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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 214
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Chapter 214

“You... Can't you use your head for once?”

Nola was hopping mad. “How can | even think straight right now? Tarquin’s ghosting me. He won't take my calls

or reply to my texts, and he won't see me! Now he’s all fired up over swoman, and I'm freaking out here!”

“Calm down! This whole mess is nothing but good news for us!”


Think about it. If it were you, would you stick your neck out for skid you barely know, almost get yourself

killed in the process, and then keep meddling? No way!”

Nola blinked a few times, confused.

Aileen continued, “After this scare, Elysia won't dare to mess with Elijah’s business anymore. Who would joke

with their own life?”

Nola’s eyes widened, finally getting the point!

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“Exactly! If Elysia backs off, Tarquin won't have anything to do with her. And he might even get mad at her for

not helping Elijah anymore!”

“Right, so chill. We do nothing and just wait for the good news. Once Elysia is out of the picture, I'll find a way to

make Tarquin forgive you and treat you like before.”

“Got it!”

Aileen wasn’t the only one banking on this. The whole Bradford family, even Blossom, had this figured out.

At the moment, Blossom was driving Elysia home. Lowell had called her, asking her to keep Elysia company. By

the tshe arrived, Elysia had already been discharged from the hospital.

Driving, Blossom said with tears in her eyes, “If it's too much, let's just stop poking our noses into other people’s

business. You couldn’t even be sure to save Elijah, and you almost lost your life! What if you actually find a way

to save him and end up dying even quicker? What would happen to your three little ones?”

Elysia, sitting in the passenger seat, feeling woozy, said in a weak voice, ‘I'm fine, don’t worry”

“You say you're fine, but you almost got hit by a cart” Blossom was both angry and anxious, tears streaming

down her face

Elysia, feeling sorry for her, tried to raise her hand to wipe Blossom'’s tears but found she didn’t even have the

strength to Wt her arm. Her breathing becmore rapid.

Noticing something was wrong. Blossom quickly wiped her tears away and asked, ‘Elysia, what's wrong?”

“I... feel dizzy.”

Blossom, panicking, pulled over to the side of the road. Touching Elysia’s forehead, Blossom felt it was burning


“Oh no, you have a fever!”

Luckily, there was a clinic nearby Blossom quickly helped Elysia out of the car.

The thermometer showed over 104°F!

The doctor rushed to give Elysia an injection and fever-reducing medicine.

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“Why did you wait so long to cin? A little later, and it could have been too late! Fevers can kill, you know!”

Blossom explained, “She almost had a car accident today, got a huge scare, and had already been to the

hospital for IV fluids. We just left the hospital.”

“Let’s focus on bringing the fever down.”

Blossom wanted to transfer Elysia to a larger hospital, but seeing how weak Elysia was, she decided it was best

to wait until the fever subsided.

Elysia weakly asked. “Aren’t the little ones about to get out of school?”

“Don’t worry about that now. You need someone by your side. I've already texted a colleague, and after school,

she’ll bring them here.* Elysia shook her head and said, “Just send them home. They'll cry if they seelike


Don’t worry. They're good kids, and they can take care of themselves. Don't tell them I'm sick.”

Blossom hesitated but then nodded and texted her colleague again. She also told the little ones that She and

Elysia were at a friend's party and would be hlate

Chapter 215