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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

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Dustin had already altered his looks so that he didn't stand out so much. Thus, it was weird that a

beautiful woman would hit on him.

"Melissa, the martial world is filled with dangers. Don't simply talk to strangers. There's a lot of

hypocritical people in this world nowadays."

At this moment, the two young men before Melissa turned around.

One was dressed in green, while the other wore yellow.

The man in green was tall and muscular, giving off an impressive aura.

The man in yellow was short and had a gaunt face. One would think he was malnourished.

"Krel, Jimmy, this is Dustin Rhys. He's also here to take part in the Combat Tournament," Melissa

quickly introduced.

"So many people signed up for the competition, but not all can pass the test. Some are destined to be

also-rans and watch from the crowd," the man in green, Krel Webb, replied indifferently.

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There was a hint of indifference when he glanced at Dustin.

"Krel is right. Only a few out of many here can pass the test. Someone who doesn't belong to a sect

isn't even qualified to compete. He's just here for the fun of it. How could Boulderthorn's elites like us

associate with normal people like him?" The man in yellow, Jimmy Olsen, looked arrogant.

Boulderthorn was one of the top sects in Balerno.

Thus, they were all elites handpicked to represent Boulderthorn in taking part in the competition.

Naturally, they wouldn't pay normal martial artists any heed.

"You can't put it this way. It's all about participation. It's a lucky opportunity to be able to witness talents

from all walks of life. There's no need to be so hung up on winning or losing," Melissa rebuked.

"Melissa, you're wrong. As a man, we need to make a name for ourselves and dominate the world.

That way, we can make the most of our lives. Thus, Boulderthorn needs to win in the Combat

Tournament. I'll also use this chance and make a name for myself!" Krel exclaimed while puffing his


"Krel is indeed a genius of his generation. He'll definitely become famous throughout the world for his

participation in this event!" Jimmy added.

"Melissa, you shouldn't get yourself associated with the wrong people. You're an elite disciple of

Boulderthorn, and you have a bright future ahead of you. Thus, you shouldn't get involved with


While saying that, Krel even glanced at Dustin meaningfully.

"Krel, how can you say that? All of us are just human beings in the martial world. Nobody is more

superior than the other." Melissa furrowed her eyebrows.

"Melissa, there's still a lot you don't know since you just entered the martial world. Although some

people seem friendly, they actually have sinister intentions. You need to be careful," Krel advised.

Jimmy added, "That's right. You won't go wrong if you listen to Krel. He's knowledgeable and

experienced in the martial world. Plus, we're from the top sect in Balerno. You shouldn't stoop down to

befriend some nobodies."

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Hearing their mocking words, Dustin couldn't help but laugh.

However, he didn't rebuke them but looked at them as if they were clowns.

"Hey! Why are you smiling? Do you think we're wrong?" Jimmy was displeased seeing Dustin laugh.

"I don't know about that. I'm only curious if all disciples from Boulderthorn are so arrogant," Dustin


"How dare you disrespect our sect! Do you want to die?" Jimmy glared at him.

"There's no need to bother with such riffraff. We don't need to stoop to his level. He wouldn't even have

had a chance to meet us if Sacred Wrym Summit hadn't organized this tournament. Thus, we won't

each other again after the trial today. He can only look up to us from now on, so there's no need to pay

him any heed." Krel raised his hand to stop Jimmy from getting angry disdainfully.

"That's true." Jimmy nodded before sneering. "You brat! Once we raise the cauldron, you'll naturally

understand the difference between us. Let's see how you're going to defend yourself by then!"

"Let's wait and see, then." Dustin smiled mockingly.

The two were just Divine-level martial artists. Yet, they were acting so prideful.