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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 71
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71 Goodbyes ALEJANDRO The meeting was over, we would be leaving soon. Everything was finally in place. | had given the men of my pack half an hour to say goodbye to their families, because although | would do my best to make sure the losses were minimum... There would still be losses. “You aren't well Alpha, are you sure you should be leading?” Carmen said quietly as we walked towards the cells. | cast her a cold glare. “I'm fine, go do whatever the fuck you need to.” | commanded coldly. “I am the fucking king, and | plan to lead my men regardless of my health.1 She lowered her head and walked out, leavingalone to head down to where my queen was bound. Sure, | was in fucking pain and the bouts of coughing up blood were growing, but | was still fucking strong. My stomach twisted the closer | got to where Kiara was locked up. Taking a deep breath, | unlocked the door then walked down and through to the end cell. She lay on a slab of silver, chained to it. She was also hooked up to a machine that was keeping her unconscious via a drip. Her face was pale, and she looked like she had lost sweight.

Fuck, Amore Mio... | picked up her slender hand, which was restrained by cuffs, bending down and kissing it softly. The strong sparks danced between us before | placed her hand back down gently. | won't able to bid her farewell or tell her | got this shit under control because it could alert him.

I love you, | swear we will destroy this fucker and send him back to hell once and for all.

| stroked her hair, frowning deeply. Was | doing the right thing by letting Maria do this? | know she was adamant, but | really needed to be sure. | didn’t like this, not one fucking bit. Delsanra, Dante, you... I'm going to fix this.

Wait forbecause | will be back No one messes with my family and fucking lives. Leaning down, | threaded my fingers through her hair and kissed her lips.

Hold on.

| forced myself back and looked down at her for a final time, as if wanting to etch this moment into my mind. | hoped that with his death, her memories returned.

| turned away, not wanting to linger for longer than normal or make the Djinn suspicious if he was somehow awake.

I glanced at my watch, I had twenty minutes to meet the kids and get ready.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| had gotten changed and had just gone to see Del who was unconscious still only to find Maria was there too.

She was already dressed, ready for the mission. “You can still change your mind.” | said quietly. She shook her head. “My mind is made up and | cannot wait to see him again.” She said, smiling at me, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

My heart squeezed and | nodded. She fucking wanted this... “Say hi to him forthen.” | said quietly. “I hope he’s proud, | know I'm not even half the man he was... but I'll carry on trying.” ? She nodded, her eyes glittering with unshed tears. | quickly bent down, giving Delsanra a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. I hated fucking goodbyes. ‘Leo’s come, Al.’ Darien said through the link, makingfrown. ‘I thought the fucker was going to meet us on the way.” ‘He said he couldn’t bother waiting, shall I let him into the mansion?’ ‘Yeah, Raven and Raihana are with the kids in the lounge. He won't try anything.” ‘Got it.” | cut the link and headed downstairs myself. Entering the lounge, Dante looked atas two of the Westwood five sat next to him. He played a gon the tablet, with them watching with rapt attention. Raven was carrying Tatum and Sienna as she sang sweird shit to them. Ahren and her other three were playing on the floor. One thing | had to admit was she sure fucking knew how to look after multiple kids.

“Where's Ri?” | asked Raven.

“She went to say goodbye to Chris.” Raven said, her own eyes filled with concern. 1 | nodded, frowning “And Liam?” | asked. “In the garden, watching the girls.” I nodded and turned to Dante.

“I'm leaving soon.” | said to him.

“I know.” He said, looking up at me.

I nodded, crouching down by the Westwood three and Ahren, who were busy playing with blocks. | ruffled their hair for a moment before | stood up. Ahren grabbed onto my leg, staring up at me.

“Bye-bye.” He said, with a cute as fuck wave.

| smirked. “Rather impatient to get rid ofaren’t you pup?” He simply toddled off, so | went over to Dante, sitting on the other side of theo. “We shouldn't be too long, take care of all these fuckers, | don’t know if your aunt will be able to cope alone.” | said looking at Raven. “Oh, I'll manage, don’t worry.” Raven replied with a smile, just as Elijah entered with Scarlett, who was also ready to leave. “I'll go meet the girls.” “Yeah, and bring Leo back.” Elijah remarked, shaking his head, and | wondered what he meant. | hope the fucker wasn’t being a dick Ruffling Dante’s hair and earning a frown from him, | stood up.

He was going to be ok He was a goddamn Demi-God.

| looked at him but it was still fucking hard to get my head wrapped around it. He looked at me, the hint of a faint smile crossing his lips. 1 “Want to say something?” “Nah, just stay strong.” | said quietly. | don’t give a shit if he’s a demi-god or not, he’s still my pup. He nodded, givinga smile. “I will, Dad.” “Scarlett, can you get Rayhan out front? | don’t want him and Leo to cross paths. | don’t have tto deal with that shit.” She nodded, kissing Elijah a final tbefore she left the room.

“I'll go meet the girls then I'll be heading out too.” | said, leaving the room.

| reached the open doors, stopping in my tracks. Liam was standing there looking worried. | cocked a brow, stepping out into the sunshine to see Kataleya and Skyla standing there watching Azura, who was supporting a rather red forehead and staring challengingly at Leo, who was sitting on the steps. His legs sprawled out in front of him and I could sense his aura. 2 “Again.” She said, crossing her arms.

Leo raised an eyebrow, picking up the ball and bouncing it off her head. She didn’t even flinch, instead catching the ball and throwing it back at him. “Again.” Fuck, she was doing that weird shit again... Leo frowned, clearly wondering what the Westwood Devil's angle was. 2 “You're fucking weird.” He said coldly, tossing the ball at her forehead again. Liam looked relieved to see me, whilst Kataleya was clearly worried, and Skyla was obviously enjoying it.

| “Again.” She said, unblinking as she stared at Leo. “This kid's fucking psychotic.” Leo remarked, glancing atas he hit her forehead with the ball again. 2 “Again.” Azura said, making Leo frown. “Nah, I'm bored.” He said, tossing the ball to the ground and letting it roll away. “Cut this shit out.” | warned.

