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Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Our Younger Siblings

By this stage, Vania was able to walk again and she changed into the gown and came out of the

bathroom with Theresa’s help.

Immediately, she heard her three babies exclaim, “Mommy, you look very beautiful.”

All at once, they declared in unison, “Congratulations to Mommy on your full recovery. Happy

Discharge Day!”

James even recorded the entire scene with his camera.

Vania had recovered from most of her injuries, so it was only her leg injury that required more rest.

When she saw how serious her children were, her immediate thought was, Gosh, there’s even a

recording? The clothes are beautiful, but I’m not wearing any makeup. I don’t even have lipstick on!

Won’t I look a little ugly on camera?

She could not help it. Whenever she was in front of a camera, her first thought would always be about

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her makeup.

Even then, she did not dwell on her thoughts.

Vania went forward and took the roses and drawings from them. Her eyes began to well up with tears

as she said, “Thank you, my darlings.”

Roses were her favorite; even her shampoo and shower gel were rose-scented. After all this time, her

body was beginning to smell like roses as well.

When she took a look at the drawings, she began to tear up again.

Every drawing had a date, and there was a new drawing every single day since the day she was

hospitalized. She never noticed anything, so they must have drawn them when she was asleep.

Vania was immeasurably moved as she pulled them into a hug. “This is the most touching gift that

Mommy has ever received. Thank you, my darlings.”

James quickly wiped away her tears. “A princess is not allowed to cry.”

She sniffled and responded, “I’m not crying. I’m just too touched.”

Jacob kissed her on the cheek. “Mommy, you don’t need to thank us. It’s what we should be doing for


“You three are the best gifts that I’ve ever received,” Vania declared. She was starting to believe that

the sufferings she had gone through in the past had all been a trial, and they were her reward for

succeeding. She was truly blessed.

However, her thoughts flitted toward her other two children. Were they okay? She had spent every

single waking moment missing them.

When they noticed her forlorn expression, the three children instantly knew that she must be thinking of

their younger siblings.

James stepped forward and nudged her arm. “Mommy, don’t be upset. You’re such a good person, so

I’m sure that the heavens will keep our younger siblings safe.”

“James is right, and we’ve been praying for them every day. You will bring them home soon, Mommy.”

Jake quickly voiced his support.

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As for Jacob, he kissed Vania on the cheek and gave her a warm look of encouragement.

Vania quickly suppressed her sadness. Her three babies would always notice whenever she felt down,

and she could never hide her emotions from them.

She smiled at them. “I’m not upset anymore. I need to hurry up and get better so that I can bring your

younger siblings home sooner.”

Jack held her hand and changed the topic. “Mommy, let’s go home. Aunt Theresa and the three of us

have prepared a feast that’s waiting for you at home right now.”

“Alright, let’s go home.”

The three children then ushered Vania into the car. Throughout this whole time, Hanson did not show

up at all.

In the car, the three children were still engaged in fervent discussion.

Jack sent a message. ‘Didn’t James say that the Devil had his eyes on Mommy? Why isn’t he here for

such an important occasion? I don’t know if it’s a sign of him keeping his promise, or proof that he’s

insincere about his feelings toward her. He’s such a rascal.’