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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2229
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Chapter 2229 "Of course, we trusted you. We believe you," Brian said with an apologetic smile.

He went on, "If it weren't for you, Alicia would probably be dead by now." "It's just a small effort on my part. So, it's nothing to fuss over," Kenan said while stroking his beard.

He added, "Sanny, feed her a bit more of that Enigma Mist and let Ms.

Marshall witness my capability." "Yes, sir!" Sanny replied. He then carefully fed Alicia a couple more sips of the Enigma Mist.

After swallowing the tonic, Alicia's legs twitched, and then she went still.

Sanny was stunned upon seeing that. Then, he cautiously checked Alicia's breathing. In an instant, he jerked back as if electrocuted, and his face contorted in fear.

He stammered, "Dr. Quake! The... the patient has stopped breathing." "What?" The revelation sent shockwaves through the room. Even the self-assured Kenan looked shaken.

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"Stopped breathing? How is that even possible?" Kenan pushed his disciple aside and checked Alicia's pulse. It had indeed stopped.

"How could this be? This shouldn't have happened!" He panicked.

He had carefully followed the steps.

First, the Styx Passage technique was used to extract the toxin from Alicia's body. Then, it was supplemented with the Enigma Mist. Everything should have proceeded smoothly.

In theory, Alicia should have at least regained svitality after drinking the tonic and begun to recover. But she remained unconscious, and she had also stopped breathing entirely. What went wrong? "Dr. Quake! Didn't you say everything would be fine? Why has my sister stopped breathing?" Aurora was agitated and grabbed Kenan's shirt.

Before the treatment, he made grand promises. However, as soon as he began, everything went terribly wrong. First, there were convulsions, followed by blood vomiting. And ultimately, she stopped breathing. What kind of skilled doctor was this? He was a quack doctor.

"Dr. Quake! What... What the heck is happening?" Brian frowned and eyed him suspiciously.

"Don't worry. It's just a coma-like state. She can still be saved. She can be saved!" Kenan wiped the sweat off his brow and tried to stay calm.

In his years of experience in the medical field, he had treated countless patients and faced situations like this. However, this case was different.

Alicia was a patient with powerful connections and influence. Failing to save her wouldn't just mean losing his reward. It could also tarnish his reputation.

The pressure was immense.

"You better bring my sister back, or you'll pay with your lives!" Aurora screamed.

If she had known Kenan was this incompetent, she would never have listened to him and removed the silver needles. If her sister died, Aurora wouldn't let Kenan off the hook.

"Sanny! Hurry up and get the Revivex!" Kenan didn't hesitate. He promptly instructed his disciple to retrieve his precious possession.

Revivex was a top-grade tablet. He had acquired it from the stoneray Order at a great expense and with a significant favor. It was rumored to bring people back from the brink of death, hence the name.

No matter the severity of the injuries or the absence of pulse and breath, Revivex could temporarily sustain life. This tablet was Kenan's prized possession. It was reserved for a critical moment to save his own life.

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Despite countless offers from wealthy elites, he had always refused to sell it. However, he had no choice but to use it to save Alicia and protect his own life. "Dr. Quake! Here's the Revivex!" Sanny opened the medical kit's hidden compartment. He swiftly retrieved a delicate wooden box and handed it to Kenan.

When Kenan opened the box, a golden tablet was inside. It gleamed transparently under the sunlight and resembled a piece of fine gold. It also had a unique fragrance that was refreshing and invigorating. "Is this the legendary Revivex that can bring people back from the brink of death? It's truly extraordinary." Brian's eyes sparkled with amazement.

He had heard of the tablet from the Stoneray Order. It was a priceless treasure that couldn't be bought regardless of the amount offered.

Due to the rarity of its ingredients, Stoneray Order could only produce one Revivex every ten years. Hence, its value was beyond measure.

Kenan brought out his most precious possession and said, "With Revivex, she will be safe." He took a deep breath and reluctantly fed the tablet to Alicia.

Revivex was a treasure worth more than gold. He would never part with it unless the situation were dire.

Now, he could only hope that the tablet lived up to its legend and could pull Alicia back from death's door. Otherwise, he would be in serious trouble. Failing to save the daughter of the Celestial Alliance's guildmaster could cost him more than he could afford.