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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 592
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Chapter 592 Christopher’s Side Story

The climate in Finland around July was similar to Bryxton's, but overall, Finland was a tad cooler. It was a country

with beautiful weather.

Since the software development project was an urgent matter, Emma had been exceptionally busy lately, often

working overtime until the wee hours. Just now, she sneaked out for two hours to Renee's house to eat, which

caused a backlog of tasks. By the time she finished her work, it was already 2.00AM.

Fortunately, she was young, and staying up late was normal for her, so she didn't feel too much pressure. As she

yawned, she looked toward her colleagues, who were also working with her until this late hour. They were all

software engineers who had aged and couldn't withstand the long-term pressure of staying up late. At this moment,

they were hunching their backs, sitting in their seats, extremely exhausted. She couldn't bear to see them like this.

So, she tapped the glass table with her fingers, and everyone forced themselves to perk up. With a gentle smile,

she announced, "Everyone, let's call it a day. After this project is over, I will talk to Shawn and ask him to give you all

a long holiday."

Hearing that, everyone nodded and said, "Thank you, Miss Turner."

Everyone knew Emma's ability. At first, they were all puzzled as to why they had to be led by a young girl. Yet, when

she showed her talent and unique insights, all of them started admiring her because this lady, although young and

inexperienced, was intelligent, good at learning, knew how to apply her knowledge, and could quickly grasp new

knowledge. She could even lead them to create new brilliance.

Everyone knew that the young girl sitting above them in a pink hoodie was a true prodigy.

There were very few prodigies in this world, but they did exist, and Emma happened to appear in front of them,

becoming their comrades-in-arms as they strived together in the company. Gradually, they got used to it. They got

used to having such a prodigy around them.

"Don't worry. I'll wrap it up. You guys go home first."

In the end, everyone got up and left for the elevator, discussing Emma's talent along the way. When they left the

building, they didn't notice a man who had been silently waiting on the side. They just kept praising her relentlessly.

"Miss Turner has only been here for a week, but she's already familiar with all the processes. Not to mention, she

led us to create new software. We really fall far behind a prodigy like her. I heard she's only 19, but she has been a

researcher for a few years with many patents under her name. She's the prodigy among prodigies! But I also heard

she has slowed down her pace these past two years."

Just then, someone asked, "Where did you hear that?"

Although they were communicating in Welian, it didn't affect the man standing nearby to listen to their conversation

intently. Instead, he heard the man say again, "She hasn't had any research results in these past two years. I heard

it's because she got married, and her work got delayed."

"It's normal for young girls to fall in love. After all, she's just an ordinary person. Let's go. We need to go home and


Hearing that, the man furrowed his brow and asked himself in a low voice, "Did I delay her work?"

Christopher had only recently learned about Emma's situation. Of course, she wasn't the one to tell him. Instead, he

had someone privately investigate it and found out for himself. She had been hiding these things from him, and he

wasn't sure why, but she was slowly telling him. When she honestly told him that this business trip to Finland was to

work for Shawn, it made him feel relieved because she wasn't hiding it from him.

Even after waiting downstairs for a full six hours, he didn't feel impatient. He was always patient when it came to

these things. It was already 2.00AM, and everyone in the company had left work. He even overheard those people

talking about his young wife. They all spoke of her with admiration.

It was only natural because he admired her too. He admired that young girl for being so excellent and for how she

achieved everything without showing off. What he admired the most was her kind and generous heart, as she

donated all the money she earned over the years to those in need. She was just full of love and so outstanding that

he wasn't good enough for her.

With that in mind, Christopher felt that it was unequal for Emma to marry him, a man who was 14 years older than

her. But at the same time, he also felt lucky—lucky to have married her.

In fact, Emma had always been a transparent person, and transparent people naturally sought a partner who was

also transparent. Otherwise, their spiritual levels wouldn't reach the same point, and conversations would become

very tiring when both parties meant different things. Fortunately, both Christopher and Emma were transparent

people, and many things were understood without needing to be expressed. They accommodated and understood

each other well, and it was difficult for them to have conflicts because they had seen enough in life to understand

the essence of life. Therefore, it was nearly impossible for them to argue.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Tha climata in Finland around July was similar to Bryxton's, but ovarall, Finland was a tad coolar. It was a country

with baautiful waathar.

