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Julian's Stand in Wife

Chapter 1542
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That was Nina’s first kiss.

Vans was way too aggressive.

Her mind had gone numb throughout the entire kiss. When he finally let her go, she was still stunned in her seat,

feeling lost. All she could feel was his warmth on her lips.

It was a mark that he left on her, and the scent of her first love.

“Look closely.”

Before she could snap back to reality, Vans pulled his phone out and showed Nina the screen in the dark cinema.

He scrolled to the names of the women he had been fooling around with.

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“I’m deleting them all, and I’ve also just kissed you. Ms. Ashlee, will you be in a relationship with me now?”

That was how Nina fell in love with Vans.

But now, they hadn’t even kissed each other for a long time. Even a hug felt like a rare treat.

Bitterness rose in Nina’s chest. She suddenly didn’t know why she was holding onto this relationship.

The car drove on as silence fell upon them in the car.

After a long while, Nina finally said, “My past…isn’t very interesting.”

Before she met Vans, she barely had a love life, and her career had just started. However, she was willing to strive

and gave her all to her work.

At that time, she just wanted to remain in this city. Not for anyone else, but herself.

Three to four years had passed, and she was now successful in her career, achieving her dream of being an editor-


She had worked hard and gained a foothold in this city. Yet, she didn’t feel as happy as she expected herself to be.

Nina leaned against the back of the chair, suddenly bereft of motivation. She looked into Marcus’s eyes, and said

frankly, “Mr. Hensen, I clearly have everything I ever wanted, but why…do I still feel so unhappy?”

Marcus’s hand, which was on her skin, trembled. The amusement in his eyes faded as he transformed back into

that cold, unfeeling Marcus.

He didn’t reply to her question.

He had the same question himself, too.

After becoming famous at a young age, life had become smooth-sailing. He had won all the awards he could, and

had earned for himself millions of fans. People recognized him on the streets despite being all wrapped up, and

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they would clamor for a photo with him.

The assistant said that this was the mark of a famous celebrity.

Many celebrities didn’t even have a chance to film movies despite being in the industry for a long time, not to

mention being a household name like Marcus was.

Even Fanny was only famous for a short while and soon faded into the background.

Marcus had experienced all the highs and lows of the industry. He should be thankful that he was considered an

evergreen favorite.

Yet, he often felt unhappy.