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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 138
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Chapter 138


“Winona just doesn’t trust Sarah's boyfriend, thinks he’s bad news, so she’s been trying to get Sarah to dump

him. But Sarah's got love on the brain, you know? So now she’s all mad at Winona. Then, to open Sarah's eyes to

the guy's true colors, Winona staged this whole scene to get him to show his sleazy side. But when the dude

showed his true face, Sarah didn’t get mad at him-nope, she went straight to Winona and threw a fit. She

accused Winona of sticking her nose where it didn’t belong, of being petty and not wanting to see her happy,

even called Winona a disgraceful queen...”

Elysia frowned. “She’s that clueless? You didn’t step in?”

“I did. I was so close to losing it, almost slapped her right there. If Winona hadn't stopped me, | would have. |

told her she was being ungrateful, and she just cried, saying, ‘But I love him, what can | do? It's not that he can’t

leave me, it's that | can’t leave him...”

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Elysia was speechless.

Zane continued, “She's a classic case of being lovestruck. My aunt’s family isn’t exactly living the dream, you

know? They're on welfare, and Sarah’s got a younger brother who dropped out early, old enough to get married

but they're still living in that old clapboard house. Winona and | know about their financial struggles, so we've

been covering Sarah's college tuition and living expenses... But after this mess, | cut her off. She got mad and

didn’t dare confront me, so she took it out on Winona instead. No matter what | said, she wouldn't listen. She just

kept blaming Winona...

That's why she cursed Winona, why she was so hostile when she saw you, ‘cause she knows you're Winona’s

bestie, guilt by association.”

Elysia was silent.

Zane continued, “Winona’s a big star, always in the public eye. If something really happened to her, just think

about the media frenzy, huh?”

Elysia let out a deep breath, believing Zane’s words.

It made sense; if anything happened to Winona, there was no way to keep it under wraps.

Feeling relieved, Elysia steadied herself and looked at Sarah again, her brow furrowed, “If what you're saying is

true, then isn’t she just an ingrate?”

Putting it nicely, she’s an ingrate. But frankly, she’s a dog that bites the hand that feeds it!

Zane didn’t object. Seeing Elysia’s complexion returning to normal, he felt a bit more at


“I'm pissed at her too. I'm only looking after her for my aunt's sake, as I've told you. My aunt paid for my high

school, and I'm grateful to her, so I'm taking care of Sarah.”




Elysia said with a frown, “Your aunt took care of you, and you should be grateful to her,

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but she never did anything for Winona. Winona doesn’t owe them anything and doesn’t deserve their curses.”

Elysia was indignant on behalf of her friend.

What a mess!

Zane nodded and said, “I'll have a serious talk with Sarah when she wakes up.”

Elysia added, “And you knew about her beef with Winona and still askedto csee her? From her

perspective, isn’t that just rubbing salt in the wound?”

“I didn’t realize she'd be so hostile towards anyone close to Winona.”

“If you really want to comfort her, it'd be better to call her friends. She’s studying in Jindale City, so she must

have classmates and friends. Let them ctalk to her. They'd be

better than me.”

“I suggested that, but she wouldn't have it. She's scared of being the laughingstock. She doesn’t want her

classmates to know about her pregnancy and the miscarriage.”