Azura watched him for a moment, before she ran after the rolling ball. “Leo started it.” Skyla chimed in, frowning at him. “Yeah once, she’s the one who toldto hit her again.” Leo shot back, taking his lighter from his pocket.

Liam sighed.

“Azura is just...” “A weirdo.” Leo finished, pulling out a cigarette. “I thought you weren't going to chere?” | asked, crossing my arms as Azura returned with the ball, looking as normal as ever, as if she hadn't just had a ball bounced off her forehead several times. She stopped a foot behind him, and despite her casual expression, | had a feeling she was going to try something. “I changed my mind; | was bored as fuck waiting around.” He shrugged, but just as he was about to light the cigarette, Azura slammed the ball at the back of his head, knocking the cigarette from between his lips. He growled menacingly, turning as fast as lightning. Kataleya gasped in horror, Liam muttered a swear, and Skyla cackled. As for the devil herself, she simply stared at the glaring man despite her heart pounding. 1 “What the fuck was that?” Leo hissed.

| was by his side in seconds. Although | knew he wouldn't hurt her, | wasn’t going to risk it.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“What the - was what?” She glared back Ok, she was obviously really pissed off. The young Alpha wolf's eyes flashed, his powerful aura emanating off him. 1 “The actual fuck? You psychotic-” Leo started.

“Stupid person!” “Leo did that to Azura first, Daddy!” Skyla added defensively, as Liam scooped his sister up into his arms protectively. “Putdown!” Azura snapped. “Con Zuzu, calm down.” Liam tried to soothe her.

“No! He hitfirst!” She shouted. “But weren't you saying ‘again, again’?” Liam tried to calm the struggling girl who was kicking wildly in his arms. “I don’t care! Givethe ball!” She shouted. Leo stood up, glaring at the screaming girl before | placed my hand on his shoulder firmly. “She’s a kid, are you seriously going to start a fucking fight? Why the fuck were you using her as a target?” | asked, pulling him back He shruggedoff roughly, his eyes blazing a steely blue. “She’s a fucking maniac.” He growled. “You're the maniac!” Azura shouted, glaring at him murderously. “Get out of my sight, or I will poke your eyes out and cook them!” B “Azura!” Liam tried to stop her. “Oh yeah?” Leo growled. “Yeah!” Azura taunted, her bright blue eyes dazzling with anger as she glared at him. “Oh for fucks sake, can you two cut the fuck out?! Leo, Liam, let's go!” | growled, bending down next to my own girls. “Sky, why are you enjoying this?” ; She shrugged, pondering over something thoughtfully. “I don’t know, it was funny. Daddy, can you payfor every tLeo swears too?” She asked hopefully. 5 What the fuck was this girl so deprived of that she needed so much money? “No.” | answered, not missing Kataleya’s small smile. | pulled them both into my arms and planted a kiss on both of their heads.

They may be weirdos, but they are my weirdos. “I'm going to head out, we're going to make everything ok again. | want you two to be good girls, alright?” “Ok, Daddy.” Kataleya whispered, fear filling her eyes.

| looked into her eyes.

“I promise you, he won't be able to hurt anyone ever again.” She nodded before givinga one-armed tight hug. That teddy she always carried around held tiyhuy in her other arm. “Alright, let's get going.” | said, standing up and looking over at the other three. Liam was still holding onto Azura tightly. She was looking at Leo with distaste, something he Was now finding using “I hope you get hurt” She said to leo.

“Yeah, and | hope you walk off a fucking chill.” He shot back, smoking his cigarette.

“1&0” | threatened. “let's go.” Marcel was right, his aura was very powerful, and | was curious to see what his wolf's true capacity was.

“Take care of yourself, kid.” | said to Azura, about to ruffle her hair, but the look of pure rage on her face madedecide I'd rather want to keep my hand intact before her fucking piranha side cout and she bit it off. 1 | swear that pup was fucking rabid. “Love you, Zuzu...” | heard Liam say before | glanced back at the twins. 2 Both were watching me, and | gave them a small smile. Everything would be ok.

The team was assembled. Everyone was sombre and serious. They had all bid farewell to their families and mates. | had seen Liam say goodbye to his kids and mate. Scarlett and Elijah... Chris saying goodbye to Raihana and Tatum. Maria meeting everyone one final time... 1 The chances of lives being lost were high... but | hoped the losses were minimal. “For our packs, for our families, for what's fucking right, we will see this mission through. We should get there by nightfall! Remember to stick together, and protect your allies! We will cout victorious.” | said loudly, knowing that every werewolf or witch present could hearclearly A roar of approval rippled through the crowds. “For victory!” Everyone followed suit, and | gave a curt nod. They knew their jobs, the rules and their orders. | knew they would carry them out accordingly. Darien had the blade; one he would pass to Maria at the right time. He didn’t know that the wielder would die, | had told him that she would be carrying out the final attack but we had kept the vital points of the mission secret. The djinn would be expecting me, and | planned to be the decoy.

| just hoped Rayhan forgavefor not telling him... A sharp wind blew through the crowds as | looked into the eyes of the men and women warriors. | kept my emotions bidden, only showing confidence and power. It gave them the courage they needed it and with it my own resolve only strengthened. We were going to succeed. One hundred fucking percent. “Alright, let's get this shit done.” | growled before | shifted and broke into a run, the rest following my lead...

The tto kill this fucker was finally here.
