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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 615
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Chapter 615 His Candy

I knew the answer very well. It was in fate's hands now, and the chances of Shawn surviving were slim to none. But

still, it was a chance nonetheless, so I made the deal. He'd better not lie to me, or I would cut his head off. "I need a

definite answer. To at least assuage me."

Colin sat down. "This isn't the first time he's run into something like this, but he was always alone. Yet, he managed

to get out alive. To you, it's a crisis, but to him, it's a normal Tuesday. However, living life dangerously has its risks. I

can't be sure if he'll survive. His men and you aside, everyone wants him dead."

Just going through this with Shawn was enough to wrench my heart, especially when he was eating raw fish without

me knowing. I couldn't imagine what he must have gone through. They were heavy thoughts. I praised, "You speak

good Ruslian."

Colin rolled his eyes. "That's not the point. Shawn and Aimes taught me. I've been learning Ruslian ever since I was

a child. My second language, so to speak. Back when we were in… Forget it, the past should be buried." Then, he

said curiously, "You've changed."

"How so?"

"Back when he locked me up, he told me you're a crybaby. To quote him, 'Ray's a crybaby who's scared of the

slightest pain. A real princess. You crossed a line you shouldn't have, and now I'm going to beat the crap out of


Melancholically, Colin said, "And he did beat the crap out of me. It's why I'm being nice to you. I'd rather make him

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mad if the alternative is hurting you." Colin looked at the unconscious Shawn. "He's very protective of the one he

cares about, especially you. He'd die for you."

As I signed my name on the agreement, Colin said solemnly, "But you've changed. You haven't even cried. You're

actually calm. The years have changed you."

I actually wanted to cry, but not in front of Colin. Moreover, the reason I wanted to cry was that I was worried about

Shawn. Nothing else was worth my tears. I handed the agreement over and held Shawn. After I kissed him on his

forehead, I said, "Save him. If he lives, I'll give you all the money you want. You won't have to risk your life again."

Colin smiled. "Tempting. Fine. If he lives, I'll call." He then bent down and picked Shawn up. "Time to go, K."

Slowly, they walked into the distance. I followed them until they became a speck, then I started running, but I fell

down not long after. With my face buried in the grass, I cried. "Live, Shawn. And wait for me. I'll find you. I'll protect

you this time, just like how you protected me."

The crying took all I had. I was so tired that I didn't want to do anything, but I couldn't give up. I couldn't let Shawn

down. Quickly, I got back up and returned to the boulder to pack my stuff, and then I left in the direction Shawn

pointed me in. The sun was setting, and dusk descended. When Shawn was by my side, I didn't think the dark was

that scary, but now that I was alone, nighttime was a frightening period.

I could not rest for fear of never waking up. With the moonlight as my only source of illumination, I pressed on. At

3.00AM, my body reached its limit, and I slumped to the ground. I drank the water we bottled from the stream,

then I stared up into the sky where stars hung.

"I'm tired, Sunny. I… I want to give up. Will you hate me for that? All I see around me is grass, grass, and more

grass. I don't think I can take it anymore."

Moreover, I was freezing. I put my hands into my pocket, and then I touched something. Something hard. Quickly, I

took it out. A candy? But I changed right before I went out. There's no way I would have candy in my pocket. This

must be from Shawn, but when did he slip it in?

I wiped my tears away, and I thought I could hear Shawn whispering gently into my ear, "Live, Ray."

Yes, I must live. I couldn't let him down. I must stay strong. Tightly, I held the candy. "I will."

I forced myself to get up and continue moving. At six, I slumped to the ground, but I could see some lights in the

distance. "A settlement."

Shawn said I would run into a settlement if I just went on for a day more, and it had been a whole day and night

since. I did it, right? I closed my eyes. "I'll keep moving after this break."

It was exhausting. My whole body felt like it would break apart. In the end, I fell unconscious, and I had a dream. In

that dream, I was in Felix's Villa. There was only me, the kids, and Leon. Neither Shawn nor Francesca was there.

Everyone was happy. Besides me and Leon, no one remembered Shawn or Francesca.

The next second, I woke up with a start. "Shawn!"

"How do you feel, ma'am?"

I was in a daze for a moment, but eventually, I realized it was Anthony. I asked, "Where am I?"

"A house in Iceland. A nearby citizen saved you. You've been out for two days." Apologetically, he said, "I apologize,

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ma'am. Waylen and I should've gotten here sooner."

I asked, "Where's Shawn?" Oh, right. He was taken away by Colin.

"His whereabouts are unknown. Waylen has dispatched his men and used a lot of favors, but there's still no news."

I closed my eyes. "What took you so long?"

Noticing the admonishment in my tone, he quickly explained, "There's GPS in Mr. Xenos and your phones, your

watch, and the helicopter. We weren't sure where you landed. The search took a long time because there were four

locations, and the GPS signal was bad sometimes."

"Is that your excuse if you found me dead?" I harshly snapped.

Anthony quickly bowed. "I'm very sorry, ma'am. I apologize for our incompetence."

"If you had come one day earlier…" Then Shawn wouldn't have been taken away. I wonder if he's still alive. Colin

said he would call.

I tried to get out of bed, but I couldn't move my legs. Anthony explained, "Your legs were frozen, ma'am, and you

had been walking for days. It's natural that you can't feel anything."

Tired, I asked, "Are you sure it's alright?"

"You have to rest. Doctor's orders."

I rummaged through my shirt only to realize my clothes were changed. Panicked, I asked, "Where's the candy?"

"You mean this?"

Anthony took a candy out of his pocket and handed it to me. With trepidation, I took it. "Mobilize all of the family's

men to search for Colin and do not alarm him. If he knows we're looking for him… Anthony, normally I wouldn't do

anything extreme, but this time, I'm willing to make an exception. And call Waylen. I want to see him by tonight."

Anthony said respectfully, "Yes, ma'am."

"I want Colin's location and his contact by nine o'clock at night. No excuses."

"Of course, ma'am."