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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 73
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Chapter 73 Harriet’s face twisted into a scowl, the shade of a stormy sky. She’d never fathomed that Anthea’s draw at the rotisserie was akin to a siren’s call.

The patrons were flocking in to gawk at Anthea’s beauty.

“Who gave you the bogus news that Anthea quit? She’s just catching a short break! She'll be back on the grind in a few days!” Harriet spit out her words.

Lauren blinked in surprise. “Oh? Anthea didn’t quit?” Harriet’s complexion darkened further. “No! Go tell them Anthea will be back tomorrow.” “Okay.” Lauren nodded, quickly turning on her heel to inform the customers that Anthea hadn't quit and would return the following day. Their blunt reply cas a gut punch. They'd cback to dine when Anthea did.

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Harriet was livid! She had expected Anthea to crawl back, yet she found herself in the humiliating position of begging Anthea to return. That was disgusting! But with the business at stake, she had no choice.

“Baldie! You got Anthea’s contact on WhatsApp?” Harriet had deleted Anthea’s number in a power play, expecting a plea that would never come. But at the time, she was cut off without a lifeline.

“Yeah, Mom, what's up?” Baldie emerged from the back room.

Harriet’s voice was a mix of frustration and command. “Tell Anthea I'll bump her wage to five grand. Get her back here.” Baldie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You sure, Mom?” Harriet nodded firmly.

“But why?” he prodded further.

“Just do as | say and message her,” Harriet barked.

Sensing his mother’s foul mood, Baldie didn’t press further. He whipped out his phone and sent Anthea a casual “You there?” on WhatsApp.

There was no immediate reply, and Harriet’s impatience boiled over. “Did Anthea get back to you?” Baldie shook his head.

Half an hour later, Harriet was gnashing her teeth, cursing Anthea’s silence. To her, it was a deliberate snub, which was unacceptable! 1/2 11:26 Chapter 23 Just then, Baldie perked up. “Mom, she replied!” Harriet leaned in eagerly. “What did she say?” Baldie hesitated, “Anthea says she’s got school and can’t make it.* Hearing it, Harriet thought, “Five grand wasn’t enough? This girl's appetite was bigger than a Thanksgiving turkey!” Harriet felt the rage bubble up inside her. “Tell her she'll get seven thousand!” The base salary in Cloudcrest was a mere $2,500. Seven thousand was upper crust territory.

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Anthea had no grounds to refuse.

“Okay,” Baldie said, though his voice was tinged with disbelief.

After a moment, he returned with another update. “Mom, Anthea says it’s not about the money.” If it was not about the money, what then? Harriet felt the blood drain from her face.

Never had she imagined Anthea would be so bold. Seven grand wasn’t enough.

After a moment's consideration, weighing the profits Anthea could bring in against the salary, Harriet took a deep breath. “Tell her she’ll get fifteen thousand!” Baldie's eyes widened as if he had misheard. “Fifteen grand, Mom?” She nodded firmly. “Yes, fifteen thousand.” With shock and awe, Baldie sent the message.

But neither of them had anticipated Anthea’s response, a refusal that echoed louder than any acceptance.