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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 143
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Chapter 143

“Didn’t you just go see the kid this morning? How cyou haven't had a chance to talk to him yet?”

Elysia sighs, “You probably wouldn't believeif | told you.”


“Before we went there today, the wild man said that if | could spend enough ten minutes with his son, I'd be

rewarded ten thousand dollars, in cash.”

“Holy shit, isn’t that a giveaway?”

“I thought so at that time, but not to mention ten minutes, | was kicked out by Elijah in just three minutes.”

Blossom gasped, her wide-eyed shock unmistakable.

“Does he have a history of violence or something?”

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*Bipolar disorder, so yeah, he can be impulsive. And when he has an episode... let's just say he doesn’t just

smash vases. He's been known to hurt himself, too.”

Blossom paused, her voice tinged with concem. “You know, I've worked with a lot of kids, but they've all been

healthy. I've never had to deal with anything like this.”

“Well, of course you haven't,” Elysia replied. “Kids with mental health issues don’t usually go to regular schools.

They're often introverted, unwilling to open up and connect with others.”

“It's just heartbreaking, you know? You wish all kids could be happy and healthy.”

Elysia let out a soft sigh. “With Elijah, it's a tough situation.”

“So what's the wild man saying now? If his son won't even let you near him, does that mean he’ll stop bothering


“I think so. He hasn't reached out since | left. Probably realized I'm not the one who can help Elijah and has given

up on me.”

Blossom shrugged. “Maybe that’s for the best. You didn’t want to get too involved with him anyway.”

Elysia nodded. “Yeah, that’s true.”

But as much as she said she didn’t want to be involved, the lack of contact from him was strangely unsettling.

She couldn't help but feel anxious about Elijah.

Blossom continued, “The design industry is cutthroat these days. There are more designers than jobs, and the

competition is fierce. Honestly, you might be better off focusing on child education, maybe even specializing in

special needs. There's a real demand for that.”

Elysia was pulled back from her thoughts. “I’ve been looking.into certification for special education. Gotta get

that paper first.”

ow, you're actually lucky.

speaking, leaving Jindale City

“Exactly, it's all about the credentials now. Without them, schools and parents won't trust you. But yo Bumping

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into Corbin and helping him has made you somewhat of a nin their circles. Profession might not be the

smartest move. Corbin’s family could lead to a lot of resources and referrals.” Elysia understood what Blossom

meant. There were many kids like Corbin and Elijah, struggling with mental health issues, and their families often


With Corbin’s improvement, her reputation had been bolstered. Elijah had sought her out based on Corbin’s

progress, and more parents

could follow.

As much as she wished for all children to be healthy, reality was different. Many needed help, and she could

support herself by providing that help, much like a doctor treats patients.

Staying in Jindale City could mean a flourishing career, but... lacking certification was a major obstacle.

And deep down, she didn’t want to raise her kids in this city, with all its painful memories.

Shaking her head, Elysia made up her mind/“I still want to leave Jindale City. Find a new place to call home.”

Blossom nodded understandingly. “Whatever you decide, you've got my support. And hey, with the way things

are connected these days, wherever you settle down, I'll be there in a heartbeat to visit.”