Sinca tha softwara davalopmant projact was an urgant mattar, Emma had baan axcaptionally busy lataly, oftan

working ovartima until tha waa hours. Just now, sha snaakad out for two hours to Ranaa's housa to aat, which

causad a backlog of tasks. By tha tima sha finishad har work, it was alraady 2.00AM.

Fortunataly, sha was young, and staying up lata was normal for har, so sha didn't faal too much prassura. As sha

yawnad, sha lookad toward har collaaguas, who wara also working with har until this lata hour. Thay wara all

softwara anginaars who had agad and couldn't withstand tha long-tarm prassura of staying up lata. At this momant,

thay wara hunching thair backs, sitting in thair saats, axtramaly axhaustad. Sha couldn't baar to saa tham lika this.

So, sha tappad tha glass tabla with har fingars, and avaryona forcad thamsalvas to park up. With a gantla smila,

sha announcad, "Evaryona, lat's call it a day. Aftar this projact is ovar, I will talk to Shawn and ask him to giva you all

a long holiday."

Haaring that, avaryona noddad and said, "Thank you, Miss Turnar."

Evaryona knaw Emma's ability. At first, thay wara all puzzlad as to why thay had to ba lad by a young girl. Yat, whan

sha showad har talant and uniqua insights, all of tham startad admiring har bacausa this lady, although young and

inaxpariancad, was intalligant, good at laarning, knaw how to apply har knowladga, and could quickly grasp naw

knowladga. Sha could avan laad tham to craata naw brillianca.

Evaryona knaw that tha young girl sitting abova tham in a pink hoodia was a trua prodigy.

Thara wara vary faw prodigias in this world, but thay did axist, and Emma happanad to appaar in front of tham,

bacoming thair comradas-in-arms as thay strivad togathar in tha company. Gradually, thay got usad to it. Thay got

usad to having such a prodigy around tham.

"Don't worry. I'll wrap it up. You guys go homa first."

In tha and, avaryona got up and laft for tha alavator, discussing Emma's talant along tha way. Whan thay laft tha

building, thay didn't notica a man who had baan silantly waiting on tha sida. Thay just kapt praising har ralantlassly.

"Miss Turnar has only baan hara for a waak, but sha's alraady familiar with all tha procassas. Not to mantion, sha

lad us to craata naw softwara. Wa raally fall far bahind a prodigy lika har. I haard sha's only 19, but sha has baan a

rasaarchar for a faw yaars with many patants undar har nama. Sha's tha prodigy among prodigias! But I also haard

sha has slowad down har paca thasa past two yaars."

Just than, somaona askad, "Whara did you haar that?"

Although thay wara communicating in Walian, it didn't affact tha man standing naarby to listan to thair convarsation

intantly. Instaad, ha haard tha man say again, "Sha hasn't had any rasaarch rasults in thasa past two yaars. I haard

it's bacausa sha got marriad, and har work got dalayad."

"It's normal for young girls to fall in lova. Aftar all, sha's just an ordinary parson. Lat's go. Wa naad to go homa and


Haaring that, tha man furrowad his brow and askad himsalf in a low voica, "Did I dalay har work?"

Christophar had only racantly laarnad about Emma's situation. Of coursa, sha wasn't tha ona to tall him. Instaad, ha

had somaona privataly invastigata it and found out for himsalf. Sha had baan hiding thasa things from him, and ha

wasn't sura why, but sha was slowly talling him. Whan sha honastly told him that this businass trip to Finland was to

work for Shawn, it mada him faal raliavad bacausa sha wasn't hiding it from him.

Evan aftar waiting downstairs for a full six hours, ha didn't faal impatiant. Ha was always patiant whan it cama to

thasa things. It was alraady 2.00AM, and avaryona in tha company had laft work. Ha avan ovarhaard thosa paopla

talking about his young wifa. Thay all spoka of har with admiration.

It was only natural bacausa ha admirad har too. Ha admirad that young girl for baing so axcallant and for how sha

achiavad avarything without showing off. What ha admirad tha most was har kind and ganarous haart, as sha

donatad all tha monay sha aarnad ovar tha yaars to thosa in naad. Sha was just full of lova and so outstanding that

ha wasn't good anough for har.

With that in mind, Christophar falt that it was unaqual for Emma to marry him, a man who was 14 yaars oldar than

har. But at tha sama tima, ha also falt lucky—lucky to hava marriad har.

