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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 208
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Chapter 208

Callum remained silent for a moment, sipping his coffee awkwardly to ease the tension before turning

“I heard you were looking for Tarquin. If you trust me, you can tell me, and I'll pass the message along”

Elysia’s lips quivered slightly, but she shook her head in refusal,

Bound by a secret marriage and a non-disclosure agreement, she couldn’t even confide in Blossom, let alone

anyone else.

“I need to speak to him in person.”

“Well, you might be disappointed then. He doesn’t seem to want to see you lately.”

Elysia frowned, her frustration bubbling over.

“I don’t get it. Even if he’s swamped, he could make tto see me! It feels like he’s avoiding me! I'm not some

kind of monster, what's so hard about meeting me?”

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Callum was just as clueless about Tarquin’s reasons and could only offer a helpless shrug

Seeing that Elysia wouldn't divulge her reasons for wanting to see Tarquin, Callum didn’t press further, steering

the conversation elsewhere.

“Don’t be too upset. Tarquin is a hard man to read. When he’s ready to see you, he’ll reach out. Just be patient. |

chere not just to apologize but also to ask about Winona’s overseas movie shoot. What did Zane and

Blossom tell you?”

The mention of Winona cooled Elysia’s temper slightly.

“Is there news about Winona?”

Callum frowned lightly and said, “The news I've got might be a bit different from what you've heard, so | wanted

to check in with you.”

Elysia tensed up, recounting to Callum what Zane and Blossom had shared with her.

Callum shared, “Winona’s agent did indeed hype up a secretive big project, telling everyone to stay tuned for a

blockbuster surprise! But word on the street is, she’s been gallivanting abroad for over a year, with no news of

her working on any new film.”

“How could that be? Could it be that only the actors had to sign NDAs and not the agent? But Zane clearly said

he couldn't even reach Winona’s agent

“It's either Zane lied, or there's something up with Winona’s side. | had my people check, and there's no record

of Winona leaving the country.”

Dysia’s heart skipped a beat! She widened her eyes, “Are you sure about this?”

“Positive! Winona hasn't been spotted, and if I'm not mistaken, she didn’t even leave Jindale City.”


Elysia accidentally shattered her coffee cup, spilling dark coffee all over herself and the floor.

Stunned, she stood up, frozen in place.

Callum quickly asked. “Are you okay?”

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The waiter rushed over, assuming her pale face was from the shock of breaking the cup, and reassured, “No

worries, miss. I'll get you another cup right away”

After the waiter cleaned up, Elysia sat back down, her brows furrowed. “If Winona didn’t leave the country, or

even Jindale City, why hasn’t she contacted anyone? She didn’t reach out to Blossom and Zane, not even her

parents. Wait, have you tried contacting her agent?”

Callum’s expression grew complicated, “Her agent's gone off the radar.”

“What do

you mean?”

“Right after | found out Winona hadn't left the country, | tried reaching her agent. But the calls go unanswered,

and there's no reply to messages. Even her close relatives and friends can’t reach her,”

The waiter brought over a fresh cup of coffee, and Elysia, trembling slightly, took a sip.

The coffee was bitter, but she couldn't taste it, feeling numb.

She had been harboring doubts about Winona’s disappearance for over a year. Now, those doubts intensified

Something might have truly happened to Winonal