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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 23
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 23

23 The Truth

Lily POV

“You’re a f**king liar” I say and my father steps toward me raising his hand to slap me. I hear a growl

from behind me and my father finally acknowledges that I’m not alone. He lowers his hand with a look

of disgust on his face. “You brought a filthy wolf to my coven.” “That handsome wolf is my beloved and I

would be very careful how you speak, Conrad.” “Do you think I’m scared of a little girl or this animal” he

says pointing at Neal. “You should, be very scared of the witch that Iris’s daughter has become” John

says. He laughs “scared of what you pathetic traitor?” “Do you think that I don’t have warlocks here that

will deal with the three of you?” I place my hand on John’s arm. “I have no desire to be here or even

look at you after what you tried to do to me.” “I just want my mother.” “Time away from the coven has

made your ears not work apparently Lilth, your mother is dead.” “You don’t get to call me that.” “Only

my mother gets to call me that.” “I don’t believe a word you say and I’m not leaving without my mother.”

John comes to stand next to me. “Where is my mother, Conrad” John asks. “She came to Lily so don’t

try to say she is dead.” He looks pissed at first but then he laughs again “your mother went against me

and the coven so she is being punished for her crimes.” I raise my hand and my father rises in the air.

He starts to grab for his throat as I begin to choke him without even touching him. He attempts to cast

against me but he can’t. I watch his eyes get big and I just smile. “What’s wrong Conrad shocked this

little girl is more powerful than you.” I drop him to the floor. “I have no desire to end your pathetic life but

if you keep my mother from me I will absolutely do it.” He is gasping for air and again tries to cast

against me. “What have you done?” “I used my powers to stop yours, now you can tell me where Aunt

Jiselle and mom are or I can finish what I just started.” I see fear flash across his face. “Jiselle is in the

cells.” “My mother” I say as a question.

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“Your mother isn’t here.” “I told you that day I called you to my office that I had made a deal with the

Black Rose Coven and you left anyway.” “Lucas the new leader of the coven came for you the day after

your birthday and your mother refused to tell either of us where you went.” “He wanted you and he was

irate that you were gone.” Neal pulls me to his side “mine.” “I’m yours love, no one will ever have me

but you” I link him. My father rolls his eyes in disgust but continues. “Lucas was livid and because you

broke the deal, he took your mother in your place.” I feel sick to my stomach with what he just said. He

allowed another man to take his beloved and my mother. “What the f**k do you mean he took her?”

“You know exactly what I mean.” “Because of you another man has my beloved.” “You allowed that

warlock to take my mother.” “I told you that we needed the protection of that coven.” “He would have

killed me and everyone here.” “Had you just thought about someone other than yourself none of this

would have happened.” “You selfish b**ch.”

“You are disgusting.” “I would die before I would ever allow someone to have my beloved.” “You are no

warlock or man for that matter.” “What is the name of the coven that has my mother?” He stays silent

and I step forward. “You were worried about saving your own a** before so know that I will turn you

inside out if you don’t tell me the answer.” “It is the Black Rose Coven and Lucas Morris is the leader

who took your mother.” “That is a black magic coven you ba**ard.” This time I raise my hand slapping

my father across the face. “For the crimes you committed against my mother and your beloved you will

be punished by me.” I wave my hands and he winces as energy flows from him to me. He starts to feel

himself obviously thinking I was going to take his life. “Don’t worry Conrad, I’ve given you something

worse then death for a man like you.” “You will live the rest of your pathetic life as a powerless human.”

“Death is too good for you.” I watch as he tries to cast but nothing happens. “You can’t do this.” “I can

and I did.” “Have a nice life.”

I turn to John and Neal. “Let’s get Jiselle and leave this place.” Neither say anything and we leave the

office heading to the cells. When we reach the door, a warlock is standing there with his arms crossed.

I wave my arm before he can do anything and he falls to the floor. We walk down the stairs and the

conditions are disgusting. John is ready to lose it as we go from cell to cell. John reaches the last cell

and he throws the door open. We rush inside and my aunt looks like she has been beat and starved.

