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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 35
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 35

35 Found

Pheobe POV

This can’t be happening. How could he have cloaked himself from me? I didn’t even know he could do

that. “What’s the matter, sister, you’re not happy to see me” he says with a sick smile. “Pheobe put the

ring on”, I hear a female voice whisper in my mind. I slide my hand into my pocket feeling for the ring

I’ve been carrying since I found it. I don’t even know why I kept it. I don’t like jewelry. I slip the ring on

my finger despite having no idea who is reaching out to me or what their intentions are. At this moment,

I don’t have any other choice but to hope this ring means something. I never look away from my brother

when I hear the bathroom door open. “Ahh my pet, it’s good to see you again.” I hear Iris gasp. She

comes to stand next to me gripping my arm. “Now are you two going to come willingly or am I going to

have to use force?” “F**k you, Lucas.” “We will not be going anywhere with you willingly.” He laughs

like he just heard the funniest joke. “I’m glad you said that, I was hoping to start your punishment.” He

raises his hand and I step in front of Iris. I start to chant and we are engulfed in a purple sphere the

color of the ring. Lucas laughs “how cute sister you have learned a new trick.” He waves his hand in

our direction but nothing happens.

His smile immediately falls. It’s replaced with a look of pure anger. He tries again and again, but

nothing happens. He walks forward toward us and I continue to chant. As soon as his hand touches the

purple sphere, he pulls back, falling to his knees. He looks down and there’s a mark that looks like a

burn. His eyes flash to mine with a look of rage and confusion. “What have you done?” Before I can say

anything, I hear Leland. “Lucas” I hear him say to my brother but he never takes his eyes off of me. I’m

sure he is worried that my brother was injured. Lucas has always seemed indestructible, but I guess he

isn’t.” He looks back at Leland and without a word they are gone. That must of killed him to have to

retreat. I smile at that thought. I stop chanting and the sphere disappears.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“Pheobe what the hell was that”, Iris says, taking me by my shoulders. “Honestly, I’m not sure but I’m

glad nonetheless.” She pulls me into a hug. A knock sounds on the door and I stiffen. I can’t imagine he

would try again but I put nothing past Lucas. “Mom” someone calls out and Iris starts for the door. I

grab her arm. “You have no idea if that is really, Lily.” I watch Iris close her eyes and when she opens

them, she smiles. “I may not have my powers but I can sense my baby.” I let go of her arm and she

starts toward the door. I follow behind her and we hear a growl and the word “Mate” from someone.

She turns looking at me with a smile but I have no idea what the hell is happening right now.

Lily POV

There were ten check-ins on that list since yesterday. I don’t care if I have to bang on every one of

those doors, I will. We move floor to floor and with each room that isn’t them the pit in my stomach

grows. We reach the third floor and knock on the room that I found my beautiful friend in. That would be

ironic, wouldn’t it? There is silence and I’m just about to move to the next door when I sense my

mother. “Mom” I say and still there is silence. I finally hear movement and after a few seconds I hear a

growl behind me. I turn and Michael’s eyes are black. “Mate” he says, and at first I’m happy for

Michael. Then I think about where she comes from and my heart breaks a little after all Michael has

been through. I pray that he suffers no more heart break.

The door opens and my mother’s beautiful face is staring back at me. I engulf her in my arms and I will

never let her go again. “Mom, thank the goddess.” “I’m so sorry.” “No, don’t you do that young lady.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for.” “It was my job to protect you, no matter the cost.” I can feel the tears

running down my cheeks at her words. I hear someone screech and we separate long enough to see

Michael wrapped around the girl that I saw during the location spell. She starts to fight and I laugh. She

has no idea what’s happening. Wolves scent their mates but we must make eye contact to recognize

our beloveds. “Michael, put her down and look into her eyes.” He growls low and Neal steps in front of

me. Goddess, I love this man. “Michael, she is your mate but she needs to see your eyes.” After a few

seconds, he finally must take control of his wolf and he releases her.

