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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 585
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Chapter 585 Do You Know Robert Saunders?

"I don't know much, but I've met Robert's grandfather before. The man spoke very harshly about Robert. There

were others present at the time, and after he said those words, many people avoided working with Robert. During

that time, Robert's business was struggling. Later, Kevin became curious and investigated the matter. It seemed to

be related to Robert's grandmother's death, but I can't speculate on what exactly happened," Shawn said.

"I'll ask Anthony to investigate further," I said. However, I never expected that Robert's grandfather not only hated

Robert to the core but also secretly sabotaged his business.

Shawn rubbed his chin and suddenly mentioned Francesca's matter. "I've been keeping an eye on Francesca. She

went back to the Bryxton countryside alone. It seems she's made a decision," he said.

I asked in confusion, "Did she give up the surgery?"

"Yeah, she's made her choice," he replied.

"Leon is looking for her…"

Shawn hugged my shoulder and said softly, "At this stage, she's made her decision, but I still feel like there will be


"So, you think she won't give up hope of survival?"

"Both options carry risks of death, but with the surgery, she might still have a chance to live. If she had given up

before, it would have been different, but now that she has a child, I think she can't bear to give up on life," Shawn


"Should I tell Leon where she is?" I asked.

Shawn shook his head. "She needs peace and quiet."

He had studied psychology and understood people's thoughts. I didn't want to make any unnecessary moves, so I

followed his advice. After a while, we boarded the plane.

On the plane, I told Shawn, "People like you guys who study psychology are really scary."

Shawn raised an eyebrow. "People like you guys? Who else?"

"Ezekiel!" I replied without hesitation. "In the past, I asked him if my mind is see-through to him. He said he can

roughly guess my thoughts. It's scary just thinking about it!"

I turned to Shawn and asked, "Can you read all my thoughts? If that's the case, you probably won't think I'm

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interesting, and that would be upsetting. I don't like it!"

Shawn smiled and said, "You're not that complicated."

Did that mean he could see through me at a glance? I instantly felt defeated.

Shawn lovingly rubbed my head to comfort me. "You're not that complicated in front of me, but you're actually very

smart. You have your own judgment on everything and won't easily believe what others say."

"I guess I can accept it if you say it like that," I replied.

"Ray, I'm glad you don't hide anything from me," Shawn said, satisfied with this.

"You're my lover. So, I'm naturally honest with you."

Upon hearing this, Shawn's face lit up with joy. "Sleep with me for a while," he said.

"Yeah, I'm tired too."

He was too tired, so I didn't bother him any further. I slept for two or three hours before waking up. Luckily, the

plane wasn't flying far and we landed at another airport in a small country four hours later. I knew Shawn would be

busy here all day. However, he didn't leave immediately. He accompanied me to eat at the hotel, and after dinner,

he slept for another two hours before leaving. It was already daytime here due to the time difference.

I took advantage of the time when Shawn wasn't here to catch up on sleep. When I woke up, it was already

evening. I didn't text Shawn because I didn't want to disturb him while he was working. Anyway, once he was done

with his business, he would come back to me on his own. I didn't have to worry about him fooling around and I

always had unwavering trust in him. I never worried about him being hooked by other women.

Soon, I put on my clothes and went downstairs. After eating, I wanted to wander around freely. Just as I left the

hotel, I was surrounded by a large group of people. I heard them communicating in the local language, but I

couldn't understand, so I just stood there, smiling at them. The plainclothes bodyguards who had been following me

appeared by my side, and I retreated to a safe place amidst their fight. Unfortunately, it was not that safe.

"Be careful!" Someone pushed me hard and I fell to the ground. I saw a thin figure bravely shielding me from the

knife and then turning around to attack the person who had ambushed me. I wanted to ask something, but it didn't

seem appropriate at the moment, so I found another hiding spot and watched the person who had taken the hit for

me. She wore a black mask, and I couldn't see her face clearly, but I knew she must be a woman. Only a woman

could have such a soft and nimble body. Besides that, she was a formidable woman because she could take such a

heavy blow and still remain silent while effortlessly dealing with her enemies. She was cool, and I thought she must

be beautiful too!

After driving away the enemy, she disappeared. I asked my bodyguard who was by my side, "Who was that just


"Mrs. Xenos, we've never seen her before."

She appeared suddenly in the midst of the fight! But why did she help me?

"Help me find her! We must find her." I was curious about her; I wanted to see her.

"Yes, Mrs. Xenos."

We found her on the coastline, where she was bandaging herself up. Before I could approach her, she noticed me,

so she gripped the knife tightly and turned around. Seeing me, she frowned and asked, "Why are you following me,


Seeing her face, I exclaimed in shock, "It's you…"

She was the stall owner who sold me the hairbands.

"Yes, it's me."

I hesitated and asked, "Why did you save me?"

I went over and squatted down. "Let me help you bandage up."

The wound on her back was severe, and as I took off her clothes, I heard her explain, "I haven't been on a mission

for five years since I gave birth to my child. I never thought my skills had dulled."

I asked softly, "Why did you save me?"

"I am Mike's subordinate. I will always be his subordinate in this life, so as long as he assigns a task to me, I will

complete it at all costs."

My movements froze. "He asked you to protect me?"

"Yes, he guessed that you would be in danger and asked me to follow you in secret. Not only me but there will be

other people to protect you wherever you go in the future."

Ezekiel didn't have to do these things for me, but if he hadn't given out the order, I would have been the one injured

just now!

I carefully bandaged her and guessed, "Did you take on this task because I happened to pass by the country where

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you reside?"

She nodded and gratefully said, "Yes, otherwise I might still be living in that small country. That place was where I

was exiled because I broke the organization's rules and gave birth to Doe!"

Her eyes moistened as she spoke. "Miss, I've had enough of those days in that small country. Thank you for saving

me and Doe. In the future, Doe can study in a proper school."

"You sound very respectful toward Mike," I remarked.

She smiled and replied, "His followers consider him a god and hold him in high esteem because he gave us

meaning in our lives."

My heart trembled as I finally understood why everyone said that everything he wanted was easily within his grasp.

Despite his current position of power being somewhat restrained, once he had the ambition to conquer the world, it

would be in his pocket. This was because people all over the world who had followed him before were secretly

waiting for him to give orders. Shawn understood this, which was why he was running around, trying to suppress

the once-collapsed mountain. Suddenly, I also understood what Emma meant when she said that Shawn was part

of their faith. Whether it was the girl in front of me or Emma, they were following their lifelong conviction.

"Thank you for saving me," I said.

"It's my responsibility," she replied. Although she was seriously injured, the bleeding had been stopped.

I thereafter told her, "You need to go to the hospital to get stitched up." "Yeah, I'll go to the hospital when I get back

to the country."

"Do you need to leave immediately for Bryxton?"

"Yes, they've already bought plane tickets for me and Doe. I need to go to the city where Mike is. From here on out,

I can't follow you anymore. I wish you a safe journey."

Her English was now very fluent. I carefully looked at her under the moonlight, and she was an exceptionally

beautiful girl. Yes, she still had some baby fat, but her eyes were particularly large like a doll's. Who would have

thought that she had been specially trained as a killer? I suddenly remembered to ask, "What about the child's


Wait a minute! She said yesterday that the child's surname was Saunders! And Robert said that the girl was with


I blurted out, "Do you know Robert Saunders?"