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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93 Make Leo Uglier

“Your fiancé is definitely not as handsome and handsome as the one I gave you, and he is rich and


“I don’t want it anymore. Now this has made my scalp numb. It’s a lot of trouble. I still don’t want to be

greedy! If you are really good for me, then you can turn Leo into what it was before, and you can

become uglier and poorer It doesn’t matter at all!”

Leo was speechless when he heard this.

What is in this girl’s head? She expects him to grow uglier and poorer?

What logic?

“Then I’ll make you ugly too, okay?”

“No, you can make me a little st upid, I don’t care about this IQ anymore, anyway, Leo is smart, he can

teach me.”

“You keep mentioning Leo, who is he to you?”

“He is my fiance.”

“Then look up and see if the person in front of you is him.”

“Huh? What?”

Surprised, Monica looked up quickly, only to see a familiar man standing in front of her.





Chapter 23 Make Lee Uglier

The corners of the mouth were raised, revealing a gentle smile that pampered you.

The phoenix eyes are deep, and the little self is reflected in them.

In the depths of those deep eyes, she is like a small boat, so insignificant and insignificant, but there is

only room for him in his eyes.

She got excited and wanted to stand up and hug him.

But as soon as he got up, he fell down again.

She cried out in pain.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It was only then that Leo noticed her strangeness, and quickly squatted down, and found that her ankle

was swollen high and looked very painful.

“How did it happen?”

He frowned fiercely, took off her shoes, and checked the injury.

“I accidentally stepped on the moss. My speed was too slow. When I got it, they all left, and I couldn’t

get out, so I had to wait here for Clare to find me.”

she said pitifully.

“Don’t you even know who was looking for me?”

He frowned fiercely and glared at each other.

Monica felt his anger and her heart sk ipped a beat.


Chapter 93 Make Leo Uglier

It’s over, Leo is angry.

“I’m afraid it’s inconvenient for you, and I’m worried that those people will know about our


“If you do this again, I will declare to the whole world that you are my fiancee.”

“don’t want…”

“Do you think of me as your fiancé, your man? Am I just a display?”

Leo was really angry this time, angry that she always

considered him at the most critical moment and kept him out

of the matter.

He hated Monica for being so nice, it made him feel

worthless, and he couldn’t even protect his own woman.

He doesn’t need her protection, she just needs to take care of herself.

She didn’t have enough brains to begin with, so she devoted all her energy to him.

Monica knew that he was really angry, and she was too scared to say anything.

The two of them stared at each other silently, and the sound of wind and rain came from their ears.

After a long time, Monica boldly stretched out her hand and grabbed the corner of his sleeve tightly.

“Leo, I know I was wrong, I won’t do it again next time, don’t be angry, okay?”


Chapter 93 Make Leo Ugler

288 Vouchers

“You know? Admit your mistake to me this time, and next time something happens, will you still say


“No, I just thought about it. Clare is right. A man can’t be spoiled. The more he is spoiled, the worse he

gets. Next time I’ll treat you a little bit worse, okay?”

Leo’s complexion became even uglier when he heard this, did he praise him or scold him?

“Don’t be angry, okay. I was in pain, and I needed you to coax me. It turned out that you were angry,

and I still endured the pain, and comforted you instead. I was very hard…”

This made Leo soft-hearted.

She is now an injured person, and judging from the degree of high ankle, it is indeed very serious.

Now that he is angry with her, it seems that he can’t figure it


Leo was helpless.

Monica breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

Leo checked the injury, the bones were not misaligned, just swollen.

He originally wanted to carry her down the mountain, but there was a burst of autumn rain outside, and

he didn’t intend

to stop.

The outside is covered with moss, Leo is carrying himself on his back, what should he do if he falls?

So Monica insisted on waiting for professional rescuers to



Leo didn’t dare to make fun of her life, so he could only wait together.

He helped her gently press the wound, it was obviously painful, but her heart was sweet.

“By the way, this is for you.”

She thought of something, and took out the memorial stone she had just picked so hard from her

bosom like offering a treasure.

“What’s this?”

“Remembrance stone, I made a wish to write the names of two people, and we can be together for a

long time. You can take it back, or throw it back on the tree. I heard it is very effective.”

Leo wants to say that this is not effective at all, it is all feudal superstition.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

But meeting Monica’s longing gaze, it was shining.

He couldn’t bear to refuse, and said, “I didn’t bring a pen.”

“I have it!”

She took a marker pen out of her bag.

Going up the mountain today, she specifically inquired about it, so she brought it with her.

The two quickly wrote down the name, and Monica wanted to put it back in the bag, but Leo took it





Chapter 93 Make Leo Uglier

1288 Vouchers

“It’s better to put such an important thing in my hands. It’s in yours. I think it’s about three or five, and

you may lose it.”

“You’re right. I don’t even know where I put my stuff. It’s safer to put it in your place. Are you hungry?

What do you want to eat?”

Leo didn’t have lunch, and he was really hungry after climbing up and down.

He looked at Monica, like opening a treasure chest, opened her schoolbag, took out two packs of

energy drinks, a hot water bottle, noodles, and some snacks…

Leo’s head was full of question marks, this girl packed a bag of food for climbing the mountain?

Leo frowned tightly, a little unsure.

“It’s indeed a bit unhygienic, but isn’t it said that you can’t get sick if you don’t do anything clean? Try it,

it’s delicious, just take one bite.”

“All right.”

Leo couldn’t bear to brush off her kindness, suppressed his uneasiness, and took a bite.

smells weird…

Leo ate this for the first time in his life, but it happened in this situation.

He sang other songs, and as he ate them, he even thought they were delicious.

Later, Leo didn’t ask the name anymore, and when he saw


something he wanted to eat, he took it very actively.