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An Understated Dominance by Marina Vittori

Chapter 2223
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Chapter 2223 Grace and Dustin followed a middle-aged woman into the villa.

In the bedroom, a woman of striking beauty and regal presence lay unconscious on the bed.

She was in her early 20s, with flawless skin and captivating features, even in her unconscious state. Her nwas Alicia Marshall, and she held the fifth spot on the Beauty Ranking list.

Each of the top ten women on the Beauty Ranking had a unique appeal. Alicia's beauty was like a rare alpine flower, pure and captivating, even without makeup.

Aside from the unconscious Alicia, there was also a man and a young woman standing in the room.

The man, around 30, dressed sharply in a suit. He was tall and handswith a piercing gaze.

The young woman, about 17 or 18, bore a strong resemblance to Alicia. She was equally beautiful and exuded a youthful energy. She was Alicia's younger sister, Aurora Marshall.

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"Brian, Alicia's condition is worsening by the minute. When will that renowned miracle doctor you call arrive?" Aurora asked. "We can't afford to wait much longer!" She was visibly anxious as she glanced at Alicia lying on the bed.

The sisters had sneaked out without their father's knowledge. They intended to participate in the Combat Tournament for fun and to meet the talents from across the region.

However, Alicia suddenly fell sick a few days ago and slipped into a coma. Her condition deteriorated rapidly. Aurora had tried to summon several renowned miracle doctors from the martial world, but none of them could help. Alicia remained unconscious, and her condition continued to worsen.

Aurora was at her wit's end. If anything happened to Alicia, how would Aurora explain it to Alloy? Brian Stern frowned and said earnestly, "Dr. Kenan Quake is on his way. He should be here soon." Brian was the chief senior disciple of Alloy. Although he wasn't as talented as Fenley, he wielded considerable influence within the Celestial Alliance.

Moreover, he had fallen for Alicia for a long time. So, he was naturally worried when he saw her in this state. "Ms. Aurora! The miracle doctor is here." Martha Burke, the middle-aged woman, rushed in with Dustin and Grace.

"The miracle doctor?" Aurora's face lit up. "Where is he?" "He's right here." Martha gestured toward Dustin.

"Huh?" Aurora blinked in slight confusion. She scrutinized Dustin with a hint of skepticism. "Martha, are you sure you haven't mistaken someone else for the miracle doctor?" She had always pictured miracle doctors as wise elders with charisma. But Dustin appeared entirely ordinary, and he seemed a bit older than her.

There was nothing about him that screamed "miracle doctor".

"This is the miracle doctor brought by Ms. Linsor," Martha hurriedly explained.

"Faith Linsor?" Aurora's gaze lingered on Grace before she recalled the name.

"Hi, Aurora. It's been a while." Grace smiled faintly.

Grace went by the n"Faith Linsor" when she first met Alicia.

"No need for pleasantries. I only have one question. Is this person you've brought capable?" Aurora asked sternly.

Aurora never really warmed up to Grace. She always sensed Grace had shidden agenda. But because Alicia was so close to Grace, Aurora had to ignore her gut feelings.

"Yes," Grace said solemnly. "Dr. Rhys is known for his miraculous healing abilities. He's capable of resurrecting the dead. I believe he can cure Alicia." Upon hearing this, Dustin glanced at Grace. It made him feel awkward to be spoken of so highly.

"Resurrecting the dead? Hmph! Is that so miraculous?" Brian, standing nearby, eyed the pair suspiciously. He wondered how someone in their 20s could have such advanced medical skills.

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Even a miracle doctor wouldn't dare to claim the power to resurrect the dead. So, Brian naturally doubted their credibility when they boldly made such claims. "Why don't you let us try?" Grace didn't elaborate further. She believed actions spoke louder than words.

"Hmph! Alicia is the heiress of the Celestial Alliance. How dare you treat her like sguinea pig? If the N something goes wrong, can you handle the consequences?" Brian said coldly. "I'm her friend. I'd never do anything to hurt her," she replied firmly.

"Alicia has plenty of friends. How do I know who you really are? As her senior, I have to ensure her safety," he said and blocked their path.

To him, Grace and Dustin seemed like opportunists. They probably caught wind of Alicia's illness and figured they would take a shot at curing her.

If they failed, no harm was done. But if they succeeded, it would boost their reputation.

"Alicia's in a critical condition. If we don't act fast, her life is in danger.

Also, if you care about her, please don't get in our way." Grace frowned. 1

"I've already called a miracle doctor. Her illness is none of your concern. I demand that you leave immediately!" Brian's tone was firm as he ordered them out. 4