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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 108
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Chapter 108

“What's your reason for coming back to Jindale City this time?”

“Reason? What reason?” Panic surged through Elysia, her words jumbled as she struggled to find an


The man repeated his question with visible impatience, “You've been away from Jindale City for years. Why the

sudden return? Think carefully before you speak! Lie to me, and your son pays the price!”

“I-1-... Oh, that’s right, | cback to get my kids registered. They don’t have social security numbers yet, and

they need one to enroll in school and get health insurance.”

“And your frequent appearances around sman, what's the motive there?”

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“Man? What man?” Elysia’s thoughts raced, until it clicked, “Are you talking about Elijah’s father?”


Tears threatened to spill from Elysia’s eyes. Not him again!

“I never intended to get close to him. I've kept my distance all along. If it wasn’t for my son Evan scratching his

car the day we got back, | wouldn't even know he existed! | don’t know why he suspectsof deliberately

approaching him. | don’t know why you're all suspicious of me, but | swear I'm not lying! If | lie, may | never

know peace! | have no clue who he is! To this day, all | know is he’s Elijah’s father, | don't even know his name...

oh my god...”

Sobs wracked Elysia’s body.

Meanwhile, Lowell couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity. He turned to Tarquin and said,

“Tarquin, she doesn’t seem to be acting. There might be smisunderstanding here.”

Tarquin frowned, pressing on. “Are you sure? If you dare to lie, your son is as good as dead!”

“I'm sure! I'm positive! | haven't lied! Please, don’t hurt him, he’s only five. | swear | don’t know that man. My

return wasn’t about him; it was for my children’s registration!”

She was chasing after Tarquin for a divorce, just to sever ties and settle her children’s status.

That was her only goal!

Regardless of whether Elijah’s father was the man from her past, she never intended to confront him, seek

revenge or demand child support. She had resented him, yes, but once the children were born, she let go of the


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The children’s presence had healed her bitterness and resentment. All she wanted was a normal life with her


“I'm just a regular single mom, trying to live an ordinary life with my children! | haven't wronged anyone, haven't

crossed anyone. Why am | always under suspicion? If you refuse to believe anything I say, if in your eyes I'm

nothing but a bad woman, then | beg you, don’t harm my son. If you have a problem with me, take it out on me,

but let my son go. He's only five. He's innocent! Oh god...”

Chapter 108

The love Elysia had for Emmett was beyond the typical motherly affection. She loved Elliot and Evan just as

much, but for Emmett, her love was mixed with pity and tenderness. She felt sorry for him... Tarquin watched the

nearly broken woman on the surveillance screen, his brows knotted. Clutching her phone, she had cried herself

into a mess, her slender frshaking and seeming on the verge of collapse.

Whether she was lying was clear to him.

Her concern for her son was genuine; she wouldn't dare lie, which meant she hadn't been trying to get close to

him after all.