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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 You Are My Medicine!

While sobbing aggrievedly, she dared not resist.

Although it has entered autumn now, the weather is not very cold, but rather cool, and the sun is

shining brightly at noon and it is very hot.

She was still wearing a skirt, and he lifted the skirt directly to his knees, seeing the wound from her fall


“Do you hurt?”

Leo softened his tone, there was nothing he could do about her.

Monica bit her lip tightly and didn’t speak.

She has a little backbone in her heart.

He gently kneaded her wound, and said warmly, “I know Cherry is looking for you.”

“You came back late that day, and I knew whose perfume smelled on your body. It belonged to her,

right? When she came to see me that day, she sprayed rose perfume on her body.”

“You have a good nose.”

“She knows you are in the hospital, but I don’t. My fiancé is hospitalized with a stomachache, but I don’t

know, and I need someone to tell me, don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

“I don’t tell you, because I don’t want to burden you psychologically. I’m afraid you will worry!”

He explained in a good voice.

“Actually, what she told me is correct. I am indeed your burden, a waste. I can’t do anything, I can’t

even do small math problems, and I will definitely not be able to pass the accounting exam in the

future. I don’t even give You don’t have the ability to settle accounts, so how can I have the face to stay

by your side? I thought we were on the same starting line, but you didn’t dislike me, and I didn’t dislike

you, but I didn’t expect…”




Chapter 110 You Are My Medicine!

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“You suddenly become handsome and rich. Women like you, and men like you too! But what do I

have? I have nothing!”

Monica regretted her uselessness, the gap between them could not be filled by her


He has endured for so many years, there must be big things to do.

But she can’t do anything, she doesn’t want to regret it in the future, so she might as well cut off the

relationship now.

“I have nothing in the first place, and now I am not afraid of returning to my original shape!”

“You still have me.”

Leo got up straight away, wrapping his big hands around her hair, then leaned over to cover her

chattering lips.

Monica was caught off guard, her eyes widened, and she forgot to push him away, letting him ask for it.

By the time she reacted and wanted to push him, it was too late.

His embrace seemed to be an iron wall, which could not be shaken at all.

She was in a hurry.

This kiss was as domineering as ever, but also tender.

She was really afraid that she would not be able to control herself, and she would throw away her

armor because of a kiss.

She was cruel and bit down hard.

Afterwards, the strong smell of blood spread into the mouths of the two of them, it

was so strong.

Leo was in pain, and his body was obviously stunned for a while, obviously he didn’t expect Monica to

be so cruel.

Monica also breathed a sigh of relief, she thought he would let go immediately, but unexpectedly he

ignored his injured tongue and deepened the kiss.

“You’re crazy!”



Chapter 110 You Are My Medicine!

Monica covered her mouth and looked at him in shock.

Why didn’t he let go, she knew the weight of that bite best.

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Leo swallowed his blood and said, “This is what I deserved. I shouldn’t have let go last night. I thought I

could help you in a cool way, but in the end I was just deceiving myself.”

“You touch my heart, it wants to tell you that it hurts so badly that it is about to die! Did you hear that!”

He grabbed her hand and pressed it directly to her chest.

She could clearly feel the beating heart under the clothes and flesh and blood.

Even his clothes couldn’t block the heat from his body.


She was flustered, her fingers were trembling, and she wanted to pull it back, but he held it tightly in his


“Don’t hide, you look into my eyes, I just want you to say a word.”


She originally thought that she could control her emotions, but as soon as she spoke, she trembled and

fell apart.

She didn’t even have the courage to look into his eyes, and her

“I ask you, do you have me here!”

His slender jade fingers touched her chest.

eyes flickered.

Through his clothes, he could feel the force of his fingers, and Vivian’s nails were sharp.

Her heart felt like a knife had been pierced in an instant, and it hurt so much.

She wanted to droop her eyes, but she didn’t want to hear his angry shout in her


“Look into my eyes and answer me, as long as you say that I am not here, I will



Chapter 110 You Are My Medicine!

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Before she could finish her sentence, he leaned over to cover her mouth again.

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This time, it was even more fierce and domineering.

After a while, her face was flushed due to long-term lack of oxygen.

“You foul!”

“You are the one who broke the law. You are lying. Your heart tells me that you still love me, and you

are reluctant to leave me. After leaving me, you will be very sad, you will cry, you will be helpless, and

you will be embarrassed. So, I follow your heart Wish, take you home, let you never leave me!”

“You are talking nonsense, this is my heart, and I know best what it thinks. It is clearly…”

She stuttered and couldn’t speak.

Because what Leo said was what was in his heart!

She was really sad, very reluctant, and felt distressed.

But she never thought that Leo would find him.

She wished that he would not come to her for the rest of her life, and it was best for the two of them not

to communicate with each other.

This is the best ending.

She only needs to know about him on TV and know that he is doing well, and she will be satisfied.

“Leo, actually Cherry is right, you should be with her.”

“how about you?”

“Me?” She hadn’t thought about her ending yet, “I will finish college, leave this city, leave the control of

the Donat family, and live the life I want. Maybe…I will marry…”

“You can only marry me.”

Leo cursed.

“Leo, I don’t understand. What do you want me, an idiot, to do? Are you sick? Take medicine if you’re




Chapter 110 You Are My Medicine!

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“You are my medicine! Just because you are so stu pid, I don’t trust you alone, let alone give you to

others.” Leo said every word, his voice was so loud that Monica yelled every word Can’t tell either.

“Monica, if I was really going to take advantage of my marriage, I wouldn’t have had to go to you in the

first place. From the time you came back that night, I didn’t intend to let go of your hand, do you
