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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 227
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Chapter 227

Tarquin was buried in paperwork, the air in the office thick and warm. He had shrugged off his blazer, now just in

a dark shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing muscled forearms and an expensive wristwatch.

Hunched over his desk, his brow was furrowed, back ramrod straight.

His attractive hands clenched a pen, signing his nwith a flourish at the bottom of the document before

looking up, annoyance evident in his tone. “What's got your feathers all ruffled now?”

“Ms. Thome...

Before Lowell could finish, Tarquin snapped, “Didn’t | make myself clear? Don’t bring her up in my presence!”

“But, Ms. Thome, she...”



“Get out!”

Tarquin’s fury seemed to shake the very foundations of the room, sending Lowell scampering out in a hurry.

The others crowded around him. “Lowell, any luck? Can we get the day off?”

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Lowell shook his head in defeat. “Back to the grind, folks.”

Groans filled the room, “For the love of God, is there no one who can save us?”

Lowell just sighed. Ms. Thcould have been their savior... if only.

Lowell knew Elysia meant well for Elijah, but without Tarquin’s word, he dared not let the meals be delivered to


So, he had to make a call, “Cancel the delivery, no hard feelings. Just return the meal as it was, and yeah, the

delivery fee’s covered.”

Soon, the delivery guy was back with the untouched meal.

Elysia was beyond surprised when she found out, immediately calling Lowell, “Why was the meal returned? Why

can’t Elijah have it?” Lowell was at a loss for words, stammering, “Elijah’s meals... need his father’s approval.

And he’s... busy right now.”

Elysia got the message loud and clear. It was him blocking the meals!

Fuming, Elysia tried calling him, only to be hung up on.

And again.

And then blocked.

Seething, she called Lowell back, “Please, just get him to answer. It’s urgent, about Elijah.”

Lowell, knowing better than to linger, placed the phone on Tarquin’s desk with the speaker on, “Ms. Thorne for

you.” Then dashed off without looking back.

“Hey! Tarin, you listening?” Elysia’s voice filled the room.

Tarquin’s frown deepened.

Elysia was livid as she shouted, “Say something! Don’t play dead! If you're a man, you'd talk!”

Tarquin’s expression darkened as he said, “Stay out of my business! Don’t harass me!”

Before he could hang up, Elysia was already unleashing her fury, “Harassing you? Dream on! If it wasn’t for

Elijah, do you think Id bother contacting you? And you dare hang up on me, block me? You spineless, selfish



“What about me? | risked my life to bring Elijah food, and you, his father, can’t even care for him because of your

petty feelings! Are you even a man? A father? You won't let Elijah have the food | sent over. Have you ever

thought about it from his perspective? He's been starving these past few days! Even if you despise me, think

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about Elijah for once! Your actions are just...”

“What did you say? You sent food for Elijah?”

Elysia stopped in her tracks, her anger unabated. “Don’t act like you didn’t know! You had it sent back to me!”

Tarquin frowned as he yelled, “Lowell!”

Lowell, who had been eavesdropping, quickly entered. “Yes?”

Tarquin glared at him and asked, “She sent food for Elijah?”


ol o

Chapter 227

And why didn’t you tell me?

| was trying to, but you wouldnt listen and

and just kickedout ”

Tarquin sighed, exasperated. Couldn't you have just gotten to the point?-