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From Sneers to Cheers: Anthea’s Ascent

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 After Baldie left, Harriet turned to Lauren with a knowing smile. “Lauren, you know, talk is cheap. You must have the goods to back it up. That's what counts! One of these days, I'll sit back and reap the rewards of Baldie’s hard work!” Lauren nodded thoughtfully. “I think there's something special about Anthea. She will do great things.” “Great things?” Harriet scoffed, rolling her eyes. “What, because she can chirp in a few foreign phrases?” “But have you noticed.” Lauren pressed on,” our rotisserie has been booming since Anthea started waitressing?” It was an observation that even the most skeptical couldn't deny.

Harriet waved a dismissive hand. “What's that got to do with her? I've tweaked the recipe for our rotisserie. The surge of customers is thanks to the flavor kick, not her!” Harriet had thought the sudden uptick in business might have something to do with Anthea.

But she soon realized that wasn’t the case. It coincided with her new and improved spice blend. So, Anthea’s presence was just a coincidence.

“Fine, Lauren, enough chitchat,” Harriet said with impatience. “Go check the kitchen. See if they need a hand with anything.” Lauren obeyed, finding Anthea in the back, wiping down trays. She approached her with admiration in her eyes.

“Anthea, you were amazing! The way you rattled off in French hadall dazzled!” Anthea laughed it off. “Oh, Lauren, I'm not all that. You're givingtoo much credit.” In her past life, Anthea had rubbed elbows with the elite. Speaking a foreign language was hardly a rare feat for her.

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“But it is impressive!” Lauren insisted. “Can you speak other languages, too, Anthea?” Lauren had this nagging feeling that Anthea’s talents were even more expansive.

Casually holding a tray, Anthea replied. “Apart from French? Well, there's Russian, Italian, Japanese, German, and sKorean. Just that.” Just that? Lauren swallowed hard, and her eyes widened in shock.

“Anthea, where did you say you went to high school again?” asked Lauren.

“Northbridge High School,” Anthea answered.

Thanks to Harriet’s skepticism, Lauren had once taken Anthea’s words with a grain of salt. But she beca firm believer at that moment.

Anthea wasn’t just spart-timer. She was truly only filling in for Carole: Karen hadn’t shown up that evening.

Having spent the better part of a month inseparable from Karen, her absence left Anthea feeling a tad off-kilter, resulting in her glancing towards the entrance more than usual.

But closing tneared, and still no sign of Karen.

After the shift, Anthea didn’t rush off. Instead, she approached Harriet at the bar.

“Something on your mind, Anthea?” Harriet asked.

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“I've been working here almost a month now.” Anthea started.

“And?” Harriet looked up her gaze meeting Anthea’s.

Anthea seemed ready to ask for a favor, which Harriet had anticipated.

“Harriet, when my mom decided to quit, you mentioned needing a month to hire someone new. That's why | stepped in to cover her shift. Have you found a replacement yet? I'm supposed to finish up the day after tomorrow.” Anthea explained, giving Harriet a gentle reminder to avoid any last-minute confusion.

What? Harriet stared at Anthea, dumbfounded.

Anthea wasn’t there to ask for a favor, after all?