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Mommy daddy is the lycan king by Glory Tina

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100
Warning! Triggering chapter: violence.
Fiona’s POV
Fiona opened the door and stepped into the house. Julian rose to his feet immediately, and a look of worry lingered on his
“How did it go?”
“Bad,” she answered, and she didn’t know how she was holding herself up at this point.
He silently walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her for comfort. “I am sorry.”
She didn’t know how much she needed his arms around her until they were there, holding her. The comfort they provided was
what she needed. For a moment, she let her fences fall, and she clung to him, weeping at her loss.
Pain and guilt ate her up. She had done what was right, yet she felt much more guilty than anything else.
She never understood Julian’s side of what he did to her until now. Everything he did, sending her away into this world, must
have hurt him like hell, but he did it because he believed that was the right thing to do. He wanted to protect her; he wanted to be
safe, and even when that meant hurting her, he didn’t weaver.
She understood now, because she just did the same.
She pulled away from him and stepped back from him. “There is something I haven’t told you.” She began with a small voice.
His eyes lingered on her, waiting for her to speak. She released a long breath. “I am pregnant, and it is yours.”
Silence was what she received as a response for the first few seconds. Julian’s eyes wandered from hers and dropped to her
slightly protruding belly, then back up at her. She saw his struggle to keep himself from reaching for her. It warmed her heart and
gave her solace in this chaos.
“My bump is barely visible for a four-month pregnancy, but you can feel it if you want,” she told him.

He hesitated, still taken aback by what she just told him. This was something he wanted for the longest time, and now he stood
overcome with shock and unable to do anything.
“I didn’t know if I wanted the baby after I found out about it. I was still furious with you, and I also knew you would come and take
her away from me once you found her,” she revealed as she stepped towards him. “I didn’t want to have to give her up the way I
did June and Jashin. But the more I thought about her, the more I knew she was what I wanted. I have wanted another child for
the longest time.”
She stood before him, took his hands, and placed them on her stomach so he could feel the baby inside her.
He gasped, overwhelmed by the truth and the reality that came with it. “You will be a father again, Julian.”
His eyes grew glassy as he stared back up at her. “I don’t know what to say, Fiona. I have looked forward to this day for a while,
but now I don’t know what the right thing to say is. But I promise I will defend and protect her with everything that I have or die

trying.” He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead tenderly.
She smiled, believing every word he just uttered. “I know.”
“Thank you for telling me.”
“You are welcome.”
“What is the next step, then?” she asked the lingering question.
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Chapter 100

“We need to leave. There will be so many casualties if the war is to happen here. In the werewolf world, we stand a better
chance of fighting. We have the strength, numbers, and abilities.
She had
other choice. There was nothing left for her here, but there was so much she needed to protect. Camila, Peter, and Cillian were
at the top of that list.
“Tomorrow, we leave.”
Fiona was still deep in her sleep when she heard footsteps around her door, and her eyes snapped open in bed. She sat up,
already knowing she wasn’t alone, and immediately preparing herself for the intrusion.
She would have said Julian, but he wasn’t the one. They had worked out an understanding that if he wanted to come over, he
would have to inform her. This was an intruder, and her senses warned her against not being on alert.
She pulled herself off the bed and towards the door, then waited for it to open, but after a while, the footstep faded They left.
Who could it be? She would have said Kenneth, but the scent wasn’t one she was familiar with. Not in a while.
It wasn’t Kenneth, but she knew whoever was there wasn’t her friend.
After a minute of waiting and not getting any sound, she opened the door and stepped out, only for her hair to be yanked and
herself thrown onto the cold, hard floor..

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She groaned in pain at the impact, but she didn’t stay longer. She was being attacked, and she needed to get up and fight.
She jumped back to her feet, her senses kicking in, and she turned around and found Isis standing before her with menace in
her eyes.
Anger surged through her veins at her sight, and her hands balled into a fist. The one out to kill her was the one who took
everything away from her. Isis made her look crazy when she was right all along.
“You!” she growled, and her hands balled into a tight fist.
Isis smirked. “Same old me,
Oh, she would enjoy killing this whore, Fiona thought. For everything she did to her family, she would make her pay.
Fiona launched at Isis, her hands transforming into sharp claws as she reached her, but Isis rubbed her bracelet and vanished

from her sight. Before she could decide where Isis went, a punch landed on her ribs. She groaned and staggered a little.
He growled in anger at Isis’ petty tricks, but she was determined to beat her at her game. “I don’t care what tricks you have up
your sleeves; my face will be the last one you see.” She growled and turned around to find Isis standing behind her.
“May the best Lycan win because I said the same thing about you? Isis replied, her smirk still on her face, and she wanted
nothing more than to tear it away.
“Then fight like you mean it and stop running away.” Fiona charged at her, and once again she vanished before her eyes after
rubbing at her bracelet, and the next strike Fiona felt was to her left knee.
She dropped to one knee, and her hand shot out when Isis’ leg swung to kick her stomach, so her leg slammed against her
chest area instead, and this took her down, rolling down the stairs.
She didn’t stay down for long because that would mean death for her. She ran to her feet.
“What? Are you tired already?” Isis asked with a small pout displaying on her mouth as she followed her down. “Don’t worry, after
I kill you, I will make sure to take out your lover as fast as I can. What is his name again? Cillian?”
Fiona’s teeth clenched at Isis’s words about hurting Cillian, who had done nothing to hurt her.

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Chapter 100
This was Isis’s taunting skill, and she couldn’t win this battle if she played into her tricks. She would die if she let her emotions
dictate her ability to put up a good fight. Isis wanted her to fight with emotions because that was the only way she
would lose.
Fiona spat out the blood in her mouth onto the ground and wiped the rest on her lips. “Do not worry about me; I didn’t learn how
to fight using cheap tricks. One thing I learned is to always kill when I fight, and you will die tonight.” She said, and she launched
at Isis once more, but as she vanished from before her, Fiona swung back at the same time, and her fist collided with Isis’ face.
She reached where Isis stood in a flash and yanked the blue bracelet out of her wrist before she could get to vanish. The jewel
broke apart and fell to the ground, and shock took over Fiona as she saw Vivian standing before her instead of Isis.
How was that possible? How was Vivian here when she saw the dark world pull her in and close up over two years ago? She
had seen Vivian even after her alleged death, but she always thought her mind played tricks on her. She had been out doing the
bidding of the Dark World for who knows how long.
“So, you didn’t die.
“It will take more than that to kill me,” Vivian answered, a smirk coming onto her bruised lips.
Fiona had to agree with her. “You are right. I never thought I would say this, but I am glad you didn’t die in the Dark world. I am
glad you are here, giving me the honour of putting an end to you.”
Fiona said and launched at her, and the two fell into a brutal fight. Fiona pinned Vivian to the floor with her claw around her neck.
Vivian struggled, but she was incapacitated and unable to do anything else but take the assault.
Fiona’s eyes glowed.
“The Dark World wanted to take me out, and they sent you?” She growled, dug her claw into Vivian’s chest, and pulled out her
heart at the same time. She watched the light in her eyes