In fact, Emma had always baan a transparant parson, and transparant paopla naturally sought a partnar who was

also transparant. Otharwisa, thair spiritual lavals wouldn't raach tha sama point, and convarsations would bacoma

vary tiring whan both partias maant diffarant things. Fortunataly, both Christophar and Emma wara transparant

paopla, and many things wara undarstood without naading to ba axprassad. Thay accommodatad and undarstood

aach othar wall, and it was difficult for tham to hava conflicts bacausa thay had saan anough in lifa to undarstand

tha assanca of lifa. Tharafora, it was naarly impossibla for tham to argua.

Moreover, he was 14 years older than her. He naturally understood that it wasn't easy for her to marry him, so he

knew how to put her needs before his. Besides, he was a gentle person who wouldn't argue and didn't like to argue.

He even knew the importance of Emma to him.

If it was said that he once pitied Renee, so he didn't want to let her down again and wanted to get close to her to

give her warmth, then Emma was the one who gave him warmth. To be honest, although he was willing to accept

Renee at that time, he still had doubts deep down, wondering if she was the one he was looking for in his life. He

even hinted to himself not to disappoint the young lady again.

However, after meeting Emma, he finally understood what soulmate meant. Emma was his soulmate.

Fortunately, Renee had always been resolute in rejecting him, and she eventually found her new home. And

fortunately, he didn't miss out on Emma.

However, this didn't mean that Renee was bad. She was outstanding, extremely good even. Understanding,

compromising, beautiful, elegant, and wealthy were all words to describe her. She was born with a dazzling identity,

a princess in the eyes of most people, making many people stop and stare. Even her piano skills were better than

those of many professional musicians. Yet, she was just slightly different from the one he was looking for. They

were just different on a spiritual level.

Christopher thought that it was worth it for him to pursue Emma patiently for two years and didn't miss out on her.

The road to pursuing a wife was originally long and arduous, especially when his wife was this excellent.

At this point, he felt satisfied. He was extremely satisfied with his current life and cherished his young wife deeply.

After finishing work, Emma went downstairs. The late-night wind was a little chilly, and she subconsciously stomped

her feet. As she was about to leave, she suddenly saw a man in the distance. She blinked uncertainty at him until he

softly called out, "Emmie."

When she heard that, she was overjoyed. Meanwhile, Christopher opened his arms without a word to admire her

appreciatively. She wore a pink hoodie long enough to cover her shorts, revealing only a pair of straight and slender

thighs. Her dark hair was let down, with several intricate braids woven into it. It was the dressing style of a little girl,

so youthful and full of vitality.

She was youthful and full of passion, a radiance that he yearned to possess.

Emma ran over and hugged his waist, her sweet voice asking, "Why are you here, Mr. Forger?"

As he held onto her slim body, he explained with his clear and gentle voice, "I missed you, so I took a flight over."

"Did you wait for a long time?" She was touched but felt bad for him because it was already 3.00AM. Did he stand

here all night?

"I just got here. Shall we go home?"

"You're lying, Mr. Forger. You must have been here for a while!"

With a smile, he stroked her head with his slender fingers and reminded her, "It's true that I'm 14 years older than

you, but calling me Mr. Forger makes me sound a lot older than you. Besides, I never felt old until I met you. I'm just

as handsome as Shawn."

"Why did you bring up Shawn?!" She was surprised.

"He's young, so it's more appropriate to compare me to him."

Emma held onto his hand and walked toward the nearby residential area. "Shawn should be 29 at the end of this

year. He's five years younger than my Mr. Forger, so he's indeed younger. I know you want to highlight your youth

and good looks. It's all my fault for always calling you Mr. Forger."

After a moment of pause, she said with a smile, "You are the youngest and most handsome man in the world. You

have a lot of money, and you're willing to spend it on me. I can't even spend all the allowance you give me every

month! It's not that you're too old, Christopher; it's just that I'm too young." She spoke sweet words to coax him.

"You're this happy because I'm willing to spend money on you?"

"Of course! Ever since we've been together, my financial situation has greatly improved. Before, I didn't even have

enough money to buy flight tickets and had to borrow money from Ian and Kevin while still having to please them.

Now that I have money, I don't have to read their mood anymore! Do you know? In the first year we met, you only

gave me five thousand for savings, and because of this, I secretly complained about you, saying that you were too

stingy. But now, you're too generous!"

