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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 153
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Chapter 153

Oriana gazed at the shocked expression on Elysia’s face and, assuming she was scared, repeated with a smug

look, “Tarquin Bradford!”

Elysia frowned. “What's your deal with Tarquin?”

“That's none of your business, but rest assured it's way closer than whatever you've got going with him. | bet

you couldn't even get a seat at Mr. Bradford's Thanksgiving table.”

Elysia’s his wife, for Pete's sake!

Elysia mentally snapped back, fuming, but didn’t dare voice her thoughts out loud. After all, their marriage was a

secret, bound by a confidentiality agreement.

“Did Tarquin send you to confront me, and to makeconfess to framing Gage?” Elysia asked.

Oriana’s brow furrowed; she didn’t dare admit it outright. Although Tarquin’s ties with Nola Slater were special, it

was Nola who had sought her out, not Tarquin.

“You don’t need the details. All you need to know is that if you don’t confess, you won't be leaving here without a

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scratch today”

Elysia retorted, “So even if | confess, | can’t leave unharmed, right?”

Of course not! Once Elysia confessed, she would suffer even more! This was just the beginning; Oriana hadn't

even started playing hardball yet.

“So you're saying, even if | confess, you won't letgo. Why should | confess then?”

Oriana glared at her and said, “At least if you confess, you might get off a bit easier.”

Elysia glared back, unsure whether Oriana was bluffing. If she wasn’t, what was Tarquin’s angle? Was he making

trouble for her just because she’d pushed for a divorce?

If that was the case, Tarquin was nothing but a scoundrel!

Elysia clenched her jaw, deciding not to dwell on Tarquin’s motives for now. She eyed Oriana, her gaze

calculating, and said, “You're so eager forto confess because you've got a mission, right? Well then, we

might have scommon ground.”

“Oh?” Oriana was suspicious.

“If you really wantto confess, it's not impossible. But | have my conditions.”

Oriana was wary, “What conditions?”

“I can cooperate with a recording, a video, whatever you want, as long as you letgo afterward.”

“Heh.” Oriana scoffed. “Let you go? No way!”

Elysia replied calmly, “What if | bring Keaton Huber into this? What's more important for you, hurtingor

getting back together with Keaton?”

Currently, with her hands tied, Elysia had no chance of fighting back. She would only lose out if she tried to force

her way through. She needed to outsmart them. First, she had to free her hands.

Oriana took the bait, a flicker of interest crossing her eyes before she mocked, “You think you can getback

with Mr. Huber? Who do you think you are?”

to reunite you


“I'm just an ordinary person. Mr. Huber might not even remember who | am now, but | have a way

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Elysia sounded confident, and after a moment of hesitation, Oriana seemed tempted. The lure of returning to

Keaton'’s side was too strong to ignore.

“How would you manage that?”


Oriana frowned.

Elysia pressed on, “I'm asking you to untie me, not to letgo. What, you and your crew can’t handle one


After another moment's hesitation, Oriana turned to a bald henchman and ordered, “Untie her!”

Two men complied and released the ropes.

Once freed, Elysia quickly flexed her wrists, feeling immensely relieved. When she was bound, she could only be

bullied. But now, it was anyone’s game. If they dared to rough her up, they'd better be prepared for her ruthless


“Spill it, how are you going to getback to Mr. Huber?” Oriana pressed eagerly.