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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 89
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89. Epilogue part 3 RAYHAN “Lettake pictures with my girl!” Raihana said, forcingto move away from Delsanra who | had up against a tree.

| raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t wait for permission, pulling my kitten away with her. She was in a metallic gol d dress herself, whilst Del looked fucking fine in a powder blue mini strapless dress with a dipping neckline, the d ress was like a fitted ribbed corset that was cut in a V showing off her thighs, with a bling border and dangly strings of silver gems around the entire hem of it. Gems that glittered and swayed with every move she made. Her hair was up in a messy, sexy bun, and even now, as she talked to Raiha na, she was the epitof temptation and beauty.

“I don‘t know if | should be jealous of Delsanra or smug at the fact you're suffering with me.” Chris remarked, coming over. He was wearing a black an d gold shirt with white pants.

“Don’t you get bored wearing what she tells you?” | mocked, ignoring his taunt.

He looked a little gutted.

“She said it's my choice, and how she has Tatum and Heaven to match with now.” He said makingsmirk.

“You know she said that just to make sure you want to match, Raihana won't sacrifice her aesthetically perfect i mages but she’s smart enough to put it back on you if you ever said you didn‘t want to by saying she doesn't car e.” | remarked.

“Well, it's not like your mate gets much say in her outfits, Ri always chooses hers too.” | nodded, looking at them as they pouted for the picture, arms wrapped around one another.

“Well, Delsanra‘s doesn’t mind.” | said running my hand through my own hair.

| was wearing a printed stone-coloured shirt, with my sleeves pushed up, half tucked into my cropped cream pants, which were paired with brown shoes, belt and beaded jewellery.

Ahren tied in with us, with his pants the scolour as mine and a blue shirt like Del's dress. Who am | kidding? I guess even she liked to coordinate us.

“One more,” Raihana was saying, adjusting Delsanra‘s hair. “Demon mode girl, con, let's see that sexiness.” Fuck.

| watched her shift, her lips becoming plumped, her entire body turning ten fucking times hotter, if that was even possible, and feeling myself harden in my pants. | looked away.

She knew | couldn't resist her when she shifted...

| heard her laugh, and | knew it was because she knew the effect that she had 4 on me. | glanced back at her, m y eyes meeting her red ones.

There was a twhen | feared she‘d never recover from her trauma, and although there were still times her de mons returned to haunt her, she was doing better than I could have ever hoped for.

Not only was she a survivor, but she was helping so many others with their traumas as well. She travelled around to other packs, helping where she could, encouraging each pack to h ave a councilor. | think people forget that despite being werewolves, we were human too.

Battles, death, and trauma left lasting effects. Times were changing, and | was happy to see the growth in our kind. - Seeing Delsanra welcomed into packs, sure there was still those who disliked witches even if they tried to hide it , but still things were getting better. Like they say; Rwas not built overnight.

All things take time...

DELSANRA “Oi photogenic boy, chere!” Raihana called to Dante, who raised an eyebrow.

“No thanks.” He replied.

“Please?” | said, making him roll his eyes.

He may act like he didn‘t have a soft spot for me, but he still did.

It had been months since we had that conversation, and | was glad to see that the small crush he had onwas fading away.

His words were still in my mind.

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‘It's t| let you go, | know you are Rayhan‘s mate and you always will be. | promised him that | will stop pursuing you anymore. Let's be friends?’.

He had been nine at the time, but he had acted so much older. Dante was older than his age in many ways, yet h is little crush onhad been one of the most innocent and childish things he had, he seemed to have matured even more since. 1 But we still had our bond, one that had beceven stronger.

He sauntered over, shoving his hands into his pockets as he posed for the picture.

“Oh look... I'm taller than you now.” He ‘smirked as | looked down at my heels.

Not missing how he smirked at Rayhan..

“Well, something tellsyou will be taller than your dad, who is huge as it is.” Raihana said as Dante put his arms. around us, posing for the picture.’ | could feel Rayhan watching us and, glancing over at him, flashed him a smile.

| guess him trying to annoy won't go away completely! “Uncle, picture!” Raihana shouted, as Dante and | took the chance to sneak away.

Rayhan had gone over to Ahren and was currently helping him unwrap a lollipop. | smiled as | ruffled Ahren‘s hair , he ran off and | locked my arms around Rayhan’s neck.