The room we are in is hampering my magic so I’m sure it stopped hers completely. John picks her up

and we leave the cell. I can see he is torn. “We need to take care of your mom but I promise you that

anyone who helped my father do this will pay just as he has.” He nods before we teleport back to the

pack. We rush to the pack hospital. “Alert the Alpha we have returned now” I say to the nurse.

Lincoln POV

Amelia and I are sitting in my office and I can tell she is worried about Lily. I walk around the desk

picking her up and sitting down on the couch with her in my lap. “Love I know your worried but Lily is

strong and Neal will never let anything happen to her.” “I know I’m more worried about what will happen

if she can’t help her mother.” “Lily is going to blame herself for leaving even though she had no other

choice.” My phone rings and when I answer a nurse from the hospital is talking fast. “When” I ask.

“They just arrived Alpha and Lily wanted me to call you.” I hang up setting Amelia on her feet. “Amelia,

we need to go to the pack hospital.” Panic flashes across her face. “Lily is ok but she needs us to come

to the hospital now.” We arrive at the hospital five minutes later and the nurse shows us to the room. As

soon as we walk in Amelia rushes toward Lily wrapping her in her arms.

Dr. Neilson is checking out a woman that I assume is Lily’s mother. Just looking at her makes me want

to shift. Once Amelia lets go of Lily I pull her into a hug. “Dr. Neilson will help your mother.” She pulls

back “this is my Aunt Jiselle, John’s mother.” I look and John is holding her hand. I don’t even want to

ask but I need to know what happened. “Lily what happened?” Amelia takes Lily’s hand as she retells

the story. Talon is growling as we listen to what her father did. How could he betray Lily and his mate to

maintain his position in the coven. My mind flashes to my father actions before I bring myself back to

this conversatiuon. “Lily the pack will be at your disposal to get your mother back from this ba**ard.”

“Thank you but I won’t put the pack members in harm’s way.” “This coven is black magic and will not

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hesitate to harm anyone that gets in their way.” I smile “I appreciate that you want to protect the pack

but you are part of it and we will be here when you need us.” “Thank you, Lincoln.”

“Lincoln, I need to speak with you” my father links me. “I’m busy, I don’t have time to speak with you

now.” “Lincoln please, I need to speak to you about what happened.” “Fine, I will finish here and meet

you in my office in twenty minutes.” “Thank you, Lincoln.” I cut the link without another word. Amelia is

looking at me with concern. I lean in “my father wants to speak with me.” “I can stay here so you can

have privacy with him.” “Absolutely not, you are my Luna and there will be no secrets between us.” She

smiles and kisses my lips. “We need to go speak with my father but if you need us just call my phone.”

Amelia hugs Lily and we head back to the pack house. When we walk in Jennifer comes rushing

toward us. “Lincoln I need to speak with you it’s important.” I growl “I don’t have time to speak to you

and honestly Jenn anything you have to say you can talk to Michael about.” I take Amelia’s hand

heading to my office. My father is waiting inside and when he sees Amelia he stands. “I mean no

offense Amelia but I would like to speak to Lincoln alone.” I pull her close to me. “You either speak to

me with her here or you can leave.”

Lucas POV

The phone on my desk rings and I pick it up. When I see the name flash on the screen, I roll my eyes

“what Conrad?” “Lucas, I need your help.” I laugh “you didn’t honor the deal and you want my help

now.” “You’re lucky I haven’t destroyed your pathetic little coven.” “Lily came here today looking for Iris.”

“Where is she now?” “She left and took Jiselle but she knows you have Iris.” “You let her leave you

a**hole.” “Why didn’t you keep her there and call me?” “She is too strong, she took my powers.” I laugh

“that’s very interesting.” “I am on my way.” I hang up and head to my room. I open the door that leads

into a separate room off my bedroom. “Put this on we are going on a trip.” Iris sits up from the bed she

is laying on. She doesn’t ask a question just slips the sundress over her head. I grab her wrist pulling

her up before I teleport us to Conrad’s office. When he sees us, his eyes look to Iris. His eyes go to her

neck and I see the anger flash across his face but he is too much of a coward to say a word. “Sit pet

and be a good girl” I say pointing to a chair. She does as I say and I turn back to Conrad. “Tell me

exactly what happened Conrad, now.”