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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

My morning alarm went off at its usual tbut | hit snooze only for it not to ring again. Through my slumber,

the amount of sleep that | was getting began to becsuspicious. My eyes flew open and | searched the bed

for my phone. Once | found it next to the pillow, | checked the tand instantly swore under my breath.

Kicking my legs over the side of the bed, I quickly rushed to the bathroom and took the most brief shower I had

ever taken in my entire life. | changed up just as fast in to a pair of formal pants and chiffon blouse with ruffle

detailing along my n*eckline.

chaos of the morning had still not worn off before | had been thrown in to an unexpected. meeting with a few of

the newly recruited investors but luckily Nancy had whatever | needed to know all compiled in to a folder.

The meeting lasted a while and by the end of it | was famished. Breakfast was not sthing I had the luxury of

this morning due to my negligence but | was determined to rectify it before | could go on with the rest of the day.

| walked out of the boardroom and handed a file with notes back to Lucy which she took along with the

instructions | left for her to draw up new contracts for the investors. It was a positive start to the day despite the

rocky way it began. New investors meant more money which would be used properly in achieving the goals and

proving Dante Crawford wrong.

His bet still stood and | was determined now more than ever to see to it that me, and the company, emerged

victorious against his bet.

| headed to my office and grabbed my bag right when my phone began to ring. | fished it out of my bag and saw

Adams number flash across the screen.

“Well, well, well, look who finally called.” | said placing the phone to

my car.

“What can | say, you're not the only trying to sort out business.” He joked back and | chuckled. leaning my hip

against the edge of my desk.

“Work is keeping you busy then. | thought the American dealings were complete.” | said since that was what he

had last said toabout it.

“It is but now it’s tto sort out the specifics.” He sighed like he was already exhausted. “Any ways, are you

busy now? | was just about to drop by at your office.” | could hear the chatter of people. around him as he spoke.

“Actually, | have a better idea. I'll meet you in the lobby. | was heading out for a late breakfast anyways. You

might as well cwith.” | suggested moving to the door.

“I could use an espresso and a snack.” He agreed and the elevator doors opened to takedown to the lobby.

The cafe we visited was the usual one | always ate at since | got back. It was convenient being so close to the

office building and the food was behind decent. The whole cafe was done up to fit in to the recent standards or

being aesthetic.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

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Chapter 29

Adam and | had taken a booth in the middle of the cafe and placed out orders to the waitress. We chatted for a

short while but Adam excused himself to use the men’s room.

| sat and sipped on the glass of water that | requested when | had gotten here and looked around the place

which was not really busy at this tof day. People were mostly dropping by to pick up their coffees and a

snack to go with it before heading on their way.

For sunknown reason, almost like it was an instinctual move, my gaze moved to the entrance door. Maybe it

was a movement that caught the corner of my eye or what ever but there entered the last person | imagined to

see this morning let alone wanted to

Dante Crawford dressed in his formal apparel unlike yesterday where he donned on casual wear walked in to the

cafe. At first, | thought that he might be looking for sone but there really was not any one else here besides

Adam and | and, what looked like a university student at the far end.

His face wore a look of stubborn determination. His I*ps were firmly set and sthing about his stance made

my b*dy stiffen in uneasiness.

| was no equipped to deal with him so soon especially after what had happened last night. I'd assumed that he

would leavebe and forget about it all at least for a few days before he appeared and annoyedagain.

But luck, these days, had not been on my side.

| looked away hoping he wouldn't seeand get his food and leave but to my utter surprise, he steered his

b*dy directly to the booth | had been seat at like he knew | was here beforehand.

“Dante, what are you doing here?” | questioned, my voice a little high pitched.

Dante ran his eyes overin a way that was a little to closely analysising like he could see right through my


“| stopped at your office but you were not there but it's a good thing sone spotted you head this way.” His

tone was cocky which only served to send my anxiety through the roof.

“What ever it is you want. I'm sure it can be a phonecall or an email. | brushed it off but his nostril flared and he

quickly relaxed it before he lost his cool.

“I'm afraid that this cannot be.” He grunted sliding himself in to the bench across fromuninvited.

| stared blankly at his audacity but he didn’t seem bothered. He pulled back his blazer and retrieved an orange

folder which he slid across the table.

“If this is work related then it is best to meetwhen in the office and not here. | mocked at improper conduct

but his jaw clenched.

“This is not business. He said in a low, gutteral tone.

| frowned but pulled the folder closer to me, fl*pped the tab at the end and pulled out a that had the heading

Paternity Test in bold.


| swallowed audibly. “I see it isn’t but it’s not relevant to me.” | shrugged trying to keep cool when !

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Chapter 29

was any thing but on the inside.


“Oh, but it is. Considering you and | were married around the stHayley was conceived, it is only fitting

that a paternity test be conducted. It is no longer an option.” His tone was hard and so was his eyes like he

already knew the truth and was ready to unleash his anger towardsif | did what he assumed | had.

| opened my mouth to say sthing, any thing that might just deter him from persuing this path but to no

words escaped my I*ps. Adam arrived at the table with his expression neutral until he saw the man who had

been in his seat that he occupied minutes ago.

“What is he doing here?” Adam askedwith displeasure on his face.

Dante's scoffed at not being referred to directly and his I*ps curled. “It isn’t a matter that concerns you so I'd

stay out of it.” Dante growled but Adam lurched forward but caught himself.

“It is why | never asked you.” Adam retorted. “You just can’t leave her alone, can you? What? That shallow

girlfriend of yours that you refuse to commit to fully isn’t satisfying you any more?” That struck a nerve because

Dante hurled himself out of the booth.

His hands gripped Adams collar tightly and he shook him violently. “You should mind your words. I'm not the one

chasing after a woman who isn’t interested.” Dante muttered right in Adams face and | gasped at his audacity.

Both men began pushing each other back and forward but Dante was stronger. | knew | had to intervene before

this turned in to a full blown fight.

“Why are you so hell bent on making her life a misery?” Adam yelled at him angrily causing the staff of the cafe

to gather in the distance to behold what was happening.

“Stop it you two!” | said as loudly as | could but their raging anger was too wild to hear a word | said.

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“You kicked her out of your life once yet here you are eager to lick at her heels. Adam’s words sent. Dante's

anger to a new height.

He pushed back until Adam was a few steps away from him but Adam charged forward. | watched. in horror as

Dante balled his hands in to a fist ready to launch it at Adam. | couldn't let him get hurt because of me.

With out thinking, | threw my b*dy between theirs. Adam hit the back ofwith his b*dy with full force whilst

Dante's fist claunching right at my nose before he could hold it back.

| screamed as the pain shot through my nose sending a burning sensation radiating around it. | stumbled back

and would have fallen had it not been for Adam standing right behind me.

“F*+*l Dante swore.

“This is all your f**king fault!” Adam yelled at Dante before looking to inspect my face. “Are you alright?” He

asked as he tipped my head to the side trying to get a look.

“She isn’t. Her nose is bleeding and swelling. Dante shoved him out the way, gently cupping my

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Chapter 29

face as he inspected it.

My own anger had cto the fore front at these two especially Dante. His entire behaviour was appalling and

he didn’t know where to draw the line and just stay out of things.

| threw both his hands away from my fave angrily then turned to get stissue from from the table to hold my

nose but the minute | touched my nose 1 winced loudly at the pain.

“We need to go to the emergency room. It could be broken.” Adam panicked feeling his pockets for his keys.

“Sophia, I- I'm so sorry. 1-” Dante began apologizing but | threw him a sharp look.

“Save it. | don’t want to hear it.” | snapped at him.

“Let's go.” Adam said as he guidedout but Dante followed behind us.

“My car is right here. Might as well get in. He insisted but Adam already began protesting.

“No, we don’t need any help from you.” Adam ground out.

“Now is not the tto have pride. Sophia is hurt and she needs to be checked out.” Dante sounded like the

most caring individual right now despite the rage in his voice.

I'm hurt because of you two idiots. Just getto the damn ER room.” | snapped at both of them feeling the

injury in my nose pound painfully like it had developed a heartbeat.