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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 572
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Chapter 572 Rudy’s Real Thoughts

Rudy was staying in Shawn's villa by the beachside the whole time. Even after Sir Larson wounded him badly last

time, he felt no qualms about his safety. After he recovered from the injury, he returned to the villa without


It seemed like he wasn't afraid of Sir Larson's revenge at all.

Clair dropped me off at the beachside. I asked him not to wait for me since there was a garage in the villa, and I

could drive home on my own.

"All right. Remember to call me if you need a ride home."

I answered meekly, "Don't worry about me, Clair."

After seeing Clair off, I walked up to the villa. Rudy wasn't in his room. Meanwhile, there were two sun loungers in

front of the swimming pool. Rudy took the one on the left and enjoyed the evening breeze. Approaching him, I

stated, "I'm here."

He began in a casual tone, "Why don't you join me first?"

Since he offered, I lay down on the other sun lounger and watched the night sky. "Do you like it here?"

He didn't give me a straight answer. "Define 'like'."

He was giving me a hard time with that question.

The night breeze was somewhat cool despite it being summer. Besides, the villa was built next to the beach. I

covered my injured belly with a white blanket on the sun lounger.

He continued because I didn't answer, "After experiencing the ups and downs in the business sector for years, I

always wonder how to become powerful or to gain a firm foothold, or even more, catch up with Shawn. One

important thing never occurred to me in the past. Even after I traveled around the world and saw beautiful

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sceneries, I never slowed down to appreciate them until now. And I finally figured out the simple truth."

I urged, "What is it?"

"Why do people pursue wealth and power?"

It was a tricky question that different people had different answers to it.

Shawn needed wealth and power to protect me and our children.

As for me, I was forced to take over the responsibilities.

Wealth and power were never my life goals.

However, now I would embrace them to protect my family.

And so, I asked, "What about you?"

Rudy fell into silence for a long time. I tilted my head and studied him. He was looking into the distance with an

unreadable expression. Before I could change the topic, he explained in a low tone, "My family abandoned me once

because I'm not a legitimate child. During that time, all I could think about was to survive and get revenge on them.

I wanted to live a better life. When I finally climbed the ladder, I was surprised to learn that my resentment against

them was unnecessary. It vanished because they were barely a capable opponent. I lost the motivation to strive

until I met Shawn. I wanted to stand side-by-side with him, and maybe surpass him. Thus, I traveled around the

world. Furthermore, I plotted against him. When I think back to the old days, I only find a busy life. I didn't even

have time for leisure. To be honest, I've had enough of this kind of life. I want something simple."

He had enough of the life in which he had been plotting against the others, but Shawn told me that Rudy was

planning to start all over again.

Rudy's words gave me the impression of him being uninterested in making a comeback.

"What's your point?"

He didn't answer right away, Instead, he mumbled something I couldn't comprehend, "Shawn and I used to never

stand in the sun. Thus, the darkness in life doesn't bother us. We aren't scared of darkness. Back when…"

He abruptly trailed off and was lost in his thoughts. After a long time, he deeply sighed. "We had no weakness back

then. We never thought life was boring. In fact, we saw life as being only that. However, Shawn met you, and I met

May. Shawn and I don't deserve such kindness from you and May. We are reluctant to let the warmth go. Your

existence caused ripples in our hearts and we became cowards. We think about the women we love every day and

are afraid of losing them. Furthermore, we can no longer see things in the same way as before. We long for a

simple life."

Rudy and Shawn were alike.

Men like them overcame ups and downs in life.

Time granted them the experience.

Despite the knowledge that helped them to survive in the world, it also took something in return. They couldn't feel

the joy in life and they had nobody by their side.

"What brought this on?"

After pondering for a moment, I added, "You seldom share your story."

"I only know a few people in Bryxton. I only stay here because of May. The reason I'm telling you this is…" He

stopped again. The night breeze brushed his hair off his face and he took his time to collect himself. "Even though

Shawn is my rival, he's my only friend too. Besides, you're his wife and May's best friend. I have nobody to share

the stories with other than you. Renee, there's something you need to know. Love helps and ruins Shawn and me at

the same time. It makes Shawn a better person, but I have chosen the wrong path."

It was obvious that Rudy missed May.

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"Before I met May, I could only think of one way to live my life, which was one with a busy schedule. However, I lost

her, and it left my heart empty. I can never return to my old life."


I had no idea how I should reply or comfort Rudy. Fortunately, he didn't need any kind words. He just needed a

listener after he kept everything to himself for a long time. At this moment, I was the best listener he could ever

have to share his feelings with.

He continued, "I'm content with a simple life with her by my side. But now, I lost both her and my career. I have

nothing better to do. All I do is think about her and it hurts. Therefore, I have a favor to ask."

He finally got to the point.

I whispered, "What's your plan?"

"Daniel came to me earlier. He offered to help me with starting all over again, but I have to work for Ezekiel. I

rejected him."

Daniel was willing to do anything for Ezekiel.

"What are your thoughts?"

"I couldn't care less about him. If I ever need help, I'll seek it from you. You're quite powerful and influential in the

country. I want to start again from here."

I was confused upon hearing that. "The Adams Family will be glad to hand over the power to you. Why not depend

on them? You know that you can get them under your thumb and turn it to your advantage."

He withdrew his gaze and his expression hardened as he hissed, "Did you forget what I told you already?"

I was taken aback. He just couldn't be straightforward, so I asked patiently, "What is it?"

"I wanted to climb the ladder to get my revenge on the Adams Family. However, I found them incapable after I

made it to the top. From that time on, I realized I didn't resent them. It was me all along."