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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 579
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Chapter 579 Get Out

After arriving in France, Shawn left me with a few bodyguards before he left, so I texted Anthony for Saunders

Residence's address. 'Send me Saunders Residence's address and check whether Robert is home.'

'He is.' Anthony's reply came in a few minutes. After that, he sent the address to me.

On the way to Saunders Residence, I dialed Rudy's number. He said in a low voice, "I thought you forgot about me."

"I'll tell Anthony to contact you later. Xenos Solutions' authority in Bryxton will be passed on to you, but it is only

limited to Bryxton. Whether or not it can be expanded or how many resources you can obtain depends entirely on

your ability!"

"At least you gave me something to start with," he answered. He was expressing his contentment.

Then, I reminded Rudy in a subdued voice, "Rudy, because you are Shawn's friend, I am helping you, but if you ever

hurt May again, I will never let you go. Besides, she can't be provoked anymore."

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The man hung up upon hearing that.

Although his actions did not offend me, I knew he was aware of May's mental state. What else could she possibly

fear when she was prepared to end her life? I believed Rudy could comprehend that. He knew he couldn't force her

to a dead end.

Suddenly, I recalled the document he had given me. It was still here. However, what was inside the folder? I was

curious, but I didn't ask him. After all, it had nothing to do with me.

By the time I arrived at Saunders Residence, it was already noon. The guards went in to inform them about my

arrival, and soon, Robert's father, mother, and brother came out to greet me. I noticed his mother, in particular,

was smiling at me.

She prompted me to recall when I saw her at my mother's funeral. Still, she didn't look like the ruthless woman who

spat merciless words at Robert at all. Instead, she held her younger son's hand and asked politely, "What brings you

here, Mrs. Xenos?"

After hearing that, I intentionally brought up Robert's name. "Robert and my mother used to be close, and besides,

the Saunders Family is closely related to the Duke of France. I'm here to visit and will leave in a few hours."

"Come on in," Robert's mother invited me into their house.

The lunch in Saunders Residence was sumptuous, but I didn't see any sign of Robert, so I inquired about his

whereabouts. At the mention of his name, his mother's expression twisted.

Seeing that, Robert's father answered, "Rob is still asleep, so I didn't wake him up. I'll tell him that you're here when

he wakes up."

"Sure. I have plenty of time."

Robert's brother then said, "You're simply afraid of him. That's why you didn't wake him up, and Mom isn't willing to

wake him either."

Robert's father was stunned when he heard his son say that. "Shut up."

Hearing that, Robert's mother scolded him. "Why are you scolding your child?"

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She particularly adored her younger son.

Robert's father kept his mouth shut in response. After the meal, I brought the men Shawn left with me and strolled

around the garden. Soon, Robert's brother approached me and asked, "Hello, Miss! I'm Nathan Saunders. Are you

close with my brother?"

The young lad was as tall as my chest.

He wasn't young anymore and would probably turn into an adult in a few years, yet he was still a young child in his

mother's eyes.

"Yeah. We're good friends. Best friends, in fact. Are you close with your brother?" I asked gently.

He nodded and then shook his head. "Mom doesn't let me call him by his name and wants me to act like strangers

with him. I guess that means we're not close."

I was suddenly disinterested upon hearing that.

"I'll help you check if Robert is awake."

He then left in a hurry. I tagged along and entered a detached villa separated from the main house. In the corridor,

the young lad weakly called, "Are you awake, Robert?"

"Get out."