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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 15
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 15

15 Unexpected Mate

Amelia POV

We walk back to the office and I feel like Lily isn’t telling me everything. I’m sure she is definitely

worried about me and my pup but there is something else going on. I’ll give her some time, but I don’t

want secrets between us. I meant what I said to her about being like sisters. We reach the office and I

sit on the couch. Lily comes and sits next to me so we are across from Neal. Lincoln looks at her with

confusion but I just shake my head at him to let her stay. It’s like she is uncomfortable around Neal, but

he is a good guy. It doesn’t make any sense. Lincoln lets it go and takes the seat next to Neal. John is

still standing. “Neal, I’m sorry for rushing out earlier” Lily says. “Thank you for believing Amelia and

being willing to help her.” “There is no need to thank me for doing the right thing, I assure you, Lily.”

“Had I known what was happening to Amelia when it was actually happening, I would have made sure

that Elias and I beat his a**.”

“I’m sorry, Neal, I forgot to tell you that earlier.” “Elias did know before I left.” “I couldn’t keep that from

him.” “I went to his office after I heard them and told Elias everything.” Neal’s face contorts into a look

of anger. “You told Elias that his mate was f**king his brother before you left the pack.” I nod not

understanding his anger. I couldn’t keep that from Elias. “I’m sorry Neal, he had the right to know what

was happening.” “You misunderstand why I’m so upset.” “I would never expect you to keep it from

Elias.” “I’m upset because if Elias knew that Freya was being unfaithful, how did she get close enough

to stab him that day.” “I don’t know about you but if my mate betrayed me with my brother, I wouldn’t be

hugging her.” “What are you saying Neal?” “I’m saying something about Elias’s death doesn’t make

sense.” “It never did but I couldn’t put my finger on it.” The minute I realize what he is saying I feel sick.

“He couldn’t, that can’t be true.” I rush out of the room to the nearest bathroom. As soon as I make it to

the bathroom I puke. I wretch until there is nothing left in my stomach. I feel a hand rubbing circles on

my back and holding my hair. I expect it to be Lily, but when I stand it’s Lincoln. “I’m sorry, I didn’t really

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want you to see me puking.” He wets a paper towel and wipes my face. “You are my mate and I will

hold your hair while you puke every time.” “We will care for each other and sometimes it won’t be

pretty.” “Talk to me love?” “How could I not know what a monster I was mated to Lincoln?” He pulls me

into his arms.

“He only allowed you to see the mask he wore love.” “There was no way for you to know who he truly

was when he was hiding it from you and your pack.” “He killed his own brother.” “That means he

probably killed Freya too.” The tears flow freely down my cheeks. He holds me in silence for a few

minutes before I finally compose myself. I pull back and he wipes the tears from my cheeks. “We are

going to make him pay for all he has done Amelia, I promise you.” We head back to the office and Lily

rushes over to me. “Are you alright?” “Not really but I will be.” She hugs me before we sit back down.

“I’m sorry Amelia I didn’t mean to upset you” Neal says. “Elias was not only my Alpha but he was my

friend.” “It’s not your fault I’m upset Neal.” “I just didn’t realize what a monster I was mated to.”

Neal POV

“I know you said your meeting with the Elders tomorrow.” “I would like to be here with you to speak to

the elders about my suspicions surrounding Elias’s death.” I can see the shock on Amelia’s face. “Neal,

you are jeopardizing your own life.” “If Atlas could kill his own brother, he will have no problem killing

you if he finds out you betrayed him.” “I cannot return to that pack Amelia knowing what I know.” “I’m

not a very good actor.” I smile “I would rather be a rogue or dead before I stay in a pack run by that

ba**ard.” “No” Lily says before she stands. “No, I can’t meet with the Elders” I say as a question to her.

“No, you can’t die” Lily says. It’s sweet she cares if something happens to me. She is beautiful and kind

even if she is acting strange. “She is not our mate, so don’t even think about it”, Jasper says in my

head. “Give it a rest, I can think a woman is pretty without betraying our mate.” I block him and return to

our conversation. “I’ll be fine Lily but I appreciate your concern.” She sits back down and I turn to

Lincoln and repeat my question. “Absolutely you can meet with the Elders with us.” “What will you tell

Atlas when he calls” Amelia asks. “I will not be answering Atlas again.” “I have already sent the other

warriors back to the pack after the incident in the hotel.”

“Alpha Lincoln, I need to break my allegiance to the pack.” “I would like to do that before we meet with

the Elders tomorrow.” “Of course, I can have Michael drive you to the pack border so you can say the

words to break your bond.” “That’s not necessary I can take him” John says. “I’m coming too” Lily says.