Pheobe POV

My heart is full as I watch Lily embrace Iris. Thank the goddess they came and Iris will be safe now. As

I watch them, I am lifted off my feet and wrapped in two strong arms. What the hell is happening right

now? I start to fight. Maybe they think I am like Lucas. I hear Lily begin to speak and call this man

Michael. Did she just call me his “mate?” That can’t be, he is never going to want a black magic witch

for his mate. He steps back, listening to Lily, and he places his hands on my face. When our eyes

finally meet, I can’t believe this is happening. I whisper “beloved” and he smiles. For a moment, I let

myself wish this could really happen, but then I step back. I see the look of disappointment and it

shatters me. Iris comes over wrapping her arm around me.

“You two have a lot to talk about so let’s get some place safe so that can happen.” “Iris is right, Lucas

left but that doesn’t mean he won’t come back.” “He was here” Lily says with anger in her voice. “Lily,

we can talk about that once we are some place safe” Iris says. Lily nods and comes to stand between

me and her mother. She wraps her arms around us both. I see the look of sympathy she gives Michael

before we are gone. We reappear near what looks like a mansion. A few seconds later, Michael and

two other men appear a few feet away. Lily takes our hands and we follow down a path leading to a

huge building. “Lily, where are we going” her mother asks. “We are in my pack and heading to the pack

hospital.” “That really isn’t necessary, Lily” Iris says. “Mom please” she says and Iris says no more. We

arrive and two doctors come toward us. “Miss, come with me” a male doctor says as he takes my arm. I

hear a growl behind me and the doctor looks up into Michael’s very pissed-looking eyes. I roll my eyes

and follow the doctor.

Michael POV

As soon as I catch her scent at the hotel, all the bad sh*t seems to fade away just knowing that my

mate is on the other side of the door. When I’m finally able to wrap her in my arms, the tingles where

our skin touches is amazing. I don’t even realize at first she is fighting me. I finally manage to push

Jaxon down and listen to Lily’s words. I set her on her feet, taking her face in my hands. The minute

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

our eyes meet, I see the moment she realizes who I am to her. She whispers the most beautiful words I

have ever heard, “beloved.” When she steps back from me, I feel like my heart is being ripped out. I

pray to the goddess this woman doesn’t plan to reject me. I am strong but I will lose it completely.

Watching her disappear makes me want to shift. Neal puts his hand on my shoulder. “Give her time,

she’ll come around.” “I hope you’re right.” John wraps his arms around both of us and we appear in the

pack yard. She is about ten feet from us but it feels like miles. They turn and start walking. I have no

intention of letting her out of my sight. I will give her time to accept me, but I need to be near her. “I

want my mate” Jaxon says. “I know, I do to.” We walk into the waiting room to see Dr. Long touching

my mate. I growl before I can stop myself. His eyes whip to mine and he nods, realizing who she is to

me. Once she is through the doors, I take a seat and try to stay calm.

Atlas POV

“Have you heard anything from Walker yet?” “Don’t you think I would have told you if I had Thomas.”

“For all I know, they could all be dead at this point.” “Max is a strong wolf and I have faith he can take

care of James” Thomas says. “You better hope so because if not I’m sure they will strip you of your

title.” Thomas growls “f**k them, I will make them all pay if they try to strip my title.” “If Max doesn’t kill

James, I will.” As we talk, I feel a link. “Alpha it’s Walker.” “Is it done?” “Yes Alpha but Max did not

survive.” I chuckle “bring your a**es back its time to take my Luna back.” “Yes, Alpha, we should be

there shortly.” “We were almost caught so we have been in hiding.” I cut the link because I only care

that the Elders are dead. “It seems you’re in luck Thomas, they are dead.” “Unfortunately, your friend

didn’t survive.” “Where have they been?” “Taking care of things is all you need to know.” I can see he

wants to say more but he doesn’t. We are so close and I can’t wait to watch that ba**ard beg for his life.

Maybe I’ll f**k her right in front of him before I rip him apart.

Lincoln POV

“Walker, understand something, if you don’t stand by all you told the Elder I will not hesitate to break

your neck myself.” “Alpha, I would never have followed him if I knew all he had done.” “I promise you

that by the time you arrive at the pack we will be ready to take Atlas down.”