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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 3
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Chapter 3

Everything hurt.

Every t| regained ssemblance of consciousness, the throbbing began until it turned in to a pounding

within my head. | tried to force my eyes open but to no avail. | knew i was in the hospital by the smell and the

incessant beeping from a monitor.

| wanted to look around and demand to know if my unborn baby was okay but no effort of mine was significant

and before | could try again, | felt a needle p rick the inside of my arm before | fell back in to a deep sleep.

Hours, days, perhaps weeks may have gone by but | couldn't tell. When | woke up this time, my eyelids opened

with great ease allowingto look at the white walls of the hospital room | had been held in. The fluorescent

lighting struck my eye but | blinked a few times until my orbs adjusted to the light.

| did a quick scan of my surroundings. The ward | was in had been a private one seeing as my bed was the only

one in here. The monotone coloured curtains were pulled apart givinga view of stormy grey sky above the

bustling city below.

Just then the door opened and emerged a nurse who looked surprised yet relieved to seeawake.

“Morning, Mrs. Crawford.” She greetedwith a warm smile as she reached over to check a folder that | could

only assheld all of my information.

| offered her a nod in response not feeling like my voice was going to cooperate with me. She did a few checks

on the monitor then nodded in approval to herself before closing the folder and looking at me.

“Is my baby okay? Please, | need to know if everything is fine after what happened.” The words tumbled out of

my mouth and sounded foreign, almost high pitched, in my urgency.

“You've lost a lot of blood, Mrs Crawford.” | clenched my jaw hating that she kept addressingby Dante's


| narrowed my eyes at her hating that she didn’t out right answer my question. “Is. My. Baby. Okay?” | uttered

each word slowly but with a primal instinct ready to wreak havoc on Pheobe should anything have happened to

my baby.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You need to remain calm. Everything is okay. Your baby is safe and free from any harm but you need to relax.”

She said carefully not phased by my almost burst of anger

at all.

| took in a deep breath to release the tension from my b*dy and felt a little better

14:25 Sat, 27 Janu

Chapter 3

knowing that the little life inside ofwas safe.

“Are you in any sort of pain?” The nurse queried with concern in her eyes.

“I have a headache but it’s not too bad.” My voice was course. | reached to press my fingers against the

bandage wrapped around my forehead and winced as | touched something tender.


“I'll get you spain killers for that.” She turned to leave but | needed to know a few things.

“Are you sure everything is fine? With me? With my baby?” | asked again wanting to make sure. She paused and

turned to look atand | held my breath for a fraction of a second..

“You fell pretty hard. It’s a good thing your head injury was minor. As for your baby, he or she is as healthy as

can he. | assure you.” She smiled warmly atand | felt every ounce of my b*dy relax this time.

“Is there anything else that you would like to know?” She asked and | nodded immediately.

“How long have | been here for and when can | leave?” | needed to know this because she could say anything

from a few hours to months and | would believe her.

“Three days. You will be discharged tomorrow after the doctor does a few final checks.” She informedand |


After the nurse had left, a tray of food was brought in forwhich consisted of a hearty breakfast and a bowl of

fruit. | should be starving but | had no appetite at all. In fact, the sight of food hadfeeling the need to gag. |

did force myself to eat a few pieces of fruit thinking more about the baby than myself.

Once | was out of here, | needed to speak to Dante one more tbefore | could sign any papers. Maybe if |

spoke to him when he was alone and Pheobe was nowhere near him then he would be more open to consider

what | was saying.

Ugh, Pheobe.

| found that | felt a newfound hate for her that now was etched with a fierce rage of my own. She was such a

wretched women and sought to purposely injure not onlybut my baby after discovering | was pregnant. For a

split second, | considered the possibility that she might have told Dante about it but then | realised that she

would never s..

anything about it especially if she thought that it would jeopardize her


With all the

1:25 50L, 27 Jan

Chapter 3

not to think about my predicament right now. Next to the tray of food was the remote for the TV mounted a little

too high for comfort. | switched it on and my breath immediately hitched in the back of

my throat.

Dante and Pheobe had been glued to each other.

Pheobe clung on to his blazer while Dante had his arm around her lower back. They k*ssed passionately, smiling

against each other's I*ps and a sharp pang of pain slit through my heart like a double edged sword.

The cameras flashed violently and both of them waved at the pap araz zi with heady. grins on their faces. Dante

held her close to his side as they headed over to his awaiting car. They paused just before the could get in to

share one more lingering k*ss for the cameras followed by another one.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

All this tthere was a small part ofthat held on to a tiny shed of hope that maybe, just maybe, Dante had

not been as taken with her as Pheobe had made it seem. | thought that | had a shot to fix this, to make him see

reason and persuade him to go back to how things were.

But seeing him like that while the cameras flashed hungrily at their public display of affection, | knew that

Dante’s mind would not waiver. He had made a choice and that choice was to be with Pheobe.

Sadness ripped throughall over again.

| recalled things in my marriage that | shared with Dante. | put in so much of effort, played the role of a the

perfect, virtuous wife, and stayed by his side devotedly all this time. | never gave him a chance to find fault in

| scoffed heavily then felt my eyes burn before warm tears slid down my cheeks.

Da mn him! Da mn him for doing such a thing to me. | realised then that there was no speaking sense to him

unless | intended looking like a fool.

But, my sweet innocent baby.

| cradled my belly tenderly knowing that there was already a little but sacred life inside. A life that deserved

better. | knew that | needed to move on from this, from him. And it was not just for myself, but for my baby. It

was the realisation | wished I didn’t have but one that | needed.

After hours of sleeplessness, renewed pain, and fallen tears, | knew what | had to do. The next morning, Without

any hesitation, | found Dante’s non my phone and decided to send him a text ending all of this once and for



Chapter 3

‘Please send the divorce papers toas soon as possible. | will gladly sign it..


My finger hovered over the send key but | pressed it before | changed my mind. The second it sent, | felt a little

relieved. All that was left was forto properly gather my belongings and leave for good.