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Meeting The One For Me

Chapter 24
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Chapter 24

Dr. Harrison's voice was still laden with sighs even now.

He sighed and spoke, “The patient's father got on his knees, beggingto save their daughter at any cost. He

feared his wife wouldn't survive if their daughter didn’t.

“Sadly, despite the surgery, the patient didn’t make it. Later, | heard that the patient's mother also passed not

long after her daughter. Truly a tragic tale.”

The recording stopped there.

lan looked at Adam and said, “After our investigation, it appears that your mother has indeed passed away, just

as your mother’s friend, Anne, said. Today, we've invited her to the show. We ask Anne to share Wanda’s story

with us.”

The crew escorted an emotional Anne to the center of the stage. She sat down and recounted how she and

Audrey’s birth mother escaped Sayeno Town with Audrey’s help.

She described how they had panicked in front of the police station, which had led to a fall and hospital

admission, where Wanda bled to death.

The audience murmured with sympathy.

“I told them Wanda was gone, but they wouldn't believe me!” Anne said anxiously. Just as she was about to

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reveal how the Yeomans family had used Audrey to threaten her, she stopped. She was afraid of implicating

Audrey. She abruptly shut her mouth.

Donna began, “Anne, it's not that we didn’t believe you. You and Adam’s mom were close back in Sayeno Town,

and you left together. You must have her contact details! The child just wants to see his birth mother, sister, and


“You clearly have Adam's sister's and grandfather's numbers. How could you be so heartless and keep them to

us? Otherwise, we wouldn't have to air our dirty laundry on this show!”

Donna held Adam and she cried. She went on about how hard life had been for her, and how Adam was bullied

as a child for not having a mother.

“Since Adam's sister left with her mother, we've had no contact for years. Look at what kind of woman she’s

become. Drugging people, climbing into their beds, her nude photos plastered everywhere...”

Donna becmore agitated as she spoke, “We never should have let Audrey go. If she'd listened to me, she

would've been married and had kids by now. She wouldn't be causing all this trouble!”

“You're lying! Audrey is the best child in the world! She’s a top student at Sheysea University! When you heard

Audrey had helped her mom escape, you wanted to kill her!” Anne defended.

Her emotions ran high as she continued, “You're the one who said girls are a loss! You said you'd give Audrey to


The normally timid Anne and the Yeomans family started arguing fiercely on stage.

The show's crew loved the intense conflict. They focused the camera on Donna's face.

Donna stood up. She spat vile, twisted words, “Shut the hell up! Audrey left with her mom. We had to give her to

her mother! Who took your 20 thousand dollars? Show us the proof!

“You turned a good girl into a shameless, loose woman who sells herself for money. How will she ever get

married now? Why doesn’t God see this!”

The audience frowned at Donna'’s filthy words. They couldn't believe a grandmother would speak of her

granddaughter like that.

Anne argued, unable to contain her anger. Donna lunged at her, pulling at her hair. The stage descended into


Two and a half hours later.

Holding a tearful Anne, Audrey walked out of the Sheysea TV station building.

Behind them, the Yeomans family created a hysterical scene, adamantly protesting the show's


“You must be in cahoots with that despicable Audrey!” Donna yelled, “If you dare broadcast this, I'll jump off the

building of Sheysea TV Station! Even if | die, | won't let you bastards off the hook.”

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Anne wiped away her tears and urged, “Audrey, you must go! While the Yeomans family is busy with the TV

station, slip away! Don’t let them catch you! Someone from the show will takeback to the hotel later.”

Audrey gently squeezed Anne's rough hands, reassuring her, “I'm taking the high-speed train tonight to

Cloudmill to meet Professor Douglas. Once I'm settled there, I'll chand celebrate New Year's Eve with

you and Harper.”

Aunt Anne nodded vigorously and took out a card from her pocket. She pushed it into Audrey’s hand and said,

“Take this money. The PIN is your birthday. It's always good to have money on a journey.”

Worried Audrey might refuse, she added, “If you don’t use it all, just give it back towhen you chome! |

don’t want to hold you back in Cloudmill. It'll givepeace of mind if you have more money,”

Audrey took the bank card and smiled at Anne. “Okay, I'll take it.”

“Audrey, you're not at fault here. You're the kindest and best child in the world! Without you, your

mother and I..."

Anne's voice trailed off as she recalled what Audrey said during the recording, tears streaming down her face.

She continued, “You and Harper are the apples of my eye! Don't listen to the vile nonsense from the Yeomans


Chapter 24-

“I know, Aunt Anne.”