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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 39
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Chapter 39 Dante's POV My jaw hurt from how tightly | had clenched it and the numerous amount of times | found the need to do it all over again. It was the only way | could think to manage the anger that was flowing through my veins with each mile that my car had consumed.

Phoebe was proving to be a pain in the most unimaginable of ways possible. | knew she was stubborn and had great potential to be vicious when she did not get her way but never in a million ways did | assthat she would be this cunning.

She wantedto marry her and | said no to which she created this entire fiasco that was drivinginsane. Not only had she been on my case since this morning but so had her family. They had been involved in to the mix when Pheobe decided to attempt slitting her wrist because carrying a child out of marriage was horrifying for her.

Portia had been hysterical in the background whilst George filledin on the incident in great detail and disapproval in his tone like this was entirely my fault and not his daughters poor judgement. | couldn't make sense of what on earth was going on.

For a short while every thing felt as it should have been. Pheobe and I going our own ways and Sophia and | kind of getting things started again. | saw her far differently now after | knew the truth of who had savedand what ever integrity and obligation | once felt towards Pheobe was now completely gone.

meeting wit It didn’t do much for my anger that this call had interrupted my meeting with Sophia and 1 had to stand there right in front of her and she dressed herself again with out telling her any of it. The guilt was eating atfor lying to her but the second | mentioned that Pheobe was not easily moveable from my life at present, she was going to seeas the villain in her life all over again.

If that had to happen, | had a strong feeling that getting back in to her life was going to be next to impossible. | could risk losing her again over my stupidity. | had messed things up with her once and | can’t think of even doing that again.

“Dante, you haven't looked atonce.” Pheobe said from the bed she had been resting in.

Her hand had been bandaged and she was given plenty of blood to compensate for what she had. lost in her stunt. The doctors still insisted that she stay in over night to ensure she and the baby were in the best of health given the strain of the ordeal.

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| didn’t want to look at her because the mere sight of her set my already flaring anger ablaze. It didn’t help my temper that Portia and George were in the room at present and seemed to show no intention of leaving the room at all.

Portia scoffed, glaring attemporarily as she patted Pheobe’s hair like she was a toddler.

“What else can you expect from him, dear. A man who can’t honor the mother of his child would. never be able to offer any one any sort of kindness.” Portia taunted but I clenched my fist as a way of containing my temper.

“You take advantage of my daughter, have her pregnant, then abandon her when she reaches out to Wed, Mar Chapter 39 70% n you.” George turned away from the window he had been looking out of with his hands behind his back.

+h “I did not abandon anyone neither have | taken advantage of your daughter, as you claim. Because she carries my child it does not mean that | need to give in to her every whim and fancy. | heard my own voice crack through the air.

“She is pregnant and you must marry her!” Portia demanded from the corner of the room and never have | hated that woman more than right now.

“I am not obligated to do that. She wants financial support, I'm willing to give it but marrying her is not necessary. We do not live in the olden times where her reputation would be ruined if she carried a child with our being married.” | snapped firmly and George looked appalled at such a thing.

“That is beside the point! We are a reputable family and we cannot tolerate this. Look at her condition! Look at how much of a toll this is taking on her. George spoke with out even looking at his daughter much.

“The medical bills are going to be a lot and I'm not paying a cent for it. This is all your fault.” George demanded but this did not surpriseat all.

George was know to leave his tabs unpaid and had a reputation for being a bad payer. | didn’t think that there was one place that he took an account that he ever paid back with out trying to evade it.

“Of course, you'd be worried about your shallow pockets at a tlike this. Makeswonder why you critiqueso harshly when you place money over your own blood. Nevertheless, | will pay for the medical cost. It’s nothing to me.” | muttered furiously wanting nothing more than to storm out from this hospital entirely.

Georges face had turned as red as the apple sitting on the tray next to Pheobe.

