale instantly as she said, "No, no, Shawn. I love working. I want to come and work tomorrow."

"Weren't you asking for a day off?"

She did say that in the group chat.

Emma was speechless. "That's not what I meant…"

Shawn firmly said, "Go and do it."

Emma felt hopeless as she left and went to the nearby cafe where Kevin was waiting for her. Filled with sorrow, she

said, "Do you want to hear some bad news?"

Kevin, sipping his coffee contentedly, asked, "What's the bad news? It can't be that serious. Why do you look so


Realizing that there was no way to escape, Emma made a desperate decision to bring someone down with her. She

covered her face and said in great distress, "Shawn found out that we skipped work. He wants us to face the

consequences on our own! And this time, he seems to be serious. He even listed some punishments for us and

asked us to complete them before leaving, or else..."

Kevin was shocked and asked, "What kind of punishments?"

Emma told him everything in detail, and Kevin suddenly found that his coffee did not taste as good anymore. He

asked with a doubtful look, "Really? Previously, didn't he make us report to the headquarters to receive

punishments directly? Why is he making us do burpees and squat holds this time?"

Feigning confusion, Emma replied, "I'm not sure. What should we do now? He's in the company, and we can't


Kevin was used to being punished and could accept it, but he could not understand the reason behind it. However,

he decided not to dwell on it.

When Kevin and Emma returned to the company and were about to start doing squats, Waylen walked by quietly

and said, "I'm here to supervise."

Emma winked at Waylen and said, "Sorry for keeping you here, Mr. Briar."

Waylen saw Kevin, instantly realizing that Emma had tricked the latter, but he did not expose her. After all, he was

only there to supervise. He chose to turn a blind eye to the situation.

After completing 80 squats and 60 burpees, the two were already on the brink of exhaustion. The 10-minute squat

hold seemed even more daunting, as they supported each other's arms to complete the task.

Emma and Kevin jogged for 10,000 steps, but the remaining 20,000 steps seemed impossible for the physically

drained duo.

In the end, Emma turned to Renee for help in the group chat.

A few minutes later, Christopher arrived.

At the sight of Emma being exhausted, he felt bad for her and said, "Let's go home, Emmie."

At the sight of Emma being exhausted, he felt bad for her and said, "Let's go home, Emmie."

Breathing heavily, Emma asked, "Why are you here?"

In an instant, she ran to Christopher and hugged him, saying, "Oh god, I'm so tired. Let me lean on you for a


"I saw your message in the group chat."

"But I still have 20,000 steps to complete."

Emma felt torn. She did not dare to defy Shawn's orders, especially with Waylen monitoring them. Kevin was just a


Kevin was struggling to catch his breath while Waylen urged him to continue running. Just then, Shawn appeared at

the company's entrance. Emma quickly let go of Christopher and pretended that she had never stopped. Shawn

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fixed his gaze on them as they struggled for five more minutes. Then, he quietly instructed Waylen, "That's


"Yes, Mr. Xenos."

Kevin heard Waylen's words of liberation and quickly ran to Shawn, panting heavily. He was about to say something

when Shawn asked him in confusion, "Why are you here?"

What? Kevin could not comprehend the situation.

Meanwhile, Emma slowly approached Christopher.

"Wasn't it you who..."

Kevin stopped and realized that he had been deceived!

He turned around and shouted angrily, "Emma!!!"

Emma stopped her movements momentarily and quickly ran toward Christopher, grinning at Kevin. "You once said

that we should share blessings and hardships. Thank you, Kevin. If you hadn't been with me today, I wouldn't have

been able to hold on until now! See you the day after tomorrow!"

Kevin was confused. "Are you not working tomorrow?"

"Shawn said he'll give me a day off to rest!"

Emma swiftly left with Christopher. Kevin quickly turned to Shawn and said eagerly, "Shawn, I also did the squats,

burpees, and squat holds! I've run just as much as Emma, I also want a day off! Shawn, you can't be biased!"

Shawn cast an indifferent glance at him and returned to the company.

Kevin was speechless.

Waylen comforted him, "Take your time to rest and move on."

"Waylen, am I really that pitiful?"

"Sorry. I shouldn't laugh, and it's indeed impolite to do so, but today has indeed been a little tough for you, Mr.


Kevin was speechless again.

Meanwhile, Emma was walking with Christopher, and she felt weak in her legs after a few steps. Christopher swiftly

squatted down and held her in his arms. Seeing his gloomy expression, she tried to make him feel better. "I left

work early and was caught by Shawn. I deserved the punishment."

"Are you sure he had no ulterior motives?"

"I know he did this as a warning for others. Unfortunately, I happened to be the scapegoat."

Emma continued with a hint of joy, "Kevin is the most unfortunate one. While I have a day off tomorrow, Kevin

suffered a double whammy! But still, I have to thank Renee. Without her, Shawn wouldn't have allowed me to leave

until I completed the grueling thirty thousand steps!"

Indeed, Shawn did not openly agree to Renee's request, but he would not reject her, so he intentionally went

downstairs to let Emma leave.

It seemed that Shawn never rejected Renee's requests.

"Emmie, you get satisfied so easily."