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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 13
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“As you can see, I am one with a proper career. Would it be so outrageous for me to return to my

roots?” Leanna answered with the assumption that Aidan was referring to the contract-signing with Lux

Jewelry. “Did I ask you about this?” he asked with a low tone. “Then, what were you talking about?”

She was perplexed. “You said…” Just as Aidan was about to continue, Leanna felt nauseated all of a

sudden and she quickly covered her mouth. However, the muffled sound of retching was still loud and

clear. “President Pearson, please stay away from me. I’m feeling a little sick,” she warned while

stretching out her other hand to push him away. “Keep up with your act,” he said nonchalantly. What a show you’re putting on just to avoid the topic. “Oh, I’m exposed. Haha. What is it really that you wanted

to ask? If there’s nothing, I’ll excuse myself to the bathroom, President Pearson.” Since the day before

yesterday, her morning sickness had been overwhelming. After a few retches earlier, she was really

about to vomit this time. Aidan gripped her wrist tightly and asked in a cold voice, “What happened to

your first love?” Leanna was taken aback for a moment as she did not expect this to be the question he

wanted to ask. “It was just… first love,” she answered. She looked up at him after finishing her

sentence and solemnly added, “President Pearson, this better not be a fuss you’re trying to make.

Don’t you think that it’s ironic to bring this up again, given the state of our current relationship?” At that,

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he frowned and tightened his grip on her wrist even harder. “What is our relationship, then?” “In the

midst of a divorce.” “Leanna McKinney, quit challenging my patience.” I don’t understand; all I want is for him to agree with the reasonable, legal, and non-aggressive divorce that I’m proposing. How am I challenging his patience? That uneasy feeling returned just as she was about to ask, but he was still

gripping her hand tightly. In a hurry, she grabbed a trash can nearby and vomited into it. Even though

Aidan quickly retracted his hand, a few drops of vomit inevitably stained the cuffs of his shirt. “Leanna!”

he exclaimed while his face darkened instantly. After she finished throwing up, she picked up a glass of

water and rinsed her mouth before apologizing, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold back.” Aidan removed his suit

jacket and tossed it aside before opening the window to get rid of the odor in the room. “President

Pearson, if you don’t mind, I really need to leave. Or… if you have time to divorce today, I’ll let Zoe

handle the magazine’s affairs and come with you.” He turned around and looked at her

expressionlessly; his face a little colder than when he first arrived. Leanna was confused. Can’t he just wait a few moments? At this fraction of a moment, there was a knock on the door before Zoe’s voice

sounded, “Have you finished chatting, Nana? The editor-in-chief, Lany, is looking for you.” “Okay. I’m

almost done,” she replied. With that, she turned to Aidan and excused herself. “President Pearson, I’ll

get going first. Please wait for me outside for a while.” Zoe dragged Leanna out of the dressing room

and wanted to run, but because Leanna was pregnant, they could only power walk. “Didn’t you say the

editor-in-chief is looking for me?” Leanna inquired. “It’s a lie. Lany is currently socializing with those

dignitaries. If I don’t do that, how could I have saved you from that b*stard?” This left Leanna

speechless. Still, she’s right. As they approached the door, a voice from the side called out, “Leanna.”

Both the ladies came to a halt at the same time. What’s meant to come will always come… … “How…

have you been, Leanna?” After a long silence at the hotel’s entrance, Zayn could not help but ask. “I’m

good,” Leanna replied while pursing her lips. “It’s been about half a month since I returned and I’ve

been looking everywhere for you. Everyone’s telling me that they haven’t heard from you for a long

time.” To that, Leanna remained silent. Three years ago, she severed contact with not only Zayn, but

also with all of her previous classmates. She did not want to tell anyone about the unspeakable. As a

human, it was natural of her to want to preserve her meager, ridiculous dignity. “Will you be leaving

again this time?” she asked with a smile after a while. Zayn stared at her and shook his head. “Leanna,

I—” “Zayn!” At that moment, Anna appeared out of nowhere and squeezed in between them. Caught

off-guard, Leanna took a step back against the wall behind as she barely managed to keep her

balance. “Anna!” Leanna exclaimed with her pounding heart. “Leanna, your voice is unbearably loud.

My cousin, Aidan, is right inside and you’re here seducing another man in public? Are you not

embarrassed?” Anna roared at her. Leanna could not be any paler at this point as her blood seemed to

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freeze from head to toe. She had never considered hiding her marriage from Zayn, but she also had

not anticipated the reveal to turn out like this. From the mouth of Anna! Zayn, who had always been

good-tempered, became enraged and flung Anna’s hand away before questioning, “Anna, what are you

doing here?” Taken aback once again by his attitude at her, Anna’s eyes instantly turned red and she

yelled angrily, “This is for your own good, Zayn! Why don’t you ask her what she did to my cousin? Is

she brave enough to admit it?” “There’s nothing I’m not willing to admit,” Leanna stated calmly, “But

Anna, I did warn you; if you’re still so incompetent in walking like a normal human being, maybe it’s

time I teach you.” Anna had been dazzled by jealousy to the point where she could no longer reason.

She had never seen Zayn speak to her so gently, yet he was doing it to Leanna. “You’re no relic in a

museum. Do you think you’re untouchable?” Anna challenged Leanna as she was about to push her

again when Zayn intervened. “Stop it, Anna.” “Zayn, how long have you known her? Why don’t you

believe my words?” “Leanna and I have been friends for three years. I don’t need you to tell me who

she is.” Anna’s eyes widened with surprise. “You guys… If that’s the case, what kind of woman was she
