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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 I Want

“Go on, I’ll listen.”

“You never gave me a chance to say it!”

“Didn’t you just say that you were st upid? I think you are very smart. It’s really brave to want to escape

from me after thinking about it for a while.”

These words carried a trace of majesty.

“I’m worried about you!”

“I’m satisfied if you don’t make me worry. I don’t need you to worry. It’s my honor that you can cause

me trouble, understand?”

Monica didn’t know what to say when she heard this.

How did she not know that Leo could speak so well before. She said one word, and he could reply ten

words back!

“Stop talking. The more you talk, the angrier you get. I’d better brush my teeth obediently!”

She picked up the electric toothbrush angrily, and Leo breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two of them brushed their teeth and washed their faces, the temperature of the porridge just

dropped and the taste was just right.

Leo is also on leave today, but he still needs to deal with work.

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Chapter 8 Want

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He was afraid that she would be thinking wildly, so he took her directly to the study.

“What are you doing? I don’t like to read the books on your shelf.”

“Homework, have you finished your homework for your professional courses?”

Monica patted her head and remembered suddenly.

Leo watched her calm down and started to work too.

But after ten minutes of doing it, Monica felt a headache and couldn’t continue.

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She plays a game and then writes.

After playing the game, she planned to drink a glass of water and go to the bathroom before writing.

She was a little hungry after going to the toilet, so she planned to eat some snacks before writing.

The snacks are finished, it’s only ten forty, she plans to wait until eleven o’clock to write…

The common problem of not wanting to do homework, she verified it one by one.

She watched Leo secretly while watching dramas.

It is said that men who work hard are the most handsome,

and this is indeed true.

Leo is working in front of the computer, looking focused, with deep phoenix eyes.

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Chapter 8 Want

His brows never relaxed, and he had a short video conference during the period.

He speaks concisely, and every time he speaks, he is silent on the opposite side of the video.

She felt absolute majesty.

After Leo finished his work, he looked up and saw her silly smile.

“Have you finished your homework?”

He raised his eyebrows and asked.

“I’ll wait for you!” she said with a smile.

“During your final exam, just take me with you.”

“I think so too, but the invigilator doesn’t want to!” She said pitifully.

Leo approached and began to explain to her.

For some reason, such a complicated question became easy to understand in his mouth.

And Leo has magical effects. In the past, when Clare and Wade tutored herself, she always had to

listen to it more than ten times before she could understand it, but Leo only needed to say it once, and

she could remember it.

It would be great if Leo was her teacher, how motivated she is to study every day!

“Tomorrow, the group organizes a trip. I’ll take people from the financial department with me. You

should follow along. I’ll

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11 201 Mothers

help you ask for leave from the school. Anyway, I’ve been tutoring your homework.”

“Traveling? That’s not good, you don’t have any specific relationship with me outside, you can be

regarded as my elders. Is it appropriate for me to go with you?”

She has a handsome and rich fiancé, the pressure is too much!

She doesn’t want to disclose her relationship with Leo now, for fear of being killed by those women.

Leo pinched her nose and said with a slight smile, “This time you can bring your family, as long as you

go with Clare.”

He deliberately chose the finance department, and this time. he relaxed the conditions, and even

brought interns, so that this girl could accompany him.

When Monica heard that Clare was there, she immediately became interested and nodded repeatedly.

The next day, Monica packed her luggage and was ready to


She was going to meet Clare in advance, and this time she was going to a hot spring hotel. You can

climb the mountain or soak in hot springs at the foot of the mountain.

She has been in Lilder City for so long, and she has never heard of such a good place, so she is really


It’s more than October now, and it’s the season when the maple leaves are red in autumn. I heard that

there is a large.

Chapter 311 Want

288 (Voucheri

maple forest on Xiangshan Mountain, which is very beautiful when the wind blows.

She specifically googled the information and said that it is a holy place for love. Many men and women

confessed successfully there, and many people came to restore it, so the maple tree is full of wishing

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When she got on the bus with Clare, she was already excited and full of expectations for this hot spring


Clare saw her excited expression, “Monica, Leo lied to you and just exposed it?”

“if not?”

Monica blinked and looked at her suspiciously.

“It’s nothing, it’s good like this. You have reached the pinnacle of your life in an instant.”

“Clare, I suddenly became a rich woman, and I’m still not used to it!”

“Then do you need me to borrow some pocket money from you to get used to it?”

“I have three thousand in my hand, saved from part-time job, do you want it?” She believed it.

“You are so poor!”

“Three thousand is already a lot, okay! I’ll take it with me this time, I can’t let go of such a difficult

opportunity! Tell me what you want to eat later, and I’ll buy it for you!”

Monica patted her chest and said, looking very grand.



Chapter I Want

Clare couldn’t laugh or cry, she wanted Monica to be happy from the bottom of her heart, but she must

not get hurt.

Her heart is so pure, once she gets hurt, cr acks will appear, even if she will get better in the future, the

scars will never be erased.

Growth is certainly a good thing, but the price is not something everyone can afford.

Soon, the car stopped at the foot of the mountain.

They checked into the hotel.

She shared a room with Clare, and went to eat after resting.

It was approaching the evening, so after eating, I arranged to soak in the hot springs, and I was

exhausted from the afternoon bus ride.

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