“With those poses and this dress, | think you could put on one hell of a show tonight.” He said, gripping my hips as his nose brushed mine.

My heart pounded as | stared up at him slightly coyly, despite the seductive smile on my lips.

“I think | can do that.” | whispered, before our lips met in a sizzling kiss.

| had nothing and then he gaveeverything. He moved the world for me. He was my king, my god, my destine d alpha, one who would always be mine... 3 RAIHANA | had just taken countless pictures of all the kids. Only the youngest four weren‘t here, but | had got lots of pictur es of them earlier. | looked up at the moon, slipping my phone into my purse. 1 It was almost time... another hour left until the beginning of a new year...

A strong pair of arms wrapped around me, and | smiled, leaning into Chris‘ arms as he passeda glass.

“So, any new years resolution?” He asked, sipping his wine.

““None at all, but I have a wish.” | said, looking up at my handsmate.

“Yeah, what exactly would that be princess, considering you have the world at your feet?” | smiled. “Of course | do, but the best part is; | have you. My wish is for everything to always remain like this. Peaceful, happy, and perfect.” “Aly to that.” He raised his drink before kissing my neck as he admired me. “And to love, to us and to lots of sex.

I smirked.

“Oh absolutely,” | replied, raising my own glass. We clinked them before taking a sip.

Life was perfect. Even if everyone we loved wasn't still here, they would never . be forgotten.

Chris kissedand | let myself melt into his touch, feeling the sparks storii throughwelcomingly.

Wait! | needed to take a selfie of this moment! MARIA | smiled as Alejandro gavea tight hug.

.. “I like your dress, Mama Mari.” Kataleya said, stroking the skirt of my dress.

| was wearing an Arabian kaftan today, it was a duck egg colour with gold patterns on it.

“Thank you, darling.” | smiled at her.” Nowhere near as beautiful as yours.” “Thank you! Mama chose it.” She said, as Marcel chuckled.

“I think everyone looks amazing tonight. + “He added, crossing his arms.

“Yes, | agree.” Kiara nodded before staring up at the sky.

| turned my own gaze to the moon, my chest: squeezing, but | smiled gracefully, excusing myself.

Although the girls had helpedand | was now able to sleep at night... The pain, nothing they did could take away the pain, of Rafael’s loss. No matter how much tim e passed.

| placed a hand on my chest, wondering if those who had passed were really looking down upon us? | didn‘t want to lose hope as | stared at the moon.

| will always need you...

Your dove will always need you...

| closed my eyes, letting a wave of calinness wash over me, | opened my eyes - as a single tear trickled down my cheek.

There were people you learned to live without, but Rafael was someone we would never forget.

Not only me, but everyone.

He truly had been one of a kind...

ALEJANDRO We had eaten, drank, and there wasn’t long now until the new year now. The kids were getting impatient, asking every few minutes. | looked at my nympho. She looked fucking perfect in a silver blinged out dress with a sweeth eart neckline. If Ri was the fucking sun tonight, Kiara was the moon.

“Like this?” She was asking Azura.

Azura nodded as she, Kiara and the twins danced.

“Kiara‘s got moves.” Azura said as she did a back flip, spinning around and almost knocking into Marcel “Easy there.” He chuckled as she gave him an apologetic grin.

“Sorry Mr!” She said before running back over to Kiara, who clapped.

“That was one incredible backflip!” “What can | say, I'm Azura Westwood, queen of crazy.” She said with a toss of her hair.

I smirked.

At least she fucking knew that.

With each passing year, | saw Indigo imore and more in her, but she was different. If Indigo had been a spark, Az ura was an entire fucking firework.

Something toldshe was going to be a - force to reckon with when she was older.

| tried not to stare at Kiara‘s thighs as she danced, but fuck that was a mission. No matter what she was wearing, | wanted to fucking bend.her over and fuck here senseless.

Marcel cover and smiled slightly as | took a drag on my cigarette.

“She is going to be a strong one, her and your little one.” | knew he meant Skyla.

“Yeah, they're fucking crazy." He chuckled, nodding.

“Back then when | witnessed Ms Amelia perform the spell... | had a feeling it would cost her her life. | had seen e nough magic to know that...

but she did the right thing, we need more people with that much life in them in this world.” He looked at Azura w ith a small smile on his face.

