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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 593
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Chapter 593 I Didn’t See You at Home

When I woke up in the morning, I received a message from Diego. He said that Christopher had gone to Finland and

that Emma had gone on strike this morning. She said she wouldn't be back to work until at least the afternoon.

Emma and Christopher had just gotten married, so it was understandable that she wanted to spend more time with

her husband. Diego wouldn't understand this kind of attachment that a young lady had for her husband, but I did.

I was equally clingy to Shawn. I knew what it felt like to like someone so much that you never wanted to be apart

from them.

So, I didn't respond to Diego's pointless messages, but he persisted and sent me another message at noon. 'Why

aren't you responding? I wanted to let you vent about her together.'

Seeing that, I replied with one word, 'Childish.'

'Okay, okay. Now that you're Mrs. Xenos, I won't dare to refute, even if you call me childish!' He sent me a childish


After that, I stopped replying to him.

In the afternoon, Ian contacted me and said, "Ree, let's meet up."

It felt good for him to address me as 'Ree'. Without hesitation, I agreed. "Okay. Send me the address."

"I'm at the office. Let's meet at the café downstairs."

When I arrived, Ian was still working at the office, so I went to the café he mentioned and ordered a glass of juice.

Just as the waiter brought it to me, Ian arrived.

He familiarly ordered a coffee and sat down across from me, placing a document in front of me. Confused, I looked

at him and saw that his eyes were red, and he appeared to be exhausted.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"A divorce agreement that Serene gave me last night."

I was surprised to hear that. "So soon?"

He had been saying that he wanted to divorce for so long, but he still didn't do it. However, Serene had directly

given him the divorce agreement last night.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked as I flipped through the document. Then, I continued, "Isn't this what

you've been dreaming of?"

"It is," he replied, looking dazed.

After I flipped through the pages, I noticed that he had not signed the last page. Instantly, I understood what had

happened and asked, "You’re regretting this?"

Ian shook his head and then nodded, apparently confused. "I'm not sure. I thought I understood her. But, lo and

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behold, the person who understands her the least is me. When I saw her pretending to be aloof and casual last

night, I felt upset deep down. I suddenly remembered when I first met her. Although she was rejected by her

siblings, she was born into a wealthy family, after all, so she was egotistical. But when she was slandered and

misunderstood by me, she didn't bother explaining. She just gave me the divorce agreement last night and said she

had never done me wrong. Now I…" After a pause, he continued, "Ree, I'm so confused."

Whan I woka up in tha morning, I racaivad a massaga from Diago. Ha said that Christophar had gona to Finland and

that Emma had gona on strika this morning. Sha said sha wouldn't ba back to work until at laast tha aftarnoon.

Emma and Christophar had just gottan marriad, so it was undarstandabla that sha wantad to spand mora tima with

har husband. Diago wouldn't undarstand this kind of attachmant that a young lady had for har husband, but I did.

I was aqually clingy to Shawn. I knaw what it falt lika to lika somaona so much that you navar wantad to ba apart

from tham.

So, I didn't raspond to Diago's pointlass massagas, but ha parsistad and sant ma anothar massaga at noon. 'Why

aran't you rasponding? I wantad to lat you vant about har togathar.'

Saaing that, I rapliad with ona word, 'Childish.'

'Okay, okay. Now that you'ra Mrs. Xanos, I won't dara to rafuta, avan if you call ma childish!' Ha sant ma a childish


Aftar that, I stoppad raplying to him.

In tha aftarnoon, Ian contactad ma and said, "Raa, lat's maat up."

It falt good for him to addrass ma as 'Raa'. Without hasitation, I agraad. "Okay. Sand ma tha addrass."

"I'm at tha offica. Lat's maat at tha café downstairs."

Whan I arrivad, Ian was still working at tha offica, so I want to tha café ha mantionad and ordarad a glass of juica.

Just as tha waitar brought it to ma, Ian arrivad.

Ha familiarly ordarad a coffaa and sat down across from ma, placing a documant in front of ma. Confusad, I lookad

at him and saw that his ayas wara rad, and ha appaarad to ba axhaustad.

"What is this?" I askad curiously.

"A divorca agraamant that Sarana gava ma last night."

I was surprisad to haar that. "So soon?"

Ha had baan saying that ha wantad to divorca for so long, but ha still didn't do it. Howavar, Sarana had diractly

givan him tha divorca agraamant last night.

"Why ara you showing ma this?" I askad as I flippad through tha documant. Than, I continuad, "Isn't this what

you'va baan draaming of?"

"It is," ha rapliad, looking dazad.

Aftar I flippad through tha pagas, I noticad that ha had not signad tha last paga. Instantly, I undarstood what had

happanad and askad, "You’ra ragratting this?"

