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Billionaire’s Unseen Love (Bella and Alex)

Chapter 24
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24 Distrust and Deception

24 Distrust and Deception

Alex arrived at the hospital, his mind racing with thoughts of Bella. The chaos at her room, with onlookers and

medical staff crowding the area, immediately caught his attention.

“What's going on here?” he demanded, his voice cutting through the murmurs of the crowd.

Startled by his presence, the onlookers dispersed quickly, leaving the hallway eerily quiet. Alex entered Bella's

room, his frustration mounting at the disarray. The mess was a clear sign of a struggle or an outburst.

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He found Bella huddled in a corner, sobbing. Her distress seemed genuine, but Alex couldn't help but feel a

twinge of suspicion.

“What happened here, Bella?” he asked, his voice softening despite his doubts.

Bella recounted the morning's events - the reporters’ invasion, their probing questions, her panicked reaction.

Her version of events painted her as a victim, overwhelmed and frightened.

Alex listened, his expression unreadable. “Did you tell them anything?” he inquired, aware of the potential

damage any statement from Bella could cause.

“No, | didn’t say anything. But | don’t know how to handle this. | feel like I'm being targeted, and | don’t know

why,” Bella replied, her voice trembling with fear.

As Alex considered her words, he couldn't help but wonder about the source of the leak. “Do you think someone

is deliberately targeting you?” he asked, considering the possible motives behind the


Bella seized the opportunity to shift the blame. “It must be Emma. She's the only one who would want to hurt

Alex's frown deepened at the mention of Emma’s name. It seemed too convenient, too easy for Bella to point

fingers at his ex-wife.

“Ill look into it, but don’t jump to conclusions. We need to be careful about accusations,” he cautioned, his mind

still grappling with the complexities of the situation.

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Bella, sensing Alex's skepticism, softened her approach. “I'm just scared, that’s all. | know you'll find out the


After a brief stay, Alex left the hospital, his thoughts a whirlwind of doubt and suspicion. Bella's insistence on

implicating Emma troubled him. The more he thought about it, the less sense it made.

In his car, Alex dialed Emma’s number, the urge to hear her side of the story overwhelming him. But the call

went straight to voicemail. A pang of regret hit him as he remembered the finality of their divorce.

24 Distrust and Deception

Arriving back at his office, Alex sat alone, pondering the tangled web of lies and truths that had ensnared him.

He had to tread carefully, aware that any misstep could have far-reaching consequences. As he delved into his

work, a part of him couldn't shake off the feeling that he was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle a piece that

might just involve Emma.