“An abortion may be the answer to this whole problem.” Pheobe’s voice cracked from the bed and, for the first tsince | had gotten here, | looked at her to find a single tear sliding down her pale cheek.

Portia gasped beside her looking mortified and, once again, glared at me.

“Don’t say that.” Portia whispered to her.

“No, it makes sense. It's the only way that we can iron out this whole situation. Dante will be free from this horrible situation and | will spend the rest of my life grieving the lost of the child that we could have had.” Pheobe wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

Oh, dear god.

“I do not want to agree with you, sweety, it's a horrible thing to do to an unborn child especially. since this has a clear solution.” George said looking up atwith a judging look in his fading eyes. “But perhaps you're right.

That is the solution.” George said to Pheobe leaving Portia mortified at the corner of the room.

My nose flared and my anger sizzled beneath my skin furiously. “There will be no need for that. | 2/4 11 27 Wed, 6 Mar RD Chapter 39 said with finality in my voice.

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| couldn’t believe that | was going to give in to this craziness but damn it | couldn't think of any other way go shut them up and get Pheobe to not act so unreasonably and impulsively.

“What do you mean?” Phoebe asked from the bed in shocked tone but she also sounded like she was holding her breath in anticipation awaiting my confirmation of what she was thinking | meant.

“You'll marry her, then?” George asked reflecting Portia’s unspoken thought.

| grunted, running my hand through my hair in frustration. It was a surprise that | hadn't pulled all my hair out.

“Yes, after a decently timed engagement. Rushing in to marriage would only raise just as much question which is exactly what we are trying to avoid.” | reasoned but a prolonged engagement would buyenough tto figure out a way to clean up this mess.

Pheobe sighed and Portia petted the back of her hand gently. “That will do but only for a short while. Do not thinkfoolish enough to allow you to dragthrough an engagement that would end I'm futility.” She snapped atbeing too cunningly smart for her own good.

“Then we are in agreement then. | shall leave you to get swell deserved rest after the stunt you've pulled today.” | said to Pheobe tightly and saw her roll her eyes at me.

George and Portia glared atfor my carelessness but | couldn't care less. | was sick of them and after their lies and deceit, | no longer held any sentiment of patience for any of them. George was a greedy, money hungry lout and Portia was second to him.

| stormed out of the hospital faster than | gotten here. It was beyond late at night and every inch of my b*dy burned for Sophia but it was too late to disturb her and my entire head was a mess right now. | didn’t want Sophia to seethis all over the place. She would take one look atand know immediately that sthing was troublingdeeply and it would be a delicate situation to tell her that Pheobe is carrying my child and now demands that | marry her when Sophia thought that she was out of my life for good.

| thought that Phoebe was out of my life but | was so wrong. If any thing she was no deeply rooted. life than ever before. If the child that grew within her was actually mine then Pheobe would never ever leavealone and in peace.

in my | needed to find out what happened that night when | had gotten hdrunk out my wits.

Despite the time, | rushed back hand sought out the footman along with my cheuffer and questioned them both about that night. Both of them shared that they helped in to the house and Pheobe had takendown the hallway assistingto the room. Naturally they do not know what occurred after that but their story lined up to the point where Pheobe’s picked up making this less helpful than | thought.

| swore beneath my breath before reaching for the glass of dark amber liquid and chugged it back. it burned my throat but | welcomed it hoping that it would dull my thoughts for the rest of the evening. My fingers ached to reach for my phone and call Sophia but | resisted against it finding it unfair to involve her in this mess neither could | make her understand what was going on.

1/4 0 SEND GIFT 11:27 Wed, 6 Mar RO Chapter 39 + It was best for the both of us that we remained at a distance. | didn’t want Pheobe finding out about what had transpired between Sophia and | because who knew what the hell the deranged woman would do in her rage. On the other hand, Sophia would never believeif | explained what had happened. She would paintas the villain any ways and there was nothing that | could do about a, fz