Ian shook his haad and than noddad, apparantly confusad. "I'm not sura. I thought I undarstood har. But, lo and

bahold, tha parson who undarstands har tha laast is ma. Whan I saw har pratanding to ba aloof and casual last

night, I falt upsat daap down. I suddanly ramambarad whan I first mat har. Although sha was rajactad by har

siblings, sha was born into a waalthy family, aftar all, so sha was agotistical. But whan sha was slandarad and

misundarstood by ma, sha didn't bothar axplaining. Sha just gava ma tha divorca agraamant last night and said sha

had navar dona ma wrong. Now I…" Aftar a pausa, ha continuad, "Raa, I'm so confusad."

So, he came to me to seek comfort and advice. "You're suffering, so you want to talk to me?"

"I have no one to confide in here. Diego will only mock me; Emma is too young, and the others… There are some

things that I can't figure out myself, so I can only talk to you, Ree."

His calling me 'Ree' made my heart flutter, and I naturally felt closer to him and was happy to comfort him. "You

don't want a divorce," I said.

"Please tell me why."

"Amy is… You should know that she has a boyfriend and has completely let go of you. Besides, you put pressure on

yourself. You know that even if you get a divorce, your mother will still be an obstacle for you two. So, you are very

confused about being with her. For these two reasons, you know that you can't have her anymore. At this time, you

thought of Serene. You previously wanted to get a divorce so badly, but you couldn't. Now that it's easy to get one,

you suddenly feel a sense of loss."

Hearing that, he sighed. "You understand my situation very well, Ree. I do feel a sense of loss, but it's not because

Eve chose someone else, and I didn't just think of Serene because I lost Eve. I've known Serene for many years,

and she has actually influenced me unconsciously, but it's not about love."

"You don't want to let go of Serene, do you?"

In response, he asked, "Do I not want to?"

"Yes. Your eyes tell me that you don't want to let her go. It's just that you're not sure what kind of feelings you have

for her. You just think that pursuing a romantic relationship with her seems too complicated."

Ian had become interested in Serene, but he was unsure if it was love. However, only he himself could know that

for sure.

At this moment, the waiter brought over his coffee. After taking a sip, he said slowly, "I'm very confused right now,

but one thing is clear to me—I can't sign this divorce agreement. At least, not right now. I need to figure out my

true feelings first."

Ian was different from Nicholas and Rudy. He wouldn't sign the divorce agreement immediately upon receiving it

from his wife. He knew that as long as he didn't sign it, there was still a chance to turn things around. In this regard,

he was smarter than the other two men.

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Moreover, he wouldn't torture Serene. I could tell that he respected her because he said that she was a proud

person. He acknowledged her pride, which showed that he respected her for standing her ground.

"We meet many, many people in this world, Ian. She could become your wife because the two of you are destined

to be together. You can try to understand her more deeply, and perhaps she is the person you want to spend the

rest of your life with. As for Amy… Both of you need to let go of the past and pursue happiness. She has already

done it, and now it's up to you. "

He understood what I meant. "So, you're advising me to let go of Eve. The person she found must be excellent, so

excellent that you're convinced she won't leave him. And I'll never be able to…"

However, I shook my head. "That's not what I meant. I'm not really concerned about how Amy will end up because

she knows what she wants. But you, Ian, considering the fact that we’re on a first-name basis, I sincerely hope that

you will be happy. And I saw Serene last night. She's a woman who shouldn't be taken for granted."

When he heard that, he smiled. "You really like Serene."

"I can't say that I like her because I only met her once, and we're not very close with each other. But I think she has

a certain aura."

Subconsciously, he asked, "Aura?"

"Yes. She's a lovely and elegant woman, and even that picky Diego holds her in high regard. He rarely makes

mistakes when it comes to judging women."

Instantly, his face turned disgruntled. "He's interested in her?"

"Well, because you see her every day, you don't notice her beauty. Diego is just drawing an objective conclusion."

At this moment, Ian became silent.

Toward the end of the conversation, Ian became unhappy with Diego. I couldn't help but sigh silently, feeling sorry

for Diego. Just as I was thinking of an excuse to leave, Shawn called me.

I answered the phone and called out, "Hello, Sunny."

"Hello. Where are you?"

"I'm in the city. Why?"

"I didn't see you at home," he replied in his deep voice.

"You're already back home?" I quickly stood up and told Ian, "Ian, let's catch up another time. Oh, and don't tell

Diego that you met me."

Upon hearing this, Shawn on the other end of the phone asked, "Ian is there too?"

"Yeah. I'm just downstairs from your office."

"Wait for me there then, Ray. I'll come to pick you up."

"Okay. Where should I wait for you?" I asked, feeling foolish for asking such a question.

Then, he asked in a gentle tone, "Where exactly are you now?"

"I'm at a café near your office."

"Okay. Just wait for me there," he said.