Renee had told him Emma was complaining about him. At that time, he had only thought of that as a token of his

appreciation and had no idea that the young girl in front of him was struggling financially.

"Well, being generous is what I should do. The money I earn is for my wife to use. If you need money, just use my


Upon hearing this, she looked at him with admiration in her eyes. "You really know how to make me happy,

Christopher! My home is nearby. It's an apartment that Shawn bought for me to make it easier for me to go to


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Suddenly, he picked her up from behind. While she was stunned, he whispered gently, "I'll carry you home."

"I can walk, you know." She blushed.

"You're tired from work. Let me carry you."

"Christopher, the way you're acting makes me feel…"

He softly asked, "Makes you feel?"

"It makes me feel like you have ulterior motives."

"What are you thinking about, Emmie?"

At his question, she didn't know what to say.

Emma's apartment was just nearby. Since she didn't live there permanently, she had specifically asked Shawn to

find her a one-bedroom unit. So, the bedroom and living room were connected, making the entire space feel open

and spacious.

The moment the door was pushed open, a candy-colored decor could be seen. After Christopher carried her into

the unit and put her down on the couch, he took a few seconds to scrutinize the unit, which was decorated in line

with her preferences. Although she appeared intelligent, mature, and sensible, she was still a young girl at heart

and loved the things that young girls love—candy-colored walls, warm-colored couches, and warm lighting. Even

the hoodie she was wearing was pink.

Not to forget that Emma also liked to cosplay. When he met her two years ago, she was dressed in Lolita fashion.

She really is young at heart.

Christopher, on the other hand, preferred cooler colors. The last time Olivia visited his apartment, she noticed that

he had added some candy-colored decorations, especially the couch, which stood out the most. From that moment

on, she knew that her brother had truly fallen in love. Because he loved her, he was willing to indulge her

preferences and please her.

As he knelt, he familiarly removed her shoes, then placed her feet on the couch before asking, "Are you hungry?"

"Nope. I had dinner at Renee's place."

"Then, I'll prepare the water for you to wash up."

Hearing that, Emma quickly sat up and grabbed his arm, saying, "You just got here and aren't familiar with the

place. Let me help you get the bathwater ready instead. It's already late. You should take a bath and rest early."

"Okay. Thank you, Emmie."

He was very obedient. The time Emma went to get the bathwater ready, he unbuttoned his suit and threw his tie on

the couch before heading into the bathroom. When she turned around, she saw that he was only wearing a dress

shirt with the collar wide open, revealing his Adam's apple, which was rolling in front of her. Instinctively, she

pushed him away and said, "The water is ready."

She wanted to escape, but he held her back. He hugged her, and in a low, gentle voice near her ear, he whispered,

"Are you tired from working so late?"

"Not really." She shook her head instinctively.

"Since you're not tired, how about helping me shower?"

While blushing, she murmured, "You have hands, and besides, you're already so grown up. Why do you need me to

take care of you?"

Emma's most attractive point was that although she was mature and insightful, she could still act like a little girl,

even saying some childish things. Christopher had noticed this a long time ago and found that she could display

different personalities according to different situations. In front of her elders, she would be well-behaved, while in

front of her brother, James, and outsiders, she would pretend to be weak to get something she wanted. However, in

front of him, she would sometimes be obedient and sometimes rebellious, but sometimes she would be scarily


Especially when they first met, she was very cold-hearted. She was a person who could be even more cruel and

cold-hearted than himself.

During that time, he finally experienced the feeling that Olivia had when she faced him. It was full of helplessness

but also reluctance. He experienced all that Oliva had experienced during the two years he pursued Emma.

"I'm tired, Emmie." These words made her unable to refuse anymore. Moreover, she remembered that he had

waited for her downstairs and felt sorry for him.

Ultimately, she reached out her hand to help him take off his shirt and was welcomed by his strong male scent and

hormones. Suddenly, she buried her face in his wide chest and murmured, "You did it on purpose. You intentionally

seduced me."

However, the man pretended to be confused and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

With her soft voice, she complained like a child, "If I hadn't experienced those things and hadn't experienced that

pleasure, it wouldn't matter, but I'm already yours. How can you put yourself in front of me like this and not make

my heart flutter?"

Hearing that, he raised his eyebrows in satisfaction. "What do you mean, Emmie?"

"Christopher, you old fox!"