“That isn’t really necessary.” “I can shift and run to the border.” “Then I can return to the cabin until

tomorrow.” “That isn’t necessary Neal, we have a cabin you can use in the pack” Lincoln says. “Alpha, I

don’t expect you to allow me to stay in your pack.” “I’m not allowing you to stay in my pack.” “I’m

inviting you to join my pack Neal once you break your bond to the Darkmoon pack.” “I’m not trying to

sound ungrateful but why would you do that for me?” “That’s what an Alpha does Neal.” “You are an

honorable wolf and you don’t deserve to be a rogue for doing the right thing.” “Thank you, Alpha

Lincoln, I really appreciate your kindness.” “I will gladly accept you invitation.”

I go to stand near John and Lily joins us. “Neal picture your pack border and I will teleport you just

outside it.” I nod and John places his hand on my shoulder. I ready myself as I have never been

teleported before. Lily places her hand on my arm while I’m looking at John. I whip my head in her

direction and my eyes land on hers when I feel tingles on the spot she touches. She immediately raises

her hand, but before I can say anything, John and I are at the border. “Jasper, what the hell was that.” “I

don’t know but we need to talk to her.” “Neal, are you alright.” “Yes, I’m fine.” I shake it off because we

are here now and I need to get this over with. I turn to the pack. “I, Neal Connor Martin, break all ties

with the Darkmoon pack.” “I leave behind its secrets and break my bond with Alpha Atlas Canfield.” I

immediately feel the bond break. Jasper whimpers in my mind at the loss of his pack. “I don’t think we

should hang around, are you ready” John asks. “Yes, I’m ready but I have a question before we go

back to the Nightfire Pack.” He waits for me to ask my question. “Is Lily a witch?” “Yes, she is why are

you asking that.” “I need to speak with her before I answer that question.” He looks at me with

confusion. “It’s nothing bad I promise you but I need to speak with Lily.” He nods before he places his

hand on my shoulder again.

We appear back in Lincoln’s office. “Where is she?” Amelia looks at me confused before she realizes

who I meant. “She said she needed to go for a walk alone.” “What’s wrong, Neal?” “I just need to speak

with her.” I can see the moment she realizes what’s happening. “How could that be you would have

known?” I look at John and Lincoln before I answer. “I believe she is masking her scent.” The smile that

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breaks out on Amelia’s face is brilliant. “I’m sure she will be back soon.” “She probably needed a

moment.” “I’m sorry Amelia but you know Jasper and I can’t wait.” “We need to see her now.” “I know

what you’re saying Neal but Lily has been through a lot so you’re going to need to be patient” Lincoln

says. I pray no one has hurt her because I’m going to lose my mind. “Can someone please tell me what

the hell is going on”, John says. I laugh “I guess it’s too late to talk to her first.” “John, I believe that Lily

is my mate.” “That’s why she has been acting so weird”, John says. “She knew that day in the hotel but

she said nothing.” He reaches out his hand shaking mine. “Welcome to our family.” “Let’s hope she

agrees but thank you.” “I know Lily she may be scared but finding her mate is all she ever wanted.”

“See our mate wants us.” “Calm down Jasper we need to give her time.” “I want her as much as you

do.” “John why don’t you show Neal to the cabin.” I nod and follow John. I say a prayer to the goddess

that we can talk to her soon.

Lily POV

I return to the room I’m staying in and close the door behind me. “I’ve been waiting for you”, the voice

scares the hell out of me. “Amelia what the f**k, you scared the sh*t out of me.” “What’s wrong that

you’re waiting for me?” “Are John and Neal alright?” She smiles “your cousin and mate are just fine.”

“What did you just say?” “You heard me, why didn’t you tell me?” “I was going to Amelia but I was trying

to wrap my own mind around that he’s a wolf?” She looks disappointed and I realize she thinks I care

that he is a wolf. “Amelia, I don’t care that Neal’s a wolf but I’m sure he cares what I am.” “I know how

most wolves feel about my kind.” She gets up and comes to stand in front of me. She puts her hands

on my shoulders. “I think you need to speak to your mate before you make any assumptions about how

he feels.” “Why what did he say?” “Oh no you’re going to talk to him.” “I’m not saying anything.” I pout

but she just hugs me before she leaves my room.

The Next Day

Lincoln POV

We are waiting in my office when I get the link from the patrol guard that the Elders have arrived.

Michael, Neal, Amelia, and myself are in the office. The elders are good wolves but I have no idea how

they would act if I included a witch and warlock in our meeting, so John and Lily aren’t here with us. A

few minutes later, there is a knock and the guard leads Elder James and Thomas into my office. They

stop dead when they see Amelia and Neal. “What is going on here”, Elder Thomas says and he doesn’t

look happy.