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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 145
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Chapter 145

Elysia gasped in surprise, ‘What kind of idea?”

Elliot replied. “Since he’s so temperamental and withdrawn, and really restate etrangers, you shouldn't just

barge into his life first, let him know you're a good person whe won't hurt lam, samenns he can take a liking to

Then you can get closer to ham?

Elysia pondered Elliot's wonda seriously He had a point

But stil

it i don’t meet with him, how can I let him know I'm a good person?”

telp him out on the down low, or show sgoodwill. Make something he loves to eat or play with, and have his

family pass it stong to him‘

‘But | don’t know what he likes to eat, or what he likes to play with. From what his family says, he’s not

interested in anything but stuff about his mom”

“No womes, the point of showing goodwill is to let him know you mean no harm, that you won't hurt him. That's

how you'll eventually get closer to him”

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“I think your plan might work. | think about how to put it into action.”

“Mhmm, but remember, getting close to someone isn’t just about putting in the effort, it also takes time. Are you

planning on settling down here for good? Are we not leaving?”

Elysia said, “We'll definitely leave, but we can’t just yet”

“Why? Have you not finished your business here?”


Elliot knew the unfinished business was because the divorce hadn't gone through. “So... Are you in a hurry to


If Elysia was really anxious, he would have to intervene.

Elysia neither nodded nor shook her head.

“I am quite anxious, but... there are other things | need to take care of now, and with all three of you settled in

school, I'm not in a particular rush.”

Elliot breathed a sigh of relief. If there was no rush, he wouldn't need to step in for now.

“Do you want to leave soon?” Elysia suddenly asked.

Elliot shook his head. “I can be anywhere, as long as I'm with you, Mommy.”

Elysia chuckled, her eyes brimming with happiness as she gently tousled Elliot's hair.

“| feel the same. As long as I'm with you guys, I'm happy anywhere.”

Across the room, Blossom was boasting to Evan and Emmett, eliciting gasps and cheers from the two little guys,

completely turning into adoring fans.

Elysia watched the twith a smile playing on her lips.

Three treasures, indeed. One dares to tell tales, the other two dare to believe, and they're all quite the audience.

Elliot glanced at the three of them and then back at Elysia, asking, “Do you envy Blossom’s job?”

“Hm? No, not really. | don’t have a teaching credential, and I'm not particularly interested in teaching preschool.

So no, I'm not envious. But | do envy that Blossom has a job.”

“Do you really want to work?”

“Yes, having a job means making money, and money is needed to take care of you.”

Elliot looked serious. “We can take care of ourselves.”

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Elysia laughed again, “You guys are still little. You can’t go out and make money, so how will you take care of


“We can make money.”

“How so?” she chuckled.

They could try the stock market, invest, or even start a business. All of those were ways to make money.

But Elliot didn’t dare say that out loud, afraid it might startle his mother.

After thinking for a moment, Elliot said, “We could be child stars. I've seen skids online, not even a year old,

making money. People say | look like a little star, so I think | could be one too.”



Elysia asked “Do you want to be a child star

Not at allt

Ellot was only interested in business, but he still said, “I could be a child ster, make money and take rate of

Womeny a my