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Loving my Rejected Luna

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

Zane grimaced when he felt a cold rag on his forehead. He opened his eyes slowly and saw Kiara covering his leg

properly with the blanket.

“Baby, what are you doing out of bed and why is this rag on my forehead?” Kiara gasped as she turned to him then

without warning, she ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

“My love, I was so worried about you. I’m sorry I stressed you to this point, I didn’t mean to” She murmured as she

cried on his shoulders.

Zane gently pushed her back as he stared at her with confusion on his face.

“What are you talking about, my love?” She frowned.

“You have been unconscious for four days, Zane” His eyes widened as sat up abruptly. He grabbed her shoulders as

he began searching her body.

“Did you feel any pain for the last four days? How did you do it? Did they give you the pill?” Zane questioned as he

stared at her worriedly.

“No, I’m fine. For some reason, that episode didn’t happen again and I haven’t felt any pain for the last four days.

I’ve just been here taking care of you” He heaved a sigh of relief.

“Okay, it’s time to go lay back down on your bed” He murmured and was about to stand up when Kiara stopped


“You’re not getting up from this bed, Zane. I’m going to call the doctor so he can do a thorough check up on you”

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Zane sighed.

“But I’m fine, Kiara. See?” He uttered as he flapped his arms around but she didn’t listen. She pushed his shoulders

back down then covered him with the blanket.

“Stay here, I’ll be right back” She muttered with a stern look on her face before walking towards the door. Her

stomach had grown a lot and her feet were swollen as well so Zane couldn’t help but worry about her every


What if she fell down and couldn’t get up on her own? He thought to himself.

“Zane, I’m going to be fine. I’ve been doing this for the past four days” As if she could read his thoughts, she

muttered as she turned back to him before finally leaving the room.

Zane sighed then stared up at the ceiling as he waited for Kiara. It wasn’t up to a minute when Kiara walked back

into the room with the doctor behind her.

“Good morning, Alpha Zane” The doctor uttered with a smile and Zane nodded for him before outstretching his

hand towards Kiara.

“Come here” He murmured and she sighed before going over to him and holding his hand.

“Stop worrying about me, I’m fine Zane” She murmured when she saw the look in his eyes.

“You know no matter what you say, I’m going to worry My love” She sighed then turned to the doctor who was busy

doing the check up.

“How is he?” She questioned and the doctor nodded.

“He’s okay, his vitals are okay. Not to anyone’s surprise, his injuries have healed on their own. He fainted due to

exhaustion and stress and should really get a good proper sleep for the whole day but knowing the both of you

relationship, I’m not sure he’s going to be able to rest because of you” She frowned at the doctor’s words.

“Baby, it’s just because I’m worried about you” Zane murmured as he stared at her.

“Well you don’t have to be worried about me. I’m really fine and you need to rest”

“But Kiara…”

“I’m right there, Zane! You can check up on me later but I want you to rest right now. Please, for me” Zane stared

at her for a while then sighed.

“Fine but while I’m asleep, Someone should be with you. Call Levi and ask him to come watch over you” Kiara rolled

her eyes but nodded.

“Yes Boss. Now rest” He sighed then closed his eyes slowly while she caressed his hair.

She nodded at the doctor as he excused himself before turning her attention to Zane.

“Sleep and don’t worry about me, okay? I’ll be fine” She murmured then placed a kiss on his forehead before

walking over to her bed.

She gasped slightly then glanced around to make sure no one was looking before quickly hiding the pills under her


She sat down on the bed slowly with a sad look on her face. She knew it was wrong, she really hadn’t wanted to

take it but she didn’t want to stress Zane anymore and this was the only way she could handle the pain so she had

been taking it for the last four days and hadn’t allowed anyone to see her so they wouldn’t notice.

“I’m sorry Zane but I’m not as strong as you think”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Anastasia groaned loudly as she laid back on the hard cold ground. These spells were harder and more draining

than she expected.

“Giving up so soon, my dear?” The old woman, who she now knew as Margaret, uttered.

“No, I’ll never give up. I just need to catch my breath” Anastasia muttered then took deep breaths before getting

up from the ground.

She walked over to the spell book. Just then, Margaret walked in and handed her a cup of tea which she took gladly.

She really needed the energy.

“So will you tell me why you feel so indebted to this couple? What did they do for you?” Margaret uttered as she sat

down on the couch beside Anastasia.

Anastasia gulped down her tea then sighed before turning to Margaret.

“Zane the Alpha? He saved my life when we were kids. I was sort of an outcast to the spell witches when I was

younger because according to my mother, the Queen of witches at that time had been scared of me because she

knew I was going to be stronger than her. She had my mother killed and had wanted to kill me too but I ran away

as fast as I could and bumped into Zane who also happened to be training in the forest at that time. He had bruises

all over his body and seemed like he was about to fall apart but when he saw I was in trouble, he immediately stood

in front of me and tried his best to protect me despite the fact that he was already Injured. He fought them off to

the best of his abilities but of course, he was just a kid so he wasn’t any match for them but despite that, he never

let any one of them lay a finger on me. I even tried to help but he kept assuring me he was going to protect me.

Luckily, his father appeared at that time and was able to save him and I. After that, I dedicated my life to repaying

his kindness and no matter what I do,I feel like it’s not enough but this, if I save his baby and woman, not only would

I be paying him back, I’d also feel fulfilled. I’d finally be able to save him as well”…