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Harvey York’s Rise to Power

Chapter 2343
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Chapter 2343

“Andy didn’t give his position to his eldest son, Cory. Instead, his fourth son,

Marcel, was appointed as the head of the family.” “I heard that his other three sons

were quite unsatisfied about this, Cory included. They only accepted it since it

grudgingly was their father’s order.” “Grandma York, Andy’s wife, was quite upset

about this arrangement as well.” Harvey nodded.

He didn’t expect the Yorks from Hong Kong to have such a history. “Marcel is now in charge of the family,

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but Grandma York harbors a lot of disdain on her youngest son and his wife.” “She tried her hardest to

support her eldest son, hoping that he would take the position one day.” “There’s also another rumor

saying that Grandma York and Marcel had different political beliefs.” “Grandma York is in the mind that

the Yorks aren’t the same hidden family as they once were, and that they should’ve stood on the peak

alongside the top ten families!” “But for the last few years, Marcel remained in charge of the family.

That’s why they’re still in hiding.” “So, Vince is Marcel’s son?” Harvey asked, curious. “Not exactly.” “The

family grudge isn’t as simple as you think, sir.” “Marcel’s quite the extraordinary man, but nobody knows

why he doesn’t have a child of his own. In fact, he only has an adopted daughter.” “Because of this,

Grandma York has been coercing Cory to let his son, Vince, be adopted by Marcel.” “She’s obviously

trying to make it so that Cory holds the final authority.” “Marcel was opposed to the idea at first. But as

his mother kept pestering him, he finally gave in and adopted Cory’s son.” “Under such circumstances,

Vince turned into the family’s young lord.” “Vince is a very ambitious man. He knew that his position

could be taken from him at any time, and that he needed a large force backing him in order to rise to

power.” “In the past few years, he made connections with wealthy and influential people all over and

gathered all the princes and young masters from Hong Kong and Las Vegas under his belt.” “It’d be an

understatement to call Vince the top man of the younger generation here.” “In reality, the Four Masters of

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Hong Kong are just his subordinates.” “Vince is a terrifying man!” George’s face was grim as he spoke

about Vince. Harvey, however, remained calm. His earlier smile did not fade the slightest. “If that’s really

the case, I’m sure everyone holds him in high regard.” “He might even rise to power suddenly, and turn

into the top man of Country H’s younger generation!” George laughed. “Not quite, sir. After all, the Yorks

from Hong Kong are rather complex.

Quite a lot of old rulers were bosses from Hong Kong and Las Vegas’s underworld.

There’s no way they’d simply yield to a younger man.” “However, you’re not wrong

about Vince being the top man of the younger generation.” “The Four Young

Masters of Wolsing are leagues above everyone else, but even they can’t compare

to Vince!”