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Love Comes After Hate

Chapter 49
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Chapter 49 Aaron nodded and said. “You didn’t go to my apartment today?” “No.” “You must be scared by what happened last night. I'm really sorry. | didn’t expect that my brother suddenly returned home. But | promise it won't happen again in the future. If you still fee | considerate, I'll change a new place for you.” “There is no need.” | refused immediately.

“You don’t trust me?” “I don’t think it's suitable for my aunt to squeeze on the sofa every night, so I'm going to change to a three bedroom house. Two rooms for living and one for work, which saves ton the road every day and | can accompany my daughter more.” “Then | can recommend you several houses. After all, | have more resources for real estate.” “Thank you, but I've already found one.” “So fast?” “Introduced by a friend.” Of course | didn’t. | didn’t want to involve him too much in private. His approach tomay be as impure as my approach to him. After a short silence, he finally got to the point: “What did my brother say to you last night?” Hearing this, he tightened my hands holding the cell phone. | looked up at him: “You and your brother know my e x husband or my ex husband's current wife, right?” Aaron looked atand | looked at him.

His Adam’s apple rolled and his eyes tried to avoid me: “I don’t know my brother. He has been studying abroad f or a long time, and we don’t have much contact at ordinary times. But at the beginning, | didn’t know your relati onship with Wendy.” “When did you know?” “The day after | saved you. | asked someone to investigate.” | said again. “So you helpedagain and again because you know Wendy hurtand wanted to make up for it? His breathing beca little heavy, but he didn’t avoid the problem: “To tell you the truth, | don’t recognize wha t she did, and | saw that you were frustrated because of her, so | wanted to tried my best to help you.” | looked out of the window: “The first tyou gave100,000s and introduced lawyer to me, | can understand . After all, they druggedon the day of marriage and threwinto the wilderness; but when there was a fire i n my house, you not only happened. to appear at the scene, but also helped me. It's hard to say that the fire is n ot related to you or Wendy.” | asked with restraint and tried to talk to him calmly, so that | might be able to acquire more information. Aaron a Iso covered up well. Only the occasional swallowing of the Adam's Apple would expose his guilty heart.

But his answer returned to the normal tongue: “As | said, | have a house in the scommunity and just happent¢ “I had a fever that morning. | didn’t go to the company at all, but went to a nearby hospital. After seeing the doct go hto rest, and | met you. If you doubt what | said, | can show you the medical records.” Then he really took out the online registration and payment records from his cell phone and showed them to me.

| was a little embarrassed: “I'm sorry | misunderstood you, but | hope you can understand my mood. The accident “I can understand. The reason why | helped you was that | knew your economic situation and saw that you were ina breakdown.” So you hiredto paint for you because you think | am poor?”