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Mated To The King’s Gamma By Jessica Hall

Chapter 10
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open my mouth to ask but close it again.” You want to go for a run?” she asks, and I nod, wondering ho

w she knew.

“I have seen you looking at the forest every time you have gone out there. You don‘t have to ask

Abbie if you want to go. Just tell me, and I will

let the guards know so they can make sure you‘re safe. There are bears out there, so remain in the gua

rd‘s perimeter,” she says. I swallowed, looking at the door.

“You won‘t punish me when I return?” I asked. She looks appalled at my words.

“Honey, why would I punish you?” she chuckles, shaking her head.

“No reason. I just wanted to make sure it was okay. I don‘t want to get in trouble,” I admit.

“Go for a run, Abbie, and anyone tries to punish you for it. They will deal with the King and me,” Clarice

says. She nudges me toward the doors leading to the clothesline.

“Go on, have fun. I will let the guards on duty know you‘re out there,” she says. I nodded, yet I refused t

o get

excited. Instead, I was still hesitant. Even as I approached the forests edge. Glancing around nervously

, I waited a few minutes to see

if any guards suddenly rushed into the forest to search for me and drag me back, but I saw no one.

Stripping my clothes off, I laid them on a nearby fallen tree. Falling onto my hands and knees the dirt sq

uished between my fingers as I focused on the shift. Feeling the first tremor, it slivered up my spine, fur

grew along my

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naked body before it started twisting and morphing as I took shape and body of my were wolf form, my

hands, and feet replaced with paws and claws, my face elongated, and my tail bone twitched as my tail

zipped out. Shaking out my fur, I looked at my paws before becoming distracted by the swish of my tail

. It took me a good five minutes to stop from chasing the damn thing as it eluded my teeth.

Stretching, I sniffed the air. The scent of pine cones and damp soil invigorated

my senses, and my hearing perked at the crickets and tiny insects in the forest.I shot off, darting betwe

en the trees and jump ing over logs. Nothing felt more refreshing than feeling the dirt beneath my paws,

the air brushing through my fur as I rushed through the forest, cackling my head off. I felt free, alive, an

d so energized.

After about ten minutes of running, however, I heard the foliage move, and the wind changed direction,

making me halt when I picked up an unfamiliar yet familiar scent that was harder to pinpoint since my s

ense of smell was ridiculously strong in this form.

Twisting, I look for the intruder while scampering backward when a huge

Lycan steps out from be tween the trees. I drop my head before turning it, baring my neck to the beast.

I felt like I was about to wet myself when the huge, terrifying thing walked toward me, making a whimpe

r escape me.

“Don‘t be frightened, Abbie, it is only me?” the voice says, and my ears twitch on top of my head, his vo

ice is gravely and distorted from him being in this form, yet as I lift my gaze, he crouches before me be

fore pulling a backpack from his huge

furry shoulder. He unzipped it, and still, I couldn‘t place him, yet | backed up when I saw him open the b

ag and reach inside.

“I won‘t hurt you,” the Lycan says. Hearing a wrapper, 1 peer at his hand in the backpack before he pull

s out red candy clouds, Gannon? I thought.

“Recognize me now?” he

chuckles, and I bob my head as he opens the packet. He pinches one between his claws and holds it o

ut to me, and my wolf instantly sniffs it before licking it.

Gannon laughed as my tongue swiped his fingers when I realized what he was doing when my nose br

ushed his furry knees. Overrun by my senses, I hadn‘t learned he was drawing his hand closer to hims

elf until I was practically between his legs. I freeze, and he sits leaning against the tree when his hands

sud denly grab me, making me yelp loudly in fright.

He set me on his lap, his claws running through my fur as he brushed it.

“Well, aren‘t you a little ball of suff,” he laughs, stroking my fur like I was a damn pet, yet his claws felt n

ice raking through my thick coat. After a few minutes, I relaxed, realizing he was just petting me, not goi

ng to punish me. I found the burly scary man comforting for some reason, yet I couldn‘t explain it but I f

elt safe

with him near. Although, when he rubbed my ears, I started

purring like a damn cat and tried to scramble off his lap, only for him to drag me back and nip at my ear

with his sharp teeth.

“Stop; I don‘t care if you purr. I can purr too,” he laughs before purring, the noise rumbling from his ches

t was loud. My wet nose pressed against the center where it was loudest before I could stop myself, fee

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ling its deep vibration before his fur went up my nose, making me sneeze.

Gannon laughs, and I lick his chin, mortified at what I did. I froze, which only made him laugh harder.

“It‘s fine, Abbie; she–

wolves are attracted to dominant males; I expect you to act accordingly,” he laughs. “It doesn‘t bother

me,” he says before licking my face

and my eyeball, making my lashes stick to gether, and I had to blink to un–stick them.

“See, it doesn‘t bother me,” he says. My nose picks up the delicious scent

of the clouds when I lay my head across his lap, my nose sniffing the air before my face was in his bag,

sniffing around. I am never shifting again! Urges were impossible to control, I merely had to think some

thing, and I was acting on them.

My teeth pull the candy bag out, my tongue slipping in the little

bag, licking up the sugar when Gannon takes the

bag, pouring some in his hands, my wolf side going berserk on the damn things, even licking his fingers

like a pig. Yet Gannon didn‘t seem to mind, his hand on my rump while he let me lick the sugar from his

“Want to run to the river with me?” he asks when I finish eating the entire bag. I look up at the sky, know

“The men can get their dinner. I already told Clarice you‘re with me and told Damian. They said it is fine,

I could barely hear the water, so I knew it was a far distance, but he was already getting to his feet, and

“See if you can keep up,” he says, grabbing his bag and tossing it over his shoulder. He then shoots off

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