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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97

Elysia quickly asked Emmett, “Emmett, are you hurt?”

Emmett clung to Elysia’s neck, crying softly, “I'm scared...”

Unlike his brothers Elliot and Evan, Emmett was naturally timid, gentle in spirit, and particularly prone to tears.

“It's okay, baby, no need to be scared. Blossom and | have chased the bad guys away. Does your bum still hurt?”

“It hurts...”

“Letrub it for you.”

Blossom tried to distract him, “Emmett, there's a milkshake stand over there. Wantto take you to get one?”

The little guy blinked, clearly tempted.

“Con, | will take you.” Blossom reached out, wanting to scoop Emmett into her arms, but the little guy clung

to Elysia’s neck and wouldn't let go.

Although he knew Blossom was safe, their ttogether had been short, and he relied on Elysia more. Especially

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having just been upset, he didn’t want to leave Elysia’s side.

Blossom, a bit helpless, asked, “How about you stay here with your mom and I'll go get you one, okay?”

Emmett snuggled into Elysia’s embrace and gave a little nod between sobs.

Seeing that Elliot and Evan were also sulking, Blossom took one child by each hand and led them off to get


Elysia sat with Emmett in the seating area, soothing him tenderly. She had just calmed Emmett down when that

high-society women suddenly ccharging back.

And she wasn't alone; several haughty-looking women followed her, each dressed in designer labels, toting

fancy handbags, and teetering on stiletto heels.

Seeing their aggressive approach, Elysia held Emmett close and glared at them.

The women drew near, looking down their noses at Elysia and Emmett with disdain,

“Is it them?”

Emmett, frightened, began to tremble but then jumped out from Elysia’s arms, spread his arms wide, and stood

in front of her. “Don’t bully my mommy!”

The women watched Emmett with their arms crossed, unable to hide their amazement.



Emmett had an extremely good look, even by Hollywood standards. He and his brothers were different in

appearance and aura. While all were cute, Elliot and Evan looked more rugged, whereas Emmett was softer. If

they were characters from a classic movie, Emmett would be the heartthrob, a face so handsthat even

women would be


The womeit stared at Emmett for a while before one snapped, “Out of the way, you little brat! Mind | don’t slap

you with my flip-flop.”

Emmett’s breathing quickened with fear, but he didn’t move. He might be scared, but he wanted to protect

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Elysia. She was his favorite person, and he wouldn't allow anyone to bully her.

Touched, Elysia stood up, shielding Emmett behind her, and fixed her gaze on the aristocratic woman,

“What do you want?”

“What do | want? | want you to learn what happens when you cross me.”

Beside her stood a young woman in her early twenties, bearing a resemblance to her, who asked, “Sis, is this the

mother and son who bullied you and Quill?”

The high-society lady accused, “Yes, them! My son Quill was playing on his electric bike when her son just

pushed him off. The bruise on Quill’s knee is their doing. And after pushing Quill, they didn’t even apologize-

typical uncouth behavior, no manners!”

The young woman named Oriana had a venomous gaze despite her angelic looks. She glared at Elysia, pulled

out her phone, and dialed, her voice sickly sweet, “Keaton, cto Wansh Mall, quick. My sister and | are being

bullied, boo hoo.”

As soon as she hung up, she turned to Elysia with a triumphant look. “You're done for.”

Elysia realized she was dealing with a manipulator.