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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73

Elysia took a deep breath, her resolve steeling as she spoke, “If you're not gonna say it, then | willl

The first time, you had someone snatchfrom the motel. Sure, it was to confrontabout Evan scratching

your car, but the fact remains you clooking forfirst. If you. hadn't, | wouldn't even know you existed.

The second time, | was just minding my own business on the street, and again, your hadgrabbed. Then you

just letgo after all that fuss.

The third time, | was at the bar, working a shift, and | ran into you by accident. | admit, | approached you first

that time, but it was to keep you quiet, to stop you from spilling the beans aboutin front of Gage.

The fourth time, Gage was takingaway from the hospital, and you just popped up out of nowhere, causing all

that that followed.

The fifth time, | cto you on my own because your granddad showed up out of the blue, spouting all sorts of

nonsense, and then handedten grand. | cto the hospital to give it back, and yeah, | wanted to check on

Elijah. He's the sage as my boy, and it breaks my heart to see him like that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The sixth time, this time, | admit | barged into your sight, but | swear, | had no idea you'd be in that private


If I'm lying, may lightning strikedown; may | never have a moment's peace!”

Tarquin just stared at Elysia, his face dark as a storm cloud, unable to find the words to counter her.

Elysia continued, “You might look like you're rolling in dough, and sure, you're easy on the eyes, but you're not

every girl's dream. Not everyone's out to get close to you or wants something from you.

Whatever others are thinking, | sure as hell am not!

When | said | was leaving today, | meant it. But then I got stood up this afternoon, which means I've gotta stick

around Jindale City for a few more days. It’s not scoy gI'm playing!

I'm not gonna settle down here. I've grown to dislike this city, and | plan to take and start fresh somewhere far

from here, far from o


my son

Tarquin remained silent.

“I've said my piece, believe it or not. Like I said before, | never wanted to know you, and | still don't!”



With that, Elysia turned on her heel and walked away, her back straight and her whole being radiating defiance.

She didn’t bow or break under the icy gaze that followed her. Only when she rounded the corner, out of Tarquin’s

sight, did she lean against a wall, clutching her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Meanwhile, Keaton stepped out of the private room and made his way to the smoking


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Standing next to Tarquin, he lit a cigarette and asked with an easy grin, “What's the deal with you and that girl,


“No deal,” Tarquin muttered.

“No deal, huh? Then why didn’t you play the knight in shining armor?”

It was unlike Tarquin. He might not be a saint, but he normally had a solid moral compass. And here was this girl,

calling for help in his territory, indicating trouble right under his nose, and he just sent her packing. If it had been

anyone else, he would've at least had Lowell check it out.

Something was up; Keaton could sense it. Tarquin and that girl had a history.

And look at him now, stepping out to smoke with a scowl, clearly agitated.

That girl had gotten under his skin. Anyone who could rattle Tarquin like this was no ordinary girl.

“Con, man, are we friends or not? You're keeping secrets from me? Don’t forget, I'm the Don Juan of this

town. When it comes to women, I'm the expert. Letbe your love guru, free of charge. Spill it, buddy. What's

eating you up? I'll give you ssage advice.”