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Married To My Ex-Husband’s Rival by Jobet GraySon

Chapter 3
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Chapter Three

Amber used to think that she was someone who couldn't be angry for too long, but after the situation with

Marlene and Kayden, she had cto realize that she had just never been in a situation where she needed to be

angry for a long time.

Currently, she was watching Marlene walk down the altar to where Kayden stood with a massive smile on his

face, and every fiber of her being was boiling with so much anger that she felt like she could explode at any


She wanted to avoid standing out too much, so she made sure to wear something casual that wouldn't draw any

attention to her because the last thing she wanted was to get caught in this place.

She didn’t even want to imagine the look people would have on their faces when they saw her there, attending

her sister's and her ex-husband’s wedding.

She knew she was already a laughingstock to many people, but she certainly wasn’t ready to get caught and

watch them laugh in her face.

The fact that nobody seemed to see anything wrong with what was happening here made her even more upset

because it was public knowledge that he and she had just divorced four months ago.

Now all of a sudden, he was marrying her sister, and the typical moral police that usually saw a problem with

anything and everything were quiet and supportive.

The hypocrisy!

When Kayden and she first got married, she saw several news outlets and articles questioning her character and

claiming that she simply married him because of his money, even when they had no idea how they got married

in the first place.

Their marriage happened so suddenly because neither one of them had expected that they were going to be

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getting married to each other. Because of this, everybody else assumed that she rushed the marriage because

she was a gold digger who wanted to cement herself into his family and have a taste of his family fortune.

It was very upsetting at first because she didn’t even want to marry him of her own free will, and yet, she was

getting dragged by people who had no idea who she was over something that she had no control over.

She hadn't seen any article, not one, criticize the fact that these two people were getting married, and for every

article that she had read in the last few days, they kept praising Marlene and indirectly shaming her by writing

that she was nothing like her because she was a genuine person who fell in love and helped Kayden get out of

his previously loveless and forced marriage.

How ridiculous, right?

So, right now, her father, who had walked her down the aisle about a year ago, to marry Kayden, was walking

her younger sister down the aisle to marry the sman that his first daughter had married not too long ago.

She was seated way behind, but she could see every one of her family members staring at Marlene with massive

smiles on their faces, and it reminded her of the day she was getting married and how they all had similar smiles

on their faces like they were genuinely happy for her.

The situation just made her realize that they weren't happy that she was getting married; they were just happy

because of who she was getting married to and how her marriage to him was going to elevate their status in


It took her a while to realize it, but now she knew that the only thing they wanted was to keep Kayden Black as

their son-in-law, even if he had to divorce one daughter to shamelessly marry the other daughter.

They didn’t care what people thought, and people also weren't concerned with the weird situation because

Kayden'’s family was a big-shot family in the country, and no one would want to get on their bad side simply

because of their unsolicited opinion.

Marlene and her dad continued making their way down the aisle, and she just kept watching them with the

feeling of emptiness and hurt growing inside her.

After what felt like a decade, Marlene finally arrived at the altar, and she watched her dad place her hand on

Kayden’s with the ssmile he had on his face on her wedding day.

“Dearly beloved,” the priest started, “we're gathered here today to witness the lovely union of two wonderful

people who are about to be joined in holy matrimony.”

Hearing him use the words ‘lovely’ and ‘matrimony’ made her have the sudden urge to puke.

He kept going on and on about how God had brought them together and blah blah blah, and her eyes kept rolling

continuously. She was pretty certain that anyone who saw her right now would think that she was a bitter witch

who wasn’t happy for them, and even though it was true that she was the farthest from being happy for them,

she had very valid reasons not to be.

The more she heard him speak and the more she saw the reaction on people’s faces, the more it dawned on her

that everybody in this hall except herself was a bloody hypocrite because about 80% of the people here right

now were also present for her wedding, and they were simply repeating the sreaction they had when

Kayden and she were getting married.

The fake smile, the fake gasp, the teary eyes, and the most common one of them all, the showering of

comments on how they envy you, how they wish to be in your shoes, how beautiful you look, and how happy

they are for you. The comments and the lies were just never-ending.

Bloody hypocrites!

“Now, you shall recite your vows to each other, promising before God and man what your partner will always

mean to you,” the priest encouraged, and her heart clenched a bit when she realized that she would have to

hear him making vows to her sister, just a year after vowing to always be with her.

“1, Kayden Black, take you, Marlene Grey, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my best friend, my companion, and the

love of my life from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family, and friends, | vow to be a faithful

partner to you, to love and to cherish you in sickness and good health, in the good times and the bad, to love

and support you unconditionally and to respect you for as long as we both shall live,” Kayden recited and

hearing it directly from his lips broke her heart even more.

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It made her sad, but even more than that, she was mad because he didn’t even put any effort into his vows. He

repeated almost the sthings that he said to her when they got married, and it pissed her off to realize just

how much he didn’t regard her or their wedding, that he even went ahead and repeated the svows he made

to her, to her sister.

“I, Marlene Grey, take you, Kayden Black, to be my lawfully wedded husband. To love and to cherish you, to be

with you through the good and the bad times, to support and encourage you in everything you do, and to

respect and honor you for as long as we both shall live,” Marlene said in her vows, and she couldn't help but

scoff at both of them.

Two liars, cheats, bastards, fools, idiots, and betrayers, that deserved to rot in hell were getting married, and she

was unfortunate enough to witness such a disgusting event.

She could feel herself getting angrier and angrier, and she knew that was her cue to leave so that she didn’t end

up reacting in a way that would expose her because the last thing she wanted was for everybody there to find

out that she also attended this sham of a wedding.

She stood up quietly after a while and proceeded to walk out of the hall. She bowed her head, carefully covering

her face with the scarf over her head while walking briskly out of the place.

She had successfully managed to leave the wedding hall, but just when she was about to heave a sigh of relief

that she didn’t get caught, a hand grabbed her arm suddenly, and when she looked up to see who it was, she

was met with the face of a man that literally almost took her breath away.

So angel-like humans exist? She wondered internally, momentarily forgetting that she was supposed to be

bolting out of there at full speed.

“Who-" she was about to ask after snapping out of it, but he cut her off before she could say anything else.

“Forgive my audacity, beautiful, but I'm going to have to ask you to cwith me,” he said in the most calm

and respectful tone ever, and before she knew what was happening, she was getting pulled away by some

strange guy.

Sadly, she couldn't scream for help because that would only call attention to her, and she'd get caught, so she

had no choice but to allow herself to get dragged to heaven knows where.