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Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19

Dante’s POV.

the loud chatter had becnumbingly annoying wouldn't the first half an hour of being here. truth be told |

would choose to be anywhere else but at a family reunion involving Pheobe’s immediate family as well as her

extended family, when she had first toldabout this gathering he had leadto believe that it would only be

her parents and perhaps a few distant cousins but this was far more than I think she was prepared for stop

like any other day | would have flat out refused her offer and made up sother excuse like work just to get

out of it but granted that her mood at present was not the best especially when he died cto| decided to

just be on the sside.

the sharp sound of a lady letting out a donkey like love laugh madewince telling at the last put of my

patience that | had left for this evening. the main in Phoebe’s family were not the brightest would exception of a

handful but even they were interfere to be around. since they were the chosen. few amongst the entire

generation that had actually accomplished something sustaining in their lifetthey had taken to point

themselves to becoverfully boastful with an extremely fragile


| tried to engage as little as | could and make sure to drink a few good glasses of alcohol if | was too put up with

this event for the rest of the evening. Phoebe had stayed by my side for a little bit until she had seen her mother

at the end of the room and quickly broke away from my side and rushed over to her mother.

it didn’t bugtoo much that she had done so, if anything | had felt a slight wave of relief knowing that I could

sneaky maneuver about the room without having being questioned about when Phoebe and | would be tying the


| didn’t even want to think about any of that at present they were simply too much going on and I've never found

myself feeling so unsettled before now, even as | sat here in a room full of people my mind still wondered over to


| had this unexplainable need to always know what she was up to or what she was doing or who she was doing it

with beginning to driveinsane because I’m no longer had access to her life or her in any way aside from a

professional aspect. the mere thought of her spending her days with Adam. Huxley had my hand tightening

around the glass in my hold.

I chugged back the last bit of dark liquid in my whiskey cup and felt the burn at the back of my throat before |

set the cup back down motioning for the bartender to hitagain.

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I never thought that Dante Crawford would be a man who drowned his stresses of the day in a bottle. “Mason

Pearson, one of Phoebe’s distant cousins, said with a smug grin on his face as motioned for the bartender to fix

him a glass as well.

| offered him no response and redirected my attention back to my now full glass when Mason had. taken the seat

next to me.

“I guess | can't really blyou that much. being married to my cousin certainly must not be the easiest of

tasks but | must commend you for how long you've put up. “I could sense the mocking in.

Chapter 19

his tone almost like he had been laughing from the outside.

every single family had their feuds but not quite like the way Phoebe’s family did. everyone assthat the

next person had their best interesting heart and they put on the show off families. everything when given the

slightest bit of chance for their own gain and benefit not a single person in this room would resist stabbing the

next person in the back.

Mason on the other hand was no different. he portrayed this brotherly figure to Phoebe for as long as | could

remember then yet he was the one person in the entire family who spoke the most smack about her.

“how about we talk about your pregnancy instead. “I threw him a sideward glare. “I hope you know that there

are scircumstances that money just can’t get you out of. “it was like he had a lot of it to begin with


Mason's face hardened as my comment bruised his fragile ego prompting him to leave maybe with his glass. |

had soaked up the momentary peace but it didn’t last too long because Phoebe had approached me.

“you are being insufferable, “she whisper yelled atthrough tightly clenched teeth making sure that nothing

seemed awry from the outside.

“we have been here for nearly 45 minutes and you choose to sit yourself at the open bar like smiserable

man, do you have any idea how many horrible questions | have to endure tonight?” she continued to whisper yell

atbut this was nothing that | was not used to.

“I told you that we shouldn't chere. you know how | feel about gatherings like this and you also know that

these type of uncomfortable situations are unmissible when it comes to your family. “it, was the truth and she

knew it, even if | had walked by her side the entirely evening stuck to her like glue we would still face some

rather the invasive questions either way.

Not wanting to create a scene in front of watchful eyes that were certainly focused on us, | offered Phoebe the

most neutral and laid back look that I could muster.

“you want to socialize around the room on my arm then so be it but | must warn you never to beratelike a

child again. “I warned her but that had only fueled her anger.

Phoebe let out an exasperated huff before groaning in her anger and storming away. | let her be knowing that

nothing | said in her current state of mind would fix anything, all it would serve to do would be create a

magnificent scene for her countless family members to witness.

| swirled the amber liquid in my glass and continue to sip on it at my leisure, with all the alcohol in the air and

the attendees stomachs the noise had only grown louder, it had drawn loud enough that I did not even hear

Portia approachand | was unaware of her presence until he placed her hand on in my shoulder and settled

herself in the seat that Mason had taken not too long ago.

“I must say that | am offended that you didn’t cto greetthis evening but | must forgive you because | do

know how Phoebe can be,” she started gently and with slight humor in her tone.

“it was not something dong intentionally, it’s just a little bit too much of people in the room forto have cut

through to reach you. “I explained and Portia nodded in understanding.


Chapter 19

“we are a rather large family, there is no denying that fact. “she chuckled lightly while | downed the rest of my


when she inhaled deeply and a little heavily | knew that she was about to say something on the

more serious note..

“I can see the tension between Phoebe and you and it really isn’t a good thing, as much as she may try to put on

a good front | am her mother and | can see right through it “so this is what she had cover to actually say but

| didn’t say a word and let her get on with it.

“I know she seems a little bit angry all the trecently but any woman would be when they have been with a

man such as yourself for so long with no proper or true commitment, she is bound to becuneasy and

doubtful of where your affections lie when you give her no direction of where your relationship is heading.” She

spoke in calm and gentle manner like the way a mother would speak to her child in advice.

“she’s never expressed that need tothough, as far as | knew Phoebe was quite content with our

arrangement and she never once complained.” | tried to speaking as lower of a tone as | could not wanting any

Follow current on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

possible to hear knowing that it would spread like gossip throughout this entire room.

Portia let out a small chuckle as she tappedfirmly on the back. “you men are really clueless to the way the

female mind works, obviously Phoebe’s not going to ask you for commitment. no serious woman would.

commitment isn’t something that should be asked for especially if it is in naturally given, do you think that she

was to feel that you are fully committing to her do something else Solid as married just because she asked you

for it?” she raise a brow at me, tilting her head to the side.

Portia gripped my shoulder to assist her in getting back up from the chair. “do not becthrown off by this

frustrated Phoebe and remind yourself about the Phoebe you know before. the one that saved you all those

years ago from drowning, she at one point had just her life to save you and I'm not saying you owe her one but

you kind of do. “he let go of my shoulder before walking away leavingfeeling even more frustrated then |

first enter this room..


had scanned the room for Pheobe until | found her speaking to one of her blonde haired cousins at the corner of

the room.

| recalled the day | drowned vaguely. It was a long tago and | couldn’t quite remember Pheobe’s face being

the one to have rescuedbut she did. | knew it for as long as | could remember. We were at a trip with her

family years ago. Sophia was there too being Pheobe’s step sister but she barely socialised with her own family.

| woke up from my chair and sauntered over to Pheobe where the crowd split to make way forto go through

but not before staring atlike | was the last cookie in the jar.

“Pheobe.” | said her nand she looked up atconfused and still angry at my presence.

She excused herself from her cousin and looked at me. “What, Dante?” She asked in a sharp tone but I ignored


“Do you want to go on a date withtomorrow night?” | asked with a smirk and she blinked in



Tue, 5 Mar

Chapter 19

usion a few times before she grinned at me, her eyes dancing in triumph.