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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98

Elysia pursed her lips and said, “Look, we're all adults here, no need to spin tales. It was your son who shoved

mine first! Everyone saw it.”

The onlookers huddled around, exchanging glances and whispers, none daring to utter a word.

As it happened, Tarquin was in the area conducting an inspection.

The mall was part of the Bradford Group's portfolio, and he made a point of personally checking on each

establishment monthly.

Lowell spotted Elysia and said, “Well, if it isn’t Ms. Thorne. Talk about fate, eh? | heard she went shopping with

Ms. Blythe, never imagined they'd grace us with their presence. Must be divine intervention! The big guy

upstairs knows you've been all knotted up about Ms. Thorne lately, and arranged a little serendipity for you.”

Tarquin shot back with a dry. “Silence is golden, Lowell.”

Lowell chuckled, “Seems like Ms Thorne’s caught up in strouble. Should we go have a look?”

“Playing the knight in shining armor, are you?”

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Lowell blinked, “No, of course not. That wasn’t my intention.

But he was definitely hoping Tarquin would play that role.

Ever since Elysia planted one on Tarquin, Lowell figured she had something special. After all these years, she was

the only one who'd managed to get that close!

If she could help Tarquin forget about Elijah’s mother and lead a normal life again, then Elysia would be golden in

Lowell's eyes. Regardless of whether she had an agenda with. Tarquin, as long as she wasn’t after his life, that

was fine by them.

Lowell cared for Tarquin and didn’t want to see him suffer over a woman whose fate was


“Do you like her?” Tarquin asked out of the blue, catching Lowell off guard.

“Tarquin, that’s not funny.”

“If you've got feelings for her, I'll play matchmaker for you.”

The corner of Lowell's mouth twitched uncontrollably as he said, “You might as well putout of my misery.”

Tve noticed you're quite interested in her, and you think highly of her. Don’t worry about

any past issues between us. If you truly like her, | can approach her and extend an olive branch.”

Despite his magnanimous words, Lowell was close to losing his cool.

“I don’t like her, not like that. I... | may have been a bit enthusiastic, but that's because of



Lowell’s lips moved but he said nothing more, aware that Tarquin harbored no feelings for Elysia.

“She stabilized Corbin’s condition, didn’t she? I think she can help our Elijah.”

Tarquin glanced at him with half-closed eyes but said nothing further.

Meanwhile, Elysia was embroiled in a heated argument. A few women were making quite the scene, haughtily


“So what if she pushed your son? The fact that we didn’t kick your kid out of the park is mercy enough!”

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“Exactly. If it wasn’t for Quill wanting to experience a ‘normal’ life, do you think you'd even be allowed in here?

You and your son should be on your knees, thanking him for not renting out the entire place.”

Another woman chimed in with a warning. “Next tyou pick a fight, make sure you know who you're dealing

with. The bruise on Quill’s body alone is worth more than your entireworth.”

Elysia frowned at them, recognizing that these women, much like a certain lady of high. society, were beyond

reason and devoid of manners.

One woman, towering over Elysia, demanded, “Get down and knock your head against the floor three times for

Fleur, then slap yourself ten times. Maybe then she'll forgive you.”

Elysia responded with icy defiance, “And what if | refuse?”

“Refuse? Then you're choosing the hard way.”

As Elysia glared at them and reached for her phone to call the police, one of the women snatched it away and

smashed it on the ground,

“Thinking of calling the cops, are you? You must be out of your mind. Do you have any idea who you've crossed

today? Quill’s uncle by marriage is none other than the renowned Mr. Keaton Huber of Jindale City. The cops will

take your side? Fat chance.”

The woman moved to crush the phone with her foot, but Elysia shoved her away. “Psycho!”