“Yeah, | fucking agree.” | said, drinking my wine. “Has he called or said if he‘ll be back soon?” ‘I didn't need to say a nfor him to know who | meant. He sighed heavily and shook his head.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I'd be lucky to get a call every other month.” He said gravely. “I feel as if I'm. losing him, | told him to let his ang er go and well, he's let it go to a point where it's like I'm talking to a wall. He just... | don’t know.” | frowned, yeah Leo hadn‘t been taking my calls either for months now, but I didn‘t want to tell Marcel that.

“I haven't talked to him in a while either...

The last twas when he had said he wondered if ex-rogues would be treated well in this school that | was building, saying he doubted anything | did would bridge the difference between the ranks. and status of our kind.

The first school was almost completed, and there would be a certain number of children from all packs who would attend. | wanted it to be fair and hopec Well, tonight is not a tto worry about him. Let's enjoy the evening. It's almost time.” He said, glancing at his \ I nodded as he walked off and Kiara cover to me.

“Everything ok?” She asked softly, placing her hand on my chest before kissingsoftly.

“Yeah perfectly, we still got stime. Let's go for a walk.” She nodded, and | took her hand. In the darkness, | was her guidance. 2.

The confidence in how she walked into the darkness, one would fucking think she could see, but it was her trust it my darkness, but instead, she fucking walked into my life and lit it ablaze with light. 7 She would always be my fucking light. She turned and smiled up atas the music faded slightly. We walked slowly, hand in hand, further away.

“I'm glad we chere this year, it's a nice change.” She said with a smile gracing her hot pink lips.

The sshade or very similar to what she had worn on that mating ball years ago...

| kissed her shoulder softly.

“Yeah, it's nice not having to head the entire shit and be the fucking host.” | remarked, making her laugh.

“You are always perfectly hospitable, my love.” She said amused, resting her head on my shoulder as she looked stars?” I glanced up at the night sky, despite the clouds | could see the twinkling stars shine through “Yeah, it's not too cloudy tonight.” “Hmm, that's good, I'm sure it looks beautiful.” She said, softly staring at the moon.

| smiled slightly. If | could, I'd give my sight to her. She never let on or ever felt like she wished she could see in tr was always just grateful for everything “Nowhere near as fucking beautiful as you.” | replied quietly. “You ain‘t missing out, they don’t fucking hold anything to you.” She stopped and turned towards me, raising our entwined hands to her lips. and kissing my knuckles softly.

“I know I'm not missing out, because | have you.” She whispered softly, looking up into my glowing eyes.

KIARA He scoffed, smirking.

“You're the light, Amore Mio, not me."“.

“You are wrong, because the way | see you is no less. You are my light in every darkness. You are my sun and my through my life. My support in the darkest of hours and my beacon of hope when all feels lost.” | said softly as | ci “I won't fucking argue with you tonight, because as long as you alone think that, it's enough for me.” He replied softly, staring int: emotions.

” | smiled. “I'm not the only one, our children adore you. All the children do, you are so good towards everyone.” “That's your doing, | got soft and shit.”..

| laughed as he buried his nose in my neck, inhaling deeply just as | heard someone shouting that it was almost ti “Con, let's head back.” He said, slipping his hand around my waist and leadingback the way we had come.

“I have to admit you aren‘t wrong there, but you have cso far. Been at the front of every battle, leading our them hope.” | said softly.

He really was perfect. We fell into a serene silence as we walked out from the trees and once again | could see.

Looking around, | saw Dante hug the twins, pointing to the sky as they prepared to let off the first of the Taveports fireworks.

We had been through a lot in life, but in the end, we prospered and cout victorious despite every challenge t Bonds, unity, trust and love were our strengths; it was these values and strengths that helped conquer all.

Values we would teach our children.

“These pups are our future.” He said quietly, almost as if he knew what was on my mind.

| nodded, tilting my head up to look at him.

“Our legacies.” | whispered softly as | reached up and cupped the back of his neck just as the countdown began. ! “Three... two...” But he only had eyes for me, his queen.

“I love you, my king.” | said softly.

“Love you fucking more.” He replied huskily as the fireworks exploded above us, illuminating the night sky just as ‘Until the fucking end of time.” THE END (Thank you for joiningon this journey, please spare a few moments to read the following authors note)