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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151 The Unreasonable Couple

Cherry cried immediately and said, “You came just in time, everyone saw it, it was Monica who pushed

me first.”

Before Cherry finished speaking, Victoria waved her hands impatiently, and said in disgust, “Did I ask

you? I was asking my Go ddaughter. Who is bullying you, tell


This matter is obvious, Monica pushed someone away, even if the other party spoke disrespectfully,

she shouldn’t do it.

But when Victoria came and said this directly, it was obvious that she wanted to protect Monica.

Cherry’s eyes widened, and she couldn’t believe that the dignified Miller family would do such a

ridiculous thing.

She looked at Jason as if asking for help, and said, “Uncle, she…”

“She’s right. How good is my wife? My wife didn’t ask you, so don’t talk. If you annoy my wife, it’s no

use calling me uncle.”

Cherry was secretly anxious when she heard this.

At this time, she could only ask her grandpa to help. Fortunately, she was not alone

this time.

She quickly winked at the waiter, and the waiter slipped away quietly.

Victoria walked up to Monica, grabbed her hand, and said, “Tell me, who bullied you?”

“I did push her, but I didn’t use much strength. It wouldn’t fall to the ground at all.”

“Is what my daughter said right?”

Victoria looked at Cherry.

Cherry trembled, and when Victoria looked at Monica just now, there was a loving light in her eyes. But

when he looked at himself, it was all cold.


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As an elder, she is really not polite to the younger generation.

How did she provoke these two unreasonable people? However, the Miller family’s status is not low,

and they are on par with her family,

Grandpa will definitely not offend them for himself,

Now she has to take advantage of it, or she will lose again!

She has already been defeated by Monica once, and she cannot appear a second time,

She took a deep breath.

She said, “Auntie, do you still want to bully the small under the eyes of everyone? Everyone has seen

it, she pushed me, why do you still favor her?”

“If Monica apologizes to me, this matter will be over. Don’t bully me, a junior”

“Oh? Really?” Victoria said indifferently, and then looked at everyone, “She said you saw it, did you

really see it?”

The gentleman who helped Cherry earlier said, “Yes, I saw it with my own eyes, it was indeed your Go

ddaughter who pushed to Ms. Field”

“Remember this person”

Victoria raised her finger, pointed at the young man, and then said to Jason,


“Who else? I see that you guys are also eager to try, do you also want to correct my daughter? Jason..”

“Speak slowly, there are too many people, I’m afraid I won’t be able to remember!”

“Idiot, what is the phone for? Can’t take pictures?”

Victoria glared at her husband viciously,

Jason nodded immediately, took out his phone from his pocket, and was about to take a picture,

The melon-eaters standing at the front trembled and took a step back.


Chapter 151 The Unsasemats Eques

“Uncle and aunt, you misunderstood, we didn’t see anything”

“Didn’t see it? Forget it over there” Victoria said lightly,


The young man from before was also panicked. He was just trying to show off in front of the beauties. If

he really offended the Miller family because of this, it would really be worth the candle,

The young man hastily bowed and apologized, “I didn’t see anything either”

“Oh? Didn’t you just say you saw it all?”

“I’m talking nonsense. Even if there is, it’s possible that the two girls were joking and pushed it

accidentally, It’s not a big deal”

“I like this kid’s words, Jason, remember, he will be promoted in the future”

“We didn’t see anything, if there was, it must be a fight between the girls!”

Everyone got cold feet, after all, most of these people had bad-mouthed Monica just now,,

Cherry’s eyes widened when she saw this scene, she didn’t expect the Jasons to do that.

Just then, Old Mr. Field came over,

Cherry seemed to see a life-saving straw, and immediately ran to her grandfather, crying in her

grandpa’s arms.

“Grandpa, just now I had a quarrel with Ms. Donat, but Ms. Donat pushed me. I didn’t expect that Uncle

Yan and Aunt Yan came here, and they… actually favored Ms. Donat and wronged my granddaughter!”

“Jason, can this matter?”

Jason saw the elders and began to speak poorly,

Victoria frowned and kicked unceremoniously,

Jason immediately got excited, and said in a breath, “We just came here, and asked the children

around, and they all said they didn’t see it. What do you want me to do? I am also very embarrassed as

a parent!”

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“You lied, grandpa, they all saw it clearly, but aunt just threatened them.”



Chapter 151 The Unreasonable Couple

Hearing this, Old Mr. Field frowned fiercely, and looked at everyone unkindly.

“Are you helping others to bully my granddaughter?”

Everyone looked at Old Mr. Field and then at Victoria. These two people are difficult to deal with.

288 Vouchers

Since you promised Victoria just now, if you change your mind now, wouldn’t the Miller family be

completely offended?

Since I did something sorry for the Field family from the very beginning, let’s just continue to make

mistakes over there.

“We didn’t see anything.”

“We didn’t see it either. I really don’t know what happened to the two girls.”


Cherry was trembling with anger, only regretting that Grandpa came one step latè.

“Is it because I’m old, you all treat me as a decoration, don’t you care? You don’t even care about the

face of the Field family, do you?”

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings became silent.

And the guests who just came in are afraid to come.

The two families are in opposition, evenly matched.

At this moment, Victoria said, “The old man is of noble rank. As I said, this is a matter between two

girls. We are both parents, so we can only ask clearly. If there is anything wrong with Victoria before,

please let me know.” Your pardon.”

“Victoria, you are really good at talking.”