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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155

She eyed Elysia for a moment, a flicker of something sinister in her gaze as she declared,


Yet Elysia didn’t feel a surge of joy. Her gaze was fixed on Oriana, sensing something off in her demeanor.

It was as if she had taken the balt, yet not quite.

Indeed, she had underestimated Oriana’s ruthlessness!

Turning to the bald man, Oriana said, “I've now reached an agreement with Ms. Thome, so don’t you guys hurt

her. And all that stuff you've prepared? Don’t bother using it. Instead, take good care of her. After all, a

gentleman always shows kindness to a lady”

Elysia’s heart skipped a beat.

The bald man instantly got the message, chuckling smugly, “Thanks to you for the generosity. The boys have

been drooling for a while now, genuinely scared you'd tell us to just let her go, heh.”

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Oriana replied coolly, “We had an agreement, so of course, | won't let you chere for nothing. Remember to

shoot plenty of videos.”

“Uh-huh, Ms. Sutton, don’t worry, you'll be satisfied!*

“Oriana! What do you mean by this?* Elysia frowned.

Oriana squinted at her and said, “The terms you offered are indeed tempting, and I'm willing to work with you.

But before | let you go, | need something to hold over you. What if you break your promise once you're free? |

don’t trust your words, but | do trust leverage. You just cooperate with them, let them shoot svideos, leave

sevidence, and I'll have no reason not to trust you. After all, if you dare renege on our deal, Ill release your

videos for the whole world to see you delighting beneath men.”

After instructing the bald man once more, “Remember to focus on the details. Capture Ms. Thome’s moments of

pleasure clearly, in case we need to share it publicly later, to give everyone an eyeful.”

“Sure thing, you can count on us, heh heh.” The bald man nodded obsequiously, his eyes leering at Elysia, saliva

almost dripping from

his mouth.

“Oriana, you...” Elysia’s breathing was heavy, her mind racing.

Oriana was planning to let these men abuse her and then use the videos as blackmail!

Indeed, looks can be deceiving! Beneath that innocent facade hid a heart of pure malice!

But Oriana countered, “Don’t look atwith those eyes. | know your husband passed away early, leaving you

with just your three sons. It’s been years without a man, so don’t you miss it? I'm actually doing you a favor. Just

enjoy it.*

She then said to the bald man, “Be gentle with Ms. Thome.”

“Hehe, don’t worry, Ms. Sutton, we'll make sure Ms. Thhas a comfortable night. Us seven or eight big guys

will definitely take her to cloud nine, heh.*

A smirk curled on Oriana’s lips as she headed towards the door.

Elysia called out, “Oriana, stop right there!”

She attempted to follow, but two of the bald man’s cronies blocked her path. “Con, sweetheart, let's have

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sfun, heh heh.*

“Oriana!” She watched helplessly as Oriana disappeared, anger boiling inside her.

Suddenly, a man grabbed her, going in for a kiss. Elysia’s hand flew up, delivering a stinging slap as she yelled,

“Back off!”

“Damn it!” the man cursed.

The bald man stepped in and shouted to the man, “Get lost. Didn't | say to treat her gently? What are you doing,

getting rough?”

The man, still holding his face, snickered, “I just got a little excited, man. You see, my little brother here's been

eager for a while now, all stiff and ready. This woman's just too damn fine.”

“Well, it’s not your turn, get in line,” the bald man said, then turned to Elysia with a sleazy grin, “Don’t be

scared, sweetheart, I'll treat you right.”

Elysia, panting, glared at him and backed away, “Stay away from me, get out!”

“Heh heh, playing hard to get? No need for games, darling. We all know you want it too. We're all adults here, be